Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 30 A n.o.body

Chapter 30 A n.o.body

Li Changqing walked forward with a pondering, smiling expression and said, “This is an issue between Liu Yiyi and w.a.n.g Bo. If the two of them want to exchange, then let them. Ye Fan, you don’t really need to care about this so much, do you?”


Ye Fan didn’t say anything. He directly slapped his right hand across Li Changqing’s face, raising stunned noises from the crowd. Li Changqing was like a scarecrow as he tumbled back over two meters. One could imagine just how powerful this slap was.

He fell to the ground with half his face starting to swell. Blood dribbled out the corner of his mouth, and he had a dim look for a moment. Only after a bit did he recollect himself and angrily shout, “YOU-!”

But Ye Fan didn’t even look at him. He viewed him in complete contempt, considering him like nothing more than air, as if he didn’t even exist.

“Hand it over!” Ye Fan only continued to repeat these three words, calmly glaring at Liu Yunzhi and w.a.n.g Bo.

Li Changqing struggled to get up. His wrath was already at its most extreme, and he quickly rushed over, appearing intent on ripping apart Ye Fan’s throat. However, the unfortunate thing was that he hadn’t even managed to touch the corner of Ye Fan’s clothes before Ye Fan gave him another slap on the other side of his face. He continued as before to ignore him, not looking at him at all, as if he were simply hitting a housefly.

Li Changqing was directly hit by this extraordinarily powerful slap. He was sent flying into a tree, this time continuing to lay there foolishly.

“Hand it over!” Ye Fan continued to only spit out these three words as he looked at w.a.n.g Bo and Liu Yunzhi.

This time, w.a.n.g Bo was completely subdued. She didn’t dare to look directly at Ye Fan. Evading his gaze, she said, “I didn’t say I wouldn’t give it to her. I’ve been discussing it with her this whole time-”

It was a pity that her confidence was insufficient for her to complete her whole speech, as she corrected herself and said, “Since Yiyi wants to back out, I’ll hand it back. Is that alright?”

Saying this, she took off the prayer beads wound around her wrist. Just as she was about to hand it to Ye Fan, Liu Yunzhi, who had yet to say anything, opened his mouth and said, “Ye Fan, you are too tyrannical. Do you even treat Li Changqing as a person?”

Only now had Li Changqing recovered his senses. With a loud shout, he once more rushed over. Pang Bo was beside him, and curling his lip in disdain, he said, “You’re seeking your own humiliation. If you don’t believe me, you can try it?”

Hearing this, Li Changqing immediately became frightened. He continued to make a racket further away, but he no longer dared to approach them.

“Why do you treat Li Changqing like this?” Liu Yunzhi asked Ye Fan.

“For what reason did you hit me?” Li Changqing angrily shouted.

“What reason do I have to explain my reasons to a housefly? It’s fine to just directly swat it,” Ye Fan said to Liu Yunzhi, still not even glancing at Li Changqing.

“You…just what are you saying?” At this moment, Li Changqing’s cheeks were swelling and bruising. He almost spat out blood from anger. He had already realized Ye Fan viewed Liu Yunzhi with contempt. But Ye Fan despised him even more. He couldn’t even be bothered to argue or speak with him, truly hurting his self-esteem.

Ye Fan’s left hand reached out. w.a.n.g Bo hastily placed the prayer beads into his hand. Not daring to face him directly, she retreated a couple of steps.

“We all know that Yiyi has had a hard time these few years. This was a severe psychological shock, and her character and att.i.tude have both changed to become unusually fearful and lacking in self-confidence. This kind of mental trauma requires a long time to heal. Hopefully, you pay a little more attention to your words and actions. Don’t bully such a person under this kind of situation, or you’ll really be too shameless!” Ye Fan admonished w.a.n.g Bo in a very quiet voice.

Hearing him say such severe words, w.a.n.g Bo’s face immediately lost a bit of color. She was ashamed and angry, but most of all she was afraid. She quickly retreated, not daring to say any more words.

“Ye Fan, you’re really acting too overboard!” Liu Yunzhi gloomily said.

The others saw everything, but they didn’t think too much about it. Just as everyone was expecting Ye Fan to turn around and leave, they saw him suddenly punch Liu Yunzhi in the face.

In just a split-second, Liu Yunzhi’s mouth and nose began bleeding. His face was covered with blood as he fell to the ground.

“You…” He had absolutely never thought that Ye Fan would actually hit him.

“I’m not going to argue with you. You continue to provoke me. Do you really think I’m that good-natured?” Ye Fan indifferently glanced at him. His eyes were filled with disdain as he turned around and left.

“Ye Fan!” Liu Yunzhi gnashed his teeth in anger. He wiped the blood from his mouth and nose and shouted, “Wait!”

When Pang Bo heard this, he immediately rushed over. Lifting his foot into the air, he said, “Who do you want to wait for you? Whatever you want, I’ll tell you!”

Pow, pow, pow…

Pang Bo kicked him over ten times. In the end, Liu Yunzhi was kicked far away and pa.s.sed out.

The others all watched everything, but no one came up to try to reconcile the situation. Many of them also felt that Liu Yunzhi was displeasing. In their old lives they had to deal with it, but in this new world, there was no need to care about his old status.

And even the two or three people who wanted to help Liu Yunzhi say a few words all decided to stay silent. They knew that once Ye Fan showed his sharp side, it was best for them not to provoke him.

“Everyone is seeing this, right…?” Li Changqing had still yet to understand the situation, and he again shouted out to everyone.

Other than Pang Bo, no one else acknowledged him. At this moment, Pang Bo finished kicking Liu Yunzhi and walked back, answering him, “I saw it, I saw it all.”

Pow, pow, pow…

Pang Bo’s large foot seemed like it was kicking a sandbag, kicking Li Changqing so hard that he seemed like a dying pig as he rolled, incessantly screaming.

The group didn’t stop because of this. They once more continued on their journey. w.a.n.g Yan supported Liu Yunzhi and Li Changqing, and the three of them fell to the back of the group.

At this moment, Liu Yunzhi and Li Changqing were gnas.h.i.+ng their teeth in anger. Just now, they had truly lost all their face. At the same time, they also felt like throwing up blood. Apparently, their previous conduct had not been placed into Ye Fan’s eyes at all. He simply didn’t care about them, treating them with disdain as if they were completely below him.

This kind of treatment, as if their existences were as light as clouds or wind, crushed their self-confidence, making them feel like nothing more than clowns. He completely ignored them until he was bored, and as if swatting a housefly he sent them flying. He simply didn’t consider them to be equals.

The worst blow that someone could do to a person was to treat them as a n.o.body. Fundamentally, you weren’t even considered an opponent.

One hour later, they arrived at another small mountain. They could already clearly see a building on top of the high mountain in the distance, and the beast roars from the surroundings became even louder and clearer. They were close to walking out of the Ancient Desolation Forbidden Land.

“Once we walk a bit more, we can stop and rest for a bit.” They had already been pus.h.i.+ng their way through this mountainous region for over half a day, and everyone was truly feeling very tired.

After walking over another mountain peak, everyone could finally see birds flying around them. They had finally entered into a world with life. The sounds of birds chirping and beasts roaring along with the thriving vegetation meant they were finally in an exuberant world. They were finally no longer in that deathly land.

“There’s a rabbit there!”

“And there’s even a badger!”

When they saw the wildlife, some people almost started to drool. Having to exclusively live off the dull flavor of wild fruits was truly unbearable.

“Huh, there’s something written on that rock wall!” Just at this moment, someone noticed that there was a rock wall in front of them with a couple huge ancient characters carved into it.

The first three words were the ones that they had already seen, ‘Ancient Desolation Forbidden,’ and the fourth word could finally be confirmed to be ‘Land.’

“Why are we seeing these four words again? Have we not left the restricted land yet?”

“No, it precisely proves that we have walked out. This should be the Ancient Desolation Forbidden Land’s border. We’ve finally escaped and are safe.”

“We’ll rest a bit here. I trust that we’ll be able to find signs of humans not long from now.”

They split into groups of two to three people. Sitting down together, they started to discuss what they would do now. They were obviously planning on going different ways once they found a new civilization.

“I’m going to see what Liu Yunzhi and his group of three are up to. I have a feeling that they’re being sneaky.” Pang Bo walked up and snuck into the forest not far from him.

Not long later, Pang Bo returned and whispered a couple of sentences into Ye Fan’s ear.

“Since we’ve already walked out of the mountainous region, everyone will likely want to go their separate ways. If this mysterious world truly has G.o.ds and immortals with everlasting lives, if these three should gain any power they will definitely be trouble. We should completely avoid these kinds of things.” Ye Fan stood up. Although he said these words lightly, he had already decided on the fates of those three people.

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