She Died

Chapter 2

“Don’t! Stop, ow! Ah! Please stop! Ow! Ugh!”

“Ha? Come again? Were you saying something?” He kicked the boy laying on the floor dirtied by his own blood on his side.

“P-Please stop, Eros…”

“Ha? What? What did you say?” He lowered his head and looked down, cupping his hands over his ear as if he really wanted to hear what the other was saying.

“Please Eros… I’m begging you,” the poor guy reacher for his right leg pathetically as he pleaded with tears but Eros just shoved the poor guy’s hands away. “That’s my whole allowance for this month…”

“And so?” Eros asked with a bored tone.

“If you take that from me, I don’t know where I would get money to pay my needs for a whole month. I’d starve to death! My dad wouldn’t give me any more, so please Eros… have pity…”

“Aw… is that so?” He bent down and slowly let the wallet from his hand come closer to the boy he was bullying, as if he would give it back.
“T-Thanks Eros!” The boy was in tears when he grasped his wallet in his hand, but the other hadn’t let go of his wallet yet so he could only tug it back. “E-Eros?”

“You’re welcome… not,” he flashed a devilish grin and after that he kicked the other boy on the chest, making him fly over to the side of the building and thereby letting go of the wallet he was holding.

“Oops, didn’t mean it. Got your hopes too high didn’t you?”

With gritted teeth, he glared at Eros as if he was killing him mentally because he couldn’t do it physically, knowing his situation.

Eros waved his hand in the air, dismissing the poor guy, “I’m going, I’m not interested in you anymore. Tell your daddy someone robbed you so he might give you another allowance.”

He turned his back and started walking away. When he got to a few steps away, he stopped and turned to the other boy, “Tell him I did this to you, and I’ll be back to hunt you down. Now, you don’t want your body missing, do you?”

The poor guy shuddered after hearing what he said. Eros only laughed at him before he really left the abandoned building where he dragged and mugged the poor guy

He was actually sort of a criminal, as he wasn’t even a minor anymore. He was 18 and he could really have been thrown in jail if he got caught but because he was doing those dirty things for years and with some much more experienced people in his peers back then to teach him how to deal with escaping and hiding he always got away with the law. He had never killed someone but he had beaten up many people who almost died because of how severe the beating was. But really, killing wasn’t a problem to him. He didn’t fear anything, he didn’t care for anything. He just hated everything and he thought that was enough of a reason to do those bad things…

“Hooo! That guy had a lot money! This is going to last me for long!” He happily exited the alley, going through the wallet of the boy he just robbed it of.

“Wow, really? How much is in it?”

“More than four thousand probably, s.h.i.t! This is going to buy me a lot of cigarettes!” He was still ecstatic over how much money he was holding in his hands.

“Uwa~ that is a lot of money! What are you going to do with that?”

“Of course I’m going to buy cigarettes and then—- AHHHHHHH!!!”

“AHHHHHHH!!!” The girl was surprised by his shouting and started to shout too.


“AHHHHHHH!!!” The girl shouted again, and this time she even closed her eyes and ears.

“s.h.i.t! Could you stop screaming!?” Eros finally recovered from his shock and he quickly silenced the girl’s shouting. He only screamed because of his surprise over the girl’s sudden presence. Since he was counting the money, he didn’t even notice that someone was talking to him and he answered back, and that they were following him. He didn’t notice the presence of the girl in front of him.

“I only screamed because you did it first, you know,” the girl said, pouting.
“Hey, who the h.e.l.l are you?”

“I’m Eris Jane Trinidad, you can call me Eris,” she said before curtsying, “and I’m your guardian ange! Yay!” She smiled, clapping.
He gave her a “what-the-f.u.c.k” look.

“I’d really like to beat the h.e.l.l out of you,” he really did not mind beating girls, he beat anyone and anything, “but I think it would be a waste of time to beat someone who escaped from a mental hospital.”

“I don’t know whether I should be offended over you saying that you wanted to beat me up or that I escaped from the mental hospital. Fuuui~” She huffed, pouting again.

“Look kid,” since he wasn’t in the mood he just decided to hand her some coins and turn his back on her afterwards, “here are 20 pesos, go buy some mazapan[^1] before I hit you.”

As soon as he placed the money in her hands he turned around and started walking away, but he was quickly surprised at the girl calling his name.

“Eros, wait! Hey, Eros Magdayo, wait for me!” He asked himself, how the heck did she know his name? But before he could even turn around to face the girl did he feel hands hold on to his leg and then waist, before climbing to his back. If he wasn’t so alert, he might have been off balanced already with how quickly the girl did it.

“Yay Piggy back ride! Go horsey go! Weee!”

Piggy back ride? Horsey? She was really out of her mind! That was what Eros thought to himself.

“Hey, get off me you freak! Get off!” He tried to forcefully pull her off of his back but the girl was even more determined to stick on his back like glue with how tightly she was holding on to him.

“No way! I want a piggy back ride! Come on horsey!”

“Hey you! Get the f.u.c.k off me or you’ll really get what you’re asking!”

“Get what I’m asking? You mean you’re gonna give me my piggy back ride? Yay!!!”

He could only face palm, that wasn’t what he meant by “she’ll get what she’s asking”, what he meant about that is that he’ll really break her bones if she was going to continue riding him, but he should have known better that they had a completely different way of thinking. If he was to think violence, gore and negative stuff, she was to think of positive and all those marshmallow and rainbow s.h.i.ts.

He was kind of annoyed now with the crazy lady that suddenly jumped onto his back so he tugged her feet off of his back and harshly threw her down on the cement.

“Ouch!!! Bad horsey!” The girl complained while rubbing her sore b.u.m.

“You are really irritating me now! I already warned you, so don’t cry if I break your bones!” He was ready to kick her while she was still slumping on the floor but…

“H-ha? Ugh! What’s happening?” He kept on pushing his right foot that hung in midair, but it stopped before his foot could even get near her body. He didn’t know why he wasn’t able to make his foot move up to her body to kick her, he tried but to no avail. It was like there was an invisible shield that was protecting her.

So he grabbed her by her white dress’ collar and was about to punch her face but like what happened to his foot, his hand stopped before he was able to reach her face.

“WHAT THE f.u.c.k?!”


He was taken aback when she giggled, “Hey, what are you laughing for? f.u.c.k, are you a witch? Why did my foot and hand stop before they hit you? Why can’t I punch you or kick you? What are you even doing? You’re an evil spirit, aren’t you? Maybe you’re a demon!”

She frowned, “I’m an angel. G.o.d is protecting me, you and other people can’t hurt me physically while I’m on a mission.”

“Aside from mentioning a word such as G.o.d, the next thing that’s funny is the mission thing. Ha!” He laughed before swearing he thought she had some mental issues.

“What is so funny about G.o.d?” She looked hurt.

“That he doesn’t exist,” he said, sounding bored with the topic. He didn’t believe in a G.o.d, if he did then he wouldn’t have done those dirty stuff in the first place.

She sighed, “That saddens me… I think my mission is going to be harder than it first looks like.”

“The f.u.c.k is that mission you’re talking about? Can you just shut up? I am done with you you crazy lady, if you don’t shut your big mouth and if you don’t leave me alone after I let go of you,” he said, still holding her by the collar of her dress, “I will really kill you. Even if I can’t punch nor kick you I’d still find a way to beat you, until every bones in your body break and I’ll make sure you’ll be dead by tomorrow!”


“Yes, you’ll be dead,” that wasn’t a threat, he was serious when he said he’d kill her because he was really getting irritated for the reason that he couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t able to punch nor kick her. He didn’t believe her reason that a G.o.d was shielding her.


“Are you deaf? Or do you really just need me to repeat it over and over again?”WIth every moment pa.s.sing Eros’ irritation level was rising and rising steadily over the girl in front of him.

“I don’t know if that’s possible since I already died.”

Eros didn’t believe what the girl said and he only thought in his mind,
“She died? Oh right, she said she’s an angel. Yeah, yeah, tell that to a monkey. ”

[^1]: Mazapan is a filipino candy made of nuts, egg and sugar, commonly known as polvoron. It’s powder of the above packed together, it’s cheap and delicious.

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