*Julie laid on her side on her bed. She had her blanket up to her neck.* "Why the heck is this happening to me?" *She thought. She closed her eyes.* "Maybe if I stop thinking about it...it"ll just go away.." *She closed her eyes* "Ugh!" *She groaned as she laid on her back. She looked at her window. She swallowed hard* "Who are you?"

*At School (7 a.m.) Tuesday*

*Julie stood at her locker at she put books away*

"Hey Julies!" *David walked towards her*

"Hey.." *She didn"t look at him*

"Are you still mad at me?" *He looked worried*

*She sighed* "No.." *She than looked around* "Listen..meet me at lunch near the gym" *She closed her locker* "It"s important" * She walked away before he could agree.*

"Hmm" *He watched her as he thought*

"Yeah I"ll catch you later!" *Kyle waved to some girls as he walked to his locker* "Oh hi" *He smiled at David*

*David stood there blushing* "Umm...umm" *He shook his head* "Got to go!" *He ran away*

*Kyle laughed as he bent down to his locker*

*Julie sat in the cla.s.sroom for math. She didn"t pay much attention to the teacher. All she could think about was the mystery person that texted her* "Why me? And who are you?"


*Julie looked beside her to see a girl sitting there. She was holding a note.* "Hmm?"

*The girl laid the note on Julie"s desk*

*Julie raised a brow but grabbed the note* "Why are you giving me this?" *She whispered to the girl*

*The girl smiled* "Find out.." *She turned back to the teacher and started to listen to him*

*Julie looked at the note. She opened the note. Her eyes widen* "Oh no.."

*The note*

"I know what you"re trying to do..it won"t work. David will just ignore you since you tell lies. Now be a good girl and follow what I have told you to do..and don"t dare say a word to that freak!"

*Julie swallowed hard. She quickly looked at the girl but to her surprise the girl was gone* "What?" *She looked around the room to see the girl but she was..gone* "Where did she go?" *She shook her head.* "I"ll just ask someone after cla.s.s if they knew her"

*The bell rang*

*Julie grabbed her things and looked around to see if anyone was still there. Luckily she sees Frankly, picking up his notebook* "Frankly!" *She rushed to him*

*He stood there looking at her*

"I need to ask you something."

"If it"s about that girl than I don"t know.." *He put his notebook in his bag* "Never met her"

*Julie looked confused* "How did you-"

"I saw you talking to her. I also saw you looking confused when you didn"t see her again" *He put his bag over his shoulder.* "Sorry Julie but I don"t know.." *He walked out of the room*

*She groaned.* "Of course you don"t.." *She rubbed her face but as she did she saw a photo on the wall. It was with other photos which were all on a board.* "Bingo!" *She looked closer. She saw that the girl was smiling with a group of others. The board also had the names below. She read them.* "Barabra Dumpling.." *Julie thought for a moment but she soon remembered the girl.* "Wait.." "I remember her. She went to my church camp when I was little! She was the girl that wet the bed!" *She smiled* "Now just to find her!"

*History Cla.s.s*

*Julie walked in. As she did she noticed the girl, Barabra sitting alone by the window* "Yes.." *She hurried and walked to her* "Hey you remember me. Don"t you?"

*Barabra looked at her* "Yeah I do. What do you want?"

*Julie smiled as she sat in front of her.* "I wanted to ask if you wrote this?" *She handed her the note*

"Oh this.." *Barabra opened it.* "Nah. I found it in my locker this morning. It was address to you." *She handed it back*

"Oh.." *Julie grabbed it.*

* Barabra looked at her confused* "Why?"

"Because.." *Julie sighed. She remembered the threat the person made* "It"s just I was hoping someone wrote it towards me as a love note" *She smiled* "I guess I"ll keep trying" *She turned to face the front of the cla.s.s.* "Thanks anyways.." "Something is going on.." *She studied the room* "Someone is lying..and they want me to suffer..now who would want that?" *She smiled* "Brittany! She hates me! After yesterday she must have done this to get back at me!" *She leaned back smiling* "You want to watch me suffer? Huh? Well guess what? I"m coming onto you hard!"

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