heya!!, i would like to think with a few weeks holiday, my translation is getting better

* cough

anyway, enjoy?!!!

Though I don’t know the cost of living in this world

(I understand the use of bronze and silver coin for shopping),

I also understand it’s not easy to live being a single mother

Various expenses spend on raising a child with responsibility,that can’t be expressed with a single word

And all sort of trouble and hardship when the first time my memory come back to me.

though these days I was obedient as to not make it harder and for atoning my sins.

When Mirai see my face surely there’s a hint of regret somewhere.

There’s still long way to go,for me to take over my mother’s hardship.

Anyway taking care of children is easy, the problem is money

「Mikoto,are you reading?」


It’s afternoon,after having lunch and cleaning , I see Mirai grinning and smiling while looking at me,

as for delay in answering her question,was because this embarra.s.sing feeling ,and I’m still not accustomed to this relationship

After Mirai heard my answer,she lift my body and put me on her lap,

I need to get used to this situation ,because this is Mirai style to read a book

Sitting on the bed,reading a picture book while there’s light that shine through the window into the picture

Feeling warmth transmitted into my back, I feel my cheek become a little hot,

at the same time something warm flowed into my mind as well.

Similar to a feeling where you heard a melody of a lullaby.

Mirai is telling me a story in the picture book.

In this way we spent time in the house, other than housework, it’s mostly free time.

I also need to bear Mirai supervision.while I’m not happy about it,I don’t dislike it either.

(I wonder when I can work….)

There’s no different between earth time and this world time, it’s still second,minute,hour

A day will consist in 24 hours

One week is seven days

One month is roughly 30 days

One year is almost 12 month

However the name is different for a day of the week.

They borrow the name of the spirit

Spirit of the moon , fa… , fanadir? I think…

Anyway, that sort of things, the rest of days name also come from the spirit

What interesting is ,the naming resemble the earth days, for instance

Monday, spirit of the moon

Tuesday, spirit of the fire

(T.L: the kanji On j.a.pan Monday have moon (tsuki) on it,Tuesday on j.a.pan have fire (hi) on it. Hence the similarity )

Wednesday,Thursday,Sat.u.r.day was pre established harmony.

While Friday and Sunday is the spirit of the dark and light

Well, these is what “spirit of the week” is called

On the seventh days, it’s a holiday except for a few organization and facilities.

Actually if there’s someone working,or a shop open, it’s considered a sin

And you will be put in jail, workaholic can only cry

Therefore people earn living,six days a week

Well then,let’s return to the story of Mirai here

My mother,I wonder if she’s fine and safe

「Mother,I want to ask something」

「Nn?,what is it?」

When the storytelling of a picture book reach the most interesting part

I interrupted her

While Mirai inclines the head ,looking slightly worried into my face that’s close to her breast

That slender eyelashes…

「What’s your job mother?」

While acting like a child,I ask the question

That’s what I like to think,that I was child enough to ask such a question

Even though it’s just acting, and somehow shameful act

(T.L: shamfur disfrayy!!!!,very dishonorabur,commit Sudoku!!!)

「N-n..,i’m just curious to know,mother’s work..」

Me acting like a child,is going perfect

Though I don’t want to see it on third-person perspective

While using a cute voice to b.u.t.ter up the acting,and using upturned eyes to look at Mirai

She must be thinking that I was the cutest,I think Mirai is cuter than me though..

I don’t think that, the me in the previous life that attain wizard t.i.tle with virginity at that age,could have the impossible by having such a cute mother

Mirai put the book on the bed,an then hug my body firmly

Oi,with that thin clothing I can feel it, on my back you know !?!

It’s okay,do more!

I’m not complaining

(T.L: well duh…)

In my mind,a vulgar thought stir up within me

Reality though, I was really nervous and incidentally stiff

Until now, I’m still not yet accustomed to the touch of a person

Tough with my mind preparedness beforehand, I’ll manage

My nervousness was a sign of incompetence,sorry…

I wonder if it’s fine to be stiff?

Idiot, Mother Mirai isn’t a target to such a thing!

「Let’s see….」

While saying that,Mirai body sway back and forth ,together with my body

I can say that this is a tendency of natural airhead

Uhh, I can’t resist this feeling…

My tension gradually melts with the sway, an extraordinary method of relaxation invented.

I began to grow weak in the body,I entrust my body to Mirai

Perhaps I might have recognize Mirai

. . . . . . . a nervous child, embraced by mother

I wonder what Mirai think of me?

if I were on her position ,it’s possible I would dislike me

there’s absolutely no way she will hate me, so I would like to think..

I possibly can’t speak what’s on my mind,nevertheless I don’t want to hurt Mirai

So until it reach a point where I can’t keep it secret anymore

This feeling won’t go out as a word

Time pa.s.ses..,until I become sleepy waiting for an answer

Finally,when I began to doze off

Mirai answer come out

「Mother is a magician」

Hoo, unexpected meeting, actually I’m also a magician

What I mean by magician is a t.i.tle gotten by pa.s.sing through a test

By still being a Pure blood in thirty while pa.s.sing to another life

Similarly I’m also a pure blood disciple. Pure – pure isn’t it?

Oh no.., thanks for my brain, I remember something s.h.i.tty..

Frightening combo, to make me remember doing something not good on that afternoon…


「Yup, magician」

What’s with that triumphant look, what kind of naïve living being is this.

(T.L you get the joke?,no? okay here we go > he’s talking about how she’s proud to be a magician, while his definition of magician in his mind and her was different)


Getting caressed and pat in the head,and a peck in the cheek lightly

And then she rub her cheek with mine,

What a soft and silk like feeling cheek…

What is this?!?, I can only laugh by this act because it’s ticklish

Ahh.., my pride as a man

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