*A girl sits at her desk in a bedroom. She writes in her notebook*

"Everyone has a dream..only mine is different." *She sighs as she looks at her desk mirror. Her orange long hair laid on her shoulders. Her green eyes shinning in the light* "Why can"t I be normal..." *she pulled her hair off. She was wearing a wig. Her bald head shined as the sunlight hit it* "I"m ugly..." *She started to sob when her phone dinged* "Hmm?" *She picked it up, wondering who would be texting her. A smile grew when she unlocked it. A boys name read across the screen, David*


David: OMG! JULIE!

Julie: Yeah?

David: Guess who is coming to our school! COME ON GUESS!

Julie: Ugh! Do I have to?

David: Girl! Yes! Don"t be a party p.o.o.per!

Julie: Okay...fine! Is it um Taylor Swift?


Julie: Oh that guy..

David: What do you mean "Oh that guy.."?? Kyle is one of the HOTTEST men alive! How could you say such things!

Julie: Anyways.....do you have the homework done for Mr.Burps cla.s.s? I haven"t had time to do it for reasons...but do you?

David: Don"t worry girl I got you! I"ll give it to you when we head to school.

Julie: Thank you! You just saved a girl! Lol

David: Hey...I was wondering something...but I don"t want to bother you...

Julie: Ask..

David: NO!

Julie: I know you want to. So ask

David: Fine! How are you with the whole "Justin" thing??



Julie: No no. Its fine. We"re done. That"s it.

David: Okayy but if you need me you know where to look! Also I have to jump in the shower before my brother does. Catch you later!

David Signing Off

Julie: Alone again...

New Person Joined

Julie: Huh?

Justin: Hey

Julie: Oh hey..

Justin: Say you coming to school?

Julie: Why wouldn"t I?

Justin: Oh no reason. Just wondering. Anyways see you at school

Julie: Wait!

Justin: Hmm?

Julie: I mean..ugh..okay listen I know things are heavy between us but lets not be like this in front of our friends. They don"t need to suffer because of us. So lets make a deal. We act normal and go back to how things use to be. Deal?

Justin: I understand. Deal. Anyways gotta run.

Justin Signing Off

Julie: Thank you...


*As Julie laid her phone down she looked at herself in her mirror. She smiled a little as she took a breath* "Everything will be alright.." *As she got up the camera zoomed to her phone. "The Odd Life Of Julie" read across the screen.*

*After grabbing her phone, Julie put in headphones as she turned her music up* "Good.." *She smiled as she put her phone in her pocket an her backpack over her shoulders* "La la la" *She started to sing as she put her wig back on* "I want to play!" *Her body moved to the music as she walked out of her home*

*At School*

*As Julie walked in she looked around. She was searching for Justin.*

"He isn"t here yet" *David said as he closed his locker*

"Oh...thanks..." *She went to her locker, beside Davids*

*Justin walks in holding another girls hand*

"Oh my..." *David"s mouth drops*

*Julie looks over at Justin. His gray-white hair moved as he did. His muscular body was showing a little through his shirt. Her heart sunk. Even though she was over him part of her still wasn"t*

*David quickly stood in front of Julie.* "Soooo the weather is nice today" *He faked smiled*

*Julie looked down sighing. She grew angry* "I"m fine..." *She went back to grabbing her books out of her locker*

*Justin and the girl stop in front of them.* "Hey.."

"Yo..." *David said awkwardly*

*Justin smiled* "This is Brittany. She"s my new girlfriend"

*David eyes widen. He quickly looked at Julie*

*Julie took a deep breath and continued to grab her books*

*Brittany plays on her phone not caring for anyone*

"So..." *David says as he sways back and forth. He sudden noticed Justin looking at Julie. He was blushing at her* "Hmmm..." *He smiled* "Hey Julies we should be heading to the bathroom" *He tugged on her shoulder*

*Julie looked at him raising a brow* "Okay.." *She shut her locker*

"Laters!" *David said smiling whiling pulling on Julie"s arm*

*As they went down the hall Julie stopped*

"Come on!" *David pulled her to the girls bathroom* "Okay.." *He turned to her* "What I"m about to say may sound crazy but I promise I"m telling the truth sis!"

*She crossed her arms* "What is it?"

"Okay soo I think he is still in love with you!" *He was excited*

"Really?" *She laughed* "Okay I"m going to-"

"I know it sounds crazy but trust me!" *He took a deep breath* "I think he only has a new girlfriend to make you jealous!"

"What? Why would he-"


*Julie leaned back against the counter* "Wow..." *She stared at the ground*

"I know it DOES sound crazy but I honestly think he does still love you!" *David starts fixing his hair in the mirror*

"It makes sense but still.." *She shook her head* "I think he just needs a new girlfriend. And I"m happy for him."

*A girl comes out of one of the stalls*

"You shouldn"t be in here..." *She says nervous*

"Bite me" *David says as he gets done fixing his hair* "Lets go before goody two shoes here rats me out" *He says as he turns to Julie*

*Julie nods* "Okay.."

*As they leave another girl comes out of the stall. A girl with curly brown hair smiles as she types on her phone smiling evilly*

*Mr. Burps Cla.s.s*

*Julie sat writing in her notebook. She sighed as she remembered earlier. Just thinking about Justin was too painful. She needed something to distract her. So she listened in to Davids and Alices conversation*

"You need to get over yourself! There is no reason he would choice you over ME!" *David protested*

*Alice sighed* "I know..." *She looked at her desk* "But still there is a possibility! Julie!" *She turned to Julie*

"Huh?" *Julie said as she looked up at them*

"Do you think there is a chance for me to be picked out by Kyle Shields?" *Her eyes shined for a yes*

*Julie sighed* "In my opinion I don"t care. He is just another regular guy" *She went back to her notebook*

"Still honey you have no chance. Once he sees me he wouldn"t want anyone else" *David says as he smiled happily*

"Still..." *Alice crossed her arms*

*Julie rolled her eyes. Maybe talking to them wouldn"t distract her after all*

*The door opens to the cla.s.sroom. A man with missing hair on top and a lap coat walks in. He had books in his arms* "Morning" *He says hateful as he goes to his desk*

"Mr. Burps looks even more unhappy this morning.." *David whispers*

"You didn"t hear? His wife wants a divorce" *Alice whispers*

*Mr. Burps stands in front of the cla.s.s.* Anyway cla.s.s we have a new student" *He points to the door while he grabs some books to pa.s.s out*

*Everyone looks at the door as it opens. All the girls gasp, except Julie. A boy with s.h.a.ggy brown hair walks in. His clothes seemed cla.s.sy. He stood up straight*

*Mr. Burps leaned on his desk with his arms crossed* "Kyle why don"t you introduce yourself"

*Kyle laughed.* "Sir I think they already know me" *He looked at Mr. Burps laughing but soon stopped when he saw that Mr. Burps wasn"t laughing.* "Okay...um" *He turns back to the cla.s.s* "Names Kyle Shields. Some of you know me from TV but please know I"m just like you guys." *He smiled*

"Oh my word...that bone structure..Its official I"m having his babies!" *Davids says as he stares at Kyle*

*Julie stares over her notebook. He was handsome she could admit that but that was all.*

"OMG! ITS KYLE FREAKING SHIELDS!" *Alice yells as she stands.*

"You better be careful before you-" *Julie says as soon as Alice faints* "fall..." *She rolls her eyes*

"I"m totally having his kids..." *David says as he drools over Kyle*

"Whatever..." *Julie starts to write her book*

"That"s all..." *Kyle rubs his head nervous* "May I sit?"

"Oh yes!" *Mr. Burps points to an empty seat* "That will be your a.s.signed seat for now."

"Thanks.." *Kyle says as he walks to the seat.*

*A boy next to him stares at him with a blank face*

"Hi I"m-"

"I know who you are..." *The boy says not showing any emotions*

"Oh..okay.." *Kyle takes a seat*

"Awe man! Why does he have to sit on the other side of the cla.s.sroom" *David says about to sob*

"Well looks like you just have bad luck" *Julie says still writing*

"Huh? What happened?" *Alice says standing up slowly. She sits rubbing her head*

"Nothing important.." *David lays his head on the desk*

*Mr. Burps starts to teach as the screen turns black*

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