A woman with blonde hair in a ponytail: "State your name and why you"re here" She turns on the tape recorder.

The girl across from her smiles big. Her hair was a dark orange. It laid on her shoulders.

The girl: "f.u.c.k you.." She laughs.

The woman: She takes off her gla.s.ses. "Just do as I ask" She puts them back on.

The girl: She leans in, putting herself closer to the tape recorder. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

The woman: She sighs. "Take her away.." She swings her arms to the two men standing behind the girl.

The girl: "f.u.c.k YOU!" She laughs uncontrollably.

The two men pick her up as she kicks and screams.

The girl: "WAIT!"

The woman: "Yes?" She looks up at her.

The girl: She pretends to cry. "I don"t want to die...not here"

The woman: "If you tell me everything than we can-"

The girl: She laughs again. "You are so f.u.c.king gullible!"

The woman: She shakes her head. "f.u.c.k you. You insane freak!" She looks at her closely. "Take her to solitary!" She smiles. "Maybe than you"ll be able to talk"

The girl: She smiles big. "Maybe.."

The two men take her out of the room and into a hall way.

The girl: She looks ahead. She smiles as they walk. Her hair dangling in her face.

"Hi...my names Hayami.....Hayami f.u.kui. Though you may be wondering what the h.e.l.l is going on? Well let me explain everything. But to do so...I have to start from the very beginning...to the day...I was BORN"

*20 years ago*

A woman is giving birth. She screams in pain. Her hair was a dark orange.

The woman: "d.a.m.n IT!" She screams louder.

Another woman is holding her hand. She had brown short hair.

Brown haired woman: "Honey, it"s okay." She tries to calm the other one down.

The woman: She looks at her angrily. "FUUCK YOU! I"m the one giving birth to my kid! So f.u.c.k you Dai!"

The doctor: He sits between the woman"s legs. "Just one more push"

The woman: She yells as she pushes one last time. "AHHH!" She lets out a sigh of relief.

Dai: She smiles. "You did good" She kisses the woman"s head. She laughs as tears roll down her cheeks. "We did it Akiko.." She kisses Vanessa"s hand.

Akiko: "We did.." She smiles.

The doctor: "Congratulations" He holds up the baby for them to see. "It"s a girl"

Dai: "My little girl!" She cries with joy.

"That"s when I was born but lets skip a few years to when I was born born...you"ll see what I mean.."

*8 years later*

Little Hayami: She sat at her table, playing with her ayatori.

Akiko: She walks in. "There you are!" She places her hands on both of her hips. "I"ve been calling for you for an hour now."

Hayami: She ignores her mother an continues to play.

Akiko: "Give me that!" She s.n.a.t.c.hes it from her hands.

Hayami: She jumps up angry. "Give that back!"

Akiko: "No! You will listen to me! I am your mother!" She grabs her hand. "Now lets go before your dinner gets cold." She begins to drag her to the kitchen when Hayami kicks the back of her leg. "Hayami!" She turns to face her. "Don"t you ever do that again!" She slaps her hard.

Hayami: She holds her cheek as tears run down her face. She looks up at her mother. "I hate you!"

Akiko: She slaps her again. "How dare you!" She turns around. "If you don"t want to listen.." She walks into the kitchen.

Hayami: She rubs her cheek, wondering what her mother was doing.

Akiko: She comes back with a knife. "I"m going to make sure you never misbehave again!" She grabs Hayami"s arm as she pulls the knife to her.

Hayami: She feels hotness coming from the knife. "NOOO!" She cries as she tries to run away.

Akiko: She places the knife onto her skin.

Hayami: She screams in pain as the hot blade burns her skin. Smoke comes from her arm.

Akiko: She lets go of her an smiles. "Now you"ll learn." She places the knife on the table. "Now I"ll be right back. I"m going to go get some cold water for that burn" She walks back to the kitchen.

Hayami: Tears run down her face as she looks at her arm. It had a burnt look to it.

Akiko: She comes back with some ice in a bag. She gets down on her knees, next to Hayami. "Now let me help you" She goes to grab her arm but Hayami pulls away. "Let me help you!" She forcibly grabs it, digging her nails into the burned skin. "See if you didn"t refuse than this wouldn"t have happened!"

Hayami: She screams in pain as blood runs out of her arm. "MOMMY STOP! PLEASE!"

Akiko: She shakes her head. "No! You will listen!" She digs more into her skin. "I will not let you boss me around!"

Hayami: "Okay! Okay! Please stop! I"ll listen!" She cries in pain.

Akiko: She smiles as she stops. "Good" She places the ice bag on her skin. "Now was that-" Suddenly Hayami stabs her mother in the stomach.

Hayami: She looks up at her mom. "I"m sorry.." She runs away, scared. She stops at the fridge, looking around the corner at her mom.

Akiko: She spits out blood as she falls on her back. She looks up at the ceiling.

Hayami: Her eyes widen. Her heart was racing. She touches her eyes. "Why am I not crying?" She wondered. She suddenly froze as she saw her reflection in the fridge. She was smiling, but she had no feeling of it. She shook her head and looked back. She wasn"t smiling anymore.

"See..that day...something awoke in me. It helped me see the world differently. My mother was a awful woman that deserved what she got. Honestly I wish I could do it all over again...because I would. I called my aunt Dai that same day and told her my mother had a bad accident. She rushed over and called the ambulance. My mother died and I wasn"t questioned because I was so young...if only they knew. But after that day I started to live with my aunt. My aunt Dai Hoshino was different from my mother. She was kind. She also cared for me, rather than my real mother. Dai wasn"t my real aunt. She and my mom were best of friend in high school. But I lived with her and her son. Kaito Hoshino. He was two years older than me. He is looked like his father. Which wasn"t around, we had that only in common. Other than that we didn"t get along. He knew something was wrong with me from the beginning. He wasn"t wrong. Honestly I was surprised when he knew. He doesn"t know I killed my mom but he does know something is off about me...

*Present Day(8 years later)*

I sat at my desk in my room. It was dark. I had no lights on nor did I want them on. I was searching the web...the dark web...I was in group chat with two other people. One was talking about stalking their neighbor as the other was talking about how he loved his sister. "Real creepy. But this was how I would find my prey. I knew if I got rid of normal people that some cared about I would be noticed...but if I went out after ones that no body liked and wanted dead already...well I could get away with it...last night was my fifth kill. It was nice to kill that woman. Though I do miss her rants about how we are all going to h.e.l.l...."

*Last Night*

A woman laid down in her bed, beside a dumpster. She curled up like a ball for warmth.

I stood above her, holding my lucky knife. It was one of a kind. I smile as I pull up my face mask. I kick her. "Hey.."

She looks up at me. Before she could scream I cover her mouth as I ram my knife into her stomach.

I feel relief as I watch her color leave her face. "Her soul was now gone." I pull out my knife as I stand. "It was done...no longer will she rant and torture little kids."

*End of Flashback*

I smile."I didn"t kill that woman for no reason. She hurt a couple of the kids around my neighborhood. See I am somewhat human..."

Suddenly a knock on the door startles me.

Dai: "Hey its me! You ready for school?"

I hurry an put my laptop up. I put it on the top shelf in my closet. "I wasn"t allowed to have my own laptop". I open my blinds to let sun light in. I rush to my bed, grabbing a random book an lay on my bed.

The door opens. Dai walks in smiling.

Dai: "Hey"

I smile. "Sorry I was just enjoying this book." I read the cover of it. "Shadows by day Hunters by night. So good!" I smile big. "I hated acting nice. I didn"t hate Dai but I hated acting like I like her too though"

Dai: "Well Kaito is waiting for you in the car" She turns to leave.

"Wait!" I sit up. "You aren"t taking me?"

Dai: She turns to me. "Sorry hon. I have to get to work early today." She smiles an leaves me.

I sigh. "Great...now I have to sit in a car with a smelly guy.." I grab my bag and walk to the door. I head down stairs. "Kaito was the kind of guy that was handsome at first. He had it all. The looks, the style THE HAIR! As most girls say but after you get to know him all he is is "

Kaito: "a.s.shole!" He slams his phone down on the couch.

"Took the words right out of my mouth.." I roll my eyes.

Kaito: He sighs. He notices me. "Lets go.." he grabs his phone an walks past me.

"Wow no insult...now something is wrong" I follow him.

*In the car*

I watched the houses past by.

The radio turned off the music to talk about a murder.

"Last night was another murder by the murder that people are calling White Mask. This is the fifth time this week"

"Week?" I look at the radio. "Who else was killing? I only killed the woman last night...who else is out there?"

Kaito: "Man if I could reward the person doing this I would" He turns off the radio.

I laugh. "If only you knew..."

We pull up to the school parking lot. A couple girls smile as they see Kaito.

I look over at him. "He was Mr. Hotshot." I roll my eyes. "Though he doesn"t date anyone. He never has. Which is surprising."

We park in a parking spot.

"Thanks.." I open the door. As I do I hear him opening his door. I shut the door to see girls all over him. He pulls them off.

Kaito: "Please stop." He pulls one off of him. He shuts his door. He looks at me.

I roll my eyes. "Good luck with that.." I turn to face the school. "Yay another day at h.e.l.l..." I begin to walk towards it. "It was a new school year. It was my soph.o.m.ore year and it was Kaito"s senior year. So this year is going to be even more awful...just because I have to deal with more people.." I sigh as I enter the school.....

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