Shaman’s Awakening

Chapter 3     The Shaman’s Legacy

Chapter 3     The Shaman’s Legacy

The old Taoist had his doubts, while Jiang Han similarly shook his head. At first Jiang Han thought the old man was just a swindler who mistook him for someone else, however now it seems like the old man was messing around with him for his own amus.e.m.e.nt, most likely he had a few screws loose in his head. If only the old man was a swindler, then he could scam as much as he liked because Jiang Han currently had nothing of worth on him to be swindled out of.

However if he was a crazy old man who wouldn’t let him go or was determined to follow him around, then there was nothing Jiang Han could do about it, after all, he couldn’t possibly lower himself to use brute force against an old man.

This matter troubled him greatly, as it is said that, misfortune loves company. Jiang Han was considering how best to resolve of the situation but the old Taoist probably wouldn’t be that patient to wait for him to give him an answer.

At this moment, Jiang Han’s thoughts were completely seen thought by the old Taoist, who felt a little offended. He looked at this young man before him that had look like he wanted to slap the old Taoist to death but then hesitated and then later could not bring himself to do it. Finally after all of that, he was currently considering using some sly tricks to get rid of him.

The old Taoist wasn’t such a simple character to mess around with, especially with his abundant experience  in dealing with various people of different backgrounds. However, he had spent an enormous amount of time and effort in order to find a suitable successor and he finally found Jiang Han, what a waste it would be if he were to falter here.

The odds of someone possessing a set Cultivation Spiritual Roots was minuscule, not to mention one with spiritual roots that does not conform with the five elements. Now that he had, with great difficulty chanced upon one, moreover one with an upright character, and despite any criticism he may have, Jiang Han was an excellent candidate. The old Taoist was reluctant to let this opportunity slip through his hands.

As it stands, the issue was that Jiang Han stubbornly refuse to believe him, but before that he had to first figure out how to diffuse this awkward and embarra.s.sing situation. Perhaps, he could give Jiang Han a little display of his abilities which he had no doubt would convince him, however this method would not have the outcome that he wanted.

The higher one stood, the deeper one’s understanding of worldly matters were. A forced acceptance would bear no fruit, it was better to let fate run its course.

“Ai, forget it. I’ll keep it short, just accept this item.” After consideration, if he wanted Jiang Han to believe him, the best and most direct method was to pa.s.s him the legacy. Later on, when Jiang Han learns how marvellous the legacy is, by then he would surely no longer doubt him.

He immediately put his thoughts to action, the old Taoist promptly shoved a rolled up leather scroll into Jiang Han’s hands. Unconcerned of Jiang Han’s reaction, he quickly packed up the white banner then swiftly and silently left.

Jiang Han glance down at the leather scroll in his hand for a brief moment, before raising his head to find the old Taoist gone without a trace, it was as if he had vanish into thin air.

He didn’t think much about it, as it was currently dark, not to mention that the street lights weren’t very bright, it was entirely possible that he was just quick-footed. Without reading into it, Jiang Han considered the entire incident akin to an film intermission, after all, his state of mind right now had improved considerably.

Under the dimly lit street, Jiang Han brought the leather scroll before his eyes, and unravelled the leather string tied around it. He opened the leather scroll to find that it was blank without any content.

“As I thought, it was a prank.” Jiang Han said to himself. He saw that there was a trash bin nearby, and so he walked over to throw the scroll away. He never imagined that before he could take a single step, his body staggered and then fell head first onto the floor.

In that moment he panicked and stuck his hand out to reduce the impact, however the leather scroll in his hand shifted upon contact with the ground and he was unable to bear his own weight. His head smash right onto the ground, his vision blurred and he started seeing stars. When he eventually got up, his nose was bleeding profusely.

He did not have any napkin on him that he could use to wipe the blood from his nose with, and so left with no choice he could only conveniently use the leather scroll in his hand as a subst.i.tute.

The scroll that was stained with his blood suddenly came to life. A bright light suddenly appeared from the scroll and just as quickly disappeared into thin air. In the split of a second that this occurred, Jiang Han was barely able to make out the shadow of some unknown creature that flew out from the scroll and into the s.p.a.ce in between his eyebrows. Just then, the leather scroll that was in his hand vanished.

An enormous amount of information was abruptly transmitted directly into his head. It was as if a thumb drive was inserted into his head, transferring all the data inside. Unfortunately, it felt like his human brain’s hardware were inadequate, it could not withstand the tremendous amount of instantaneous transfer of information, which cause him to experience unimaginable pain.

Jiang Han crouch down on the ground and grabbed his head with his hands, which felt like it was on the verge of exploding. He search through his mind but was unable to find any matching symptoms for a diagnosis. Although rather unwilling to admit, but the only cause that he could think of was the missing leather scroll in his hands.


He could no longer distract himself from the pain to continue a.n.a.lysing. The pain in his head was unbearable and eventually his consciousness began to fade. He felt his eye lids were becoming increasingly heavy and soon he could no longer keep them open and fell onto the ground.

“Little thing, how could you even consider throwing away my previous gift. Maybe now you’ll understand who you’re dealing with” The old Taoist that was hidden nearby could see the entire chain of events. With this, the old Taoist grin surrept.i.tiously, finally the inheriting process was now half complete.

With a wave of his hand, Jiang Han that was unconscious on the ground vanished, shortly later the old Taoist himself was also nowhere to be seen.

“Shamanism belongs to a branch of Taishang Laojun’s Taoism Legacy. This legacy includes: Shamanism, The Art of Healing, Talisman, Pill Refinement and Immortal Cultivation.”

“Shamanism encompa.s.s Spirit Medium’s and Hex & Curses, they are also able to absorb Karma and Faith and convert it into personal power”

“A Shaman’s goal is to ensure the Huangdi Neijing (Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor), Huangdi Waijing (Outer Canon of the Yellow Emperor) together with the Ancient Medical Method are continuously pa.s.sed on”

“The cultivation methods are divided into TaiShang Laojun’s Heavenly Mystic Abyss sutra and Tao Te Ching”

“Shamanism and Medicine complement each other, one’s cultivation level and understanding determines the boundary between the two.”

“… …”

Even though Jiang Han had lost consciousness, all of these information continuously entered his mind, integrating with his own memories. All this information felt like it was his own knowledge to begin with, nothing felt out of place.

Eventually, Jiang Han notice that he had become a spot of light, floating about in a mysterious place. This mysterious place was dark without light, but it somehow did not disrupt his vision, even so all that he was able to see was nothingness, except for the unclear image of a shadow that was completely covered in mist right in front of him.

“If I gave you the strength of a hundred men, what would you do with it?” said the shadow in a rather fuzzy voice, however it’s intent was clearly conveyed.

“Are you talking to me?” Jiang Han heard the voice but he was uncertain.

He waited for half a day but there was no reply. He could not see anything else in this s.p.a.ce, so Jiang Han determined that he most probably was just talking to himself. The question pose was seemly simple, anyone would have once imagined that they could one day fly, or kill a bear with a punch. With this kind of power, they could do anything they want.

Having said that, one had to carefully consider that if one’s power were truly boundless, then everything the heart desires could be made possible, furthermore man’s desires knows no bound.

How to control this limitless power was seemingly more difficult than obtaining said power. After serious contemplation, Jiang Han answered: “Obtain as much as possible all the things that I want, without hurting anything or anyone, .”

“How forthright of you, but you need to remember what you’ve just said. It is akin to an oath and that will be held responsible to. If you fail to honour your oath, you will be made accountable.” Replied the voice of the shadow, “and now I ask you, this Shaman’s Legacy, do you want to inherit it?”


“If you do, then you will begin your journey that is fundamentally different from ordinary folks. If you do, you will be able to obtain much, but so is it possible to loss much more. If you do, there is a possibility that you will no longer be you. If you do, you will become a Shaman. Do you still want to inherit this legacy? I will give you 3 breaths worth of time to consider.”

The shadow’s voice was aggressive and imposing, it wasn’t easy for Jiang Han to compose all his thoughts. Within 3 breaths worth of time, that is, within 5 to 6 seconds he had to make a decision. The various and many thoughts in his mind sped pa.s.s quickly, and he thought of a great many things within these few seconds before finally coming to a decision.

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