*David stands outside of one of that stalls as he holds Julie"s book* "Come on! Stop being a p.u.s.s.y and go fight her!" *He groans*

*Julie opens that stall door* "How? How can I fight her when I still look like the bad guy? Huh? Justin thinks I"m the one that started it and even if I do fight her I"ll still be the bad one..." *She sighs*

*He looks at her* "I know...I know that she did this but-"

"But what David?" *She looks at him* "I"m done being every ones b.i.t.c.h..." *She sighs* "Just...just leave me alone..." *She grabs his book before leaving him alone in the bathroom*

*David sighs as he too exits the bathroom*

*Julie walks down the halls as some people stare an whisper*

"I heard she killed one of her puppies as a kid!" *A girl whispered to another*

"No way! She really did that!" *A boy said excited to his friends*

*Julie groaned as she stopped at her locker. But she couldn"t open it because some one was below hers. They were trying to open theirs.* "Hey move it or lose it" *She snapped*

"Oh sorry..." *The boy stood up nervous*

*Julie realized it was the new kid, Kyle Shields*

*He stands as he waits for her to open hers*

*She sighs* "Whats your combo?" *She asks as she bends down to his locker*

"What?" *He asks confused*

"Look you want help or no?" *She looks up at him*

"Oh umm yeah..." *He swallows hard.* "It"s 7..92...umm 3"

*Julie does the numbers and the locker door opens* "There.." *She stands*

"Thank you" *He smiles at her as he gets his books. He shuts his locker*

*Julie goes to hers and opens it*

"Hey..." *Kyle stands beside her*

*She looks over at him* "Yes?"

*He looks around nervous* "Say...why..why do you think no one likes me?"

*Julie laughs a little* "What do you mean? All I"ve heard about was how hot or s.e.xy or cute you were all day!" *She shuts her locker door*

"I know the girls like me...but.." *He glances at some group of guys giving him death stares.* "Some don"t find me like able..."

*Julie smiles* "Same here..." *Her eyes meet with Brittany"s*

*He takes a deep breath* "Sorry...I"m probably being too over emotional..."

*She shakes her head.* "Nah" *She looks over at the group of guys* "Let me tell you something..."

*He looks at her*

"They are afraid of you.." *She smiles* "Why you must ask? Because they think their girlfriends will leave them all alone and go with you"

*He looks confused for a moment but laughs* "But I..." *He thinks* "Ohh I can see that"

"Yeah" *She laughs a little* "Anyways it"s been fun chatting with you but I need to get to cla.s.s..." *She walks away*

*He stands their smiling* "Afraid huh?"

*In History Cla.s.s*

*Julie sits in the front row near the windows. She looks out to the field*


*Julie jumps for a moment when she looks over to the voice. Her eyes widen to see Kyle sitting behind her.* "What are you doing here?" She whispers.

"I have history too." *He looks at her confused.* "I thought you knew? I said hi to you when I walked in."

*Julie starts to remember.* "Oh...yeah.." *She shakes her head* "Well okay but don"t talk to be during cla.s.s. I don"t want to get in trouble.."

*He nods as he sits back in his chair*

*Julie looks at her paper in front of her.* "How could I forget?"

*End Of School*

*Julie shuts her locker before walking away*

"Hey! Wait!"

*She looks back to see Kyle* "Great..." *She rolls her eyes as she waits for him*

"Thanks for waiting" *He smiles big*

*Some girls go crazy when he does*

"Yeah...don"t sweat it.." *She looks disgusted at the girls that are drooling over him* "G.o.d..." *She rolls her eyes*

*He laughs* "I don"t mind..." *He waves to them*

*The girls scream before one of them faint*

"Oh..." *He looks worried.*

*Suddenly a girl walks up to them. Her hair flew in the wind. Her bright white hair shiny so beautifully.* "Hey there.." *Her voice sounded like one of the old timely movies when the actresses talked*

*Kyle swallowed hard* "Oh..um hi"

*Julie rolled her eyes* "See you.." *She walked off. As she did she saw Kyle being nervous as the girl flirted with him* "G.o.d he"s an actor? Why is he so bad at it right now?" *She shakes her head as she continues down the road to her house*

*At Julie"s House*

*Julie walks in, throwing her back pack on the ground next to the shoes*

"Oh hi honey!" *Julie"s mom walks up to her smiling. Her mother had a big belly due to her being six months pregnant*

*Julie smiles* "Hi mom.." *She hugs her*

"So your father said that he"ll be home around five so until then we can have some girllss time!" *Her mother smiles big*

*Julie laughed* "Mom...I"m sorry but I have to cancel..."

*Her mom sighed* "Oh why?" *She looked sad*

*Julie smiled* "I have lots of homework to do...I really am sorry..." *She kissed her moms cheek before walking up stairs*

"Oh p.o.o.py..." *She looks over at the little dog, sleeping on the sofa* "Hmmm..."

*Julie shuts her door. She sits on her bed, looking at the ground* "d.a.m.n today..."

*Ding Ding*

*Julie pulls out her phone to see who was texting* "Huh?" *A unknown number read across the screen*


Unknown: I know...

Unknown: ...everything...

Julie: Know what?

Unknown: About your secret..

Julie: Listen you have the wrong number. Okay?

Unknown: No...I don"t...

*Photo of Julie sitting in her room at that moment sent to her*

*Not Texting*

*Julie looked out of her window worried. Her chest pounding. She saw no one out there. She quickly looked back at her phone*


Julie: Listen I"m going to call the police if this isn"t a joke!

Unknown: I wouldn"t do that if I were you...

Julie: And why not?

Unknown: Or..or I"ll hurt someone you care about...each and every one of them....I will hurt them until I get to...you..

*Photo"s of all of her friends and family popped up*

Julie: Okay look this isn"t funny! Stop this!

Unknown: Oh no...I won"t...and you can"t make me...if you don"t do everything I tell you to do I promise that your secret will get out and no one...and I mean no one will EVER want to be around you again..BUT...if you do everything as I so ask I promise...to keep the secret and make sure no one will hurt you again..

Julie: Okay...what"s my secret? Huh?

*A photo of Julie this morning in her room with her wig off pops up*

Julie: ....fine!

Unknown: Good girl...now...here is what I want you to do...

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