Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 31 Thrown Into the Tiger Den

Chapter 31 Thrown Into the Tiger Den

w.a.n.g Ziwen was standing not far from them so he managed to indistinctly overhear some of the quiet whispering. However, he wasn’t able to hear what was being said. He curiously asked Ye Fan, “Did something happen?”

Ye Fan turned to look at Pang Bo. “Didn’t you use your cell phone to record it? Play it for everyone.”

The others had also noticed what was happening over here, and they all began to walk over to where Ye Fan was.

Pang Bo wanted to be very clear in that he stood by the side of justice and reason, so it was best for him to explain to the others. His face appeared extremely unsightly as he said, “Liu Yunzhi, Li Changqing, and w.a.n.g Yan want to hurt me and Ye Fan.”

He began to indignantly rage, “These three unscrupulous ingrates have been let off time and time again. We don’t want to bother with them, but they truly don’t know what’s good for them. They went as far as wanting to kill us!”

Everyone was shocked when he said this. Everyone’s gaze focused on him. They didn’t understand. “What’s going on?”

Pang Bo pressed a couple keys on his cellphone, playing a recording.

“Good, I’m unable to swallow this anger. We definitely can’t leave it like this!” This was Li Changqing’s voice.

Liu Yunzhi’s gloomy voice followed. “First let them live for a couple days. I’ll definitely make sure to completely kill them!”

“What? You…want to kill those two?” Li Changqing and w.a.n.g Yan were both startled.

“Yes. If they’re here, I can’t be. If I’m here, they can’t be!” Even though it was just a recording, it was still possible to hear Liu Yunzhi gnas.h.i.+ng his teeth.

“But we can’t beat them. We have no way to counter that seemingly gentle barbarian along with that irksome Pang Bo with his powerful stature.” Li Changqing’s voice contained a helpless resentment.

Liu Yunzhi sneered. “No problem. My jewelled vajra sceptre has once more started to emit a trace of divine energy. I bet that with another night it will become a bit stronger. We’ll wait to catch them off guard, and that’ll be enough to kill those two.”

Li Changqing’s fierce voice came next. “Ok. If it’s like this, we don’t have anything to be afraid of. We’ll definitely be able to completely get rid of them!”

“w.a.n.g Yan, when the time comes, you should go apologize to Liu Yiyi in order to draw her to our side. I keep feeling that her prayer beads are not as simple as they seem. I think that it probably also has a bit of divine energy left. It’s a pity that your exchange with her ended up this way.” Liu Yunzhi’s voice seemed very dissatisfied.

“Ok.” In the end, w.a.n.g Yan’s voice also became cold as she agreed to Liu Yunzhi’s request.

Liu Yunzhi’s quiet, gloomy voice muttered to himself, “We can’t take action in front of the others or it’ll be too troublesome. We have to carefully plan this out.”


Pang Bo closed his cellphone. “Everyone heard it right? These three b.a.s.t.a.r.ds want to kill me and Ye Fan. Don’t blame us for not caring about our old friends.h.i.+p as cla.s.smates.”

At this moment, Ye Fan began walking forward without saying any more. Pang Bo followed closely behind him, and Zhang Ziling also quickly followed up. Seeing this, the others also followed them into the forest.

When Li Changqing and w.a.n.g Yan saw Pang Bo and Ye Fan striding over to them, their guilty conscience caused them to appear uneasy. Liu Yunzhi’s expression became even gloomier.

“We let you off time and time again, but you actually planned to kill us. If I were to let you off again, I’d have to give up my name Pang Bo!”

“You…you’re saying nonsense!” Li Changqing immediately began to emit cold sweat.

w.a.n.g Yan’s face was extremely pale with alarm as she tried to explain, “Uh…I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Pang Bo didn’t say anything. He simply played the recording again.

Now, w.a.n.g Yan and Li Changqing were both panicking, and even Liu Yunzhi’s expression was starting to become a bit pale. There was simply no way for them to dispute such ironclad proof.

“We were just saying stuff in a moment of anger. You can’t take it as the truth…” Li Changqing shouted. By now, he was completely terrified.

“Angry words? Do you think we’re all three year old children? Everyone knows what’s going on.” Even the normally silent Zhang Ziling began to speak coldly.

“Liu Yunzhi, this is completely unacceptable. How can you guys have such thoughts?” w.a.n.g Ziwen said severely.

Lin Jia was also shaking her head, sighing, “We were all university cla.s.smates. How can you guys be so malicious?”

“This is too excessive! Wanting to murder your fellow cla.s.smates who have been stranded in a new world together, do you even have any humanity left?” The others all successively spoke out, all scolding and criticizing the three of them.

In the end, Zhou Yi frowned and said, “Do you need to be so terrible as to want to kill your cla.s.smates? Hurry up and apologize to Ye Fan and Pang Bo…”

Liu Yunzhi’s group of three all had pale expressions. They wished they could find some kind of fault in their enemy’s proof to exploit, but there was none to be found.

“Just an apology isn’t enough anymore. The mouth can say ‘yes’ while the heart means ‘no’. There isn’t any sincerity or effect.” Ye Fan looked at Zhou Yi before turning to look at everyone. “They already have such intentions towards me. If I were to say that I could still calmly live with it, it would be a lie. With someone waiting for the opportunity to kill me, I can’t exactly guard myself all night and day, right?”

Stopping here, Ye Fan quickly strode out in front.

Liu Yunzhi’s face was now completely white without the slightest trace of blood. He tightened his grip on his jewelled vajra scepter, and a thread of alarm could be seen in his eyes.

w.a.n.g Yan shouted in panic, “You…what do you want to do?”

Li Changqing also appeared very fearful and fl.u.s.tered. He quickly urged Liu Yunzhi, “Hurry and use your jewelled vajra scepter!”

The three of them knew that Ye Fan wouldn’t let their existence off this time. Once he took action, he definitely wouldn’t be benevolent.

Pang Bo also followed Ye Fan, but Ye Fan stopped him, saying, “Let me be the bad guy this time. I’ll take care of it!” He took Pang Bo’s Great Thunderchant Temple copper plaque and single-handedly began carrying it forward.

“Don’t…don’t come over!” w.a.n.g Yan shouted in panic.

Ye Fan didn’t look at her, first walking over to Liu Yunzhi and Li Changqing.

At this moment, Liu Yunzhi suddenly pushed Li Changqing in front of him to protect himself. He followed up by waving the jewelled vajra scepter and loudly shouting, “Go die!”


Ye Fan swung the Great Thunderchant Temple copper plaque, sending Li Changqing flying into the air like he was as light as a scarecrow. In the end, Li Changqing was sent flying over four, even five meters away.

Behind him, everyone was secretly amazed. Ye Fan’s strength truly was extraordinary; he truly was deserving of his nickname, ‘The Barbarian.’

Pang Bo mocked Li Changqing, “Didn’t you just say that ‘Yunzhi is really loyal?’ Pus.h.i.+ng you out as a s.h.i.+eld during dangerous times, how truly loyal!”

Li Changqing felt acute pains all over his body and many of his bones had broken. Just as he was struggling to get up, Pang Bo walked over and stepped on him in that place, making it difficult for him to budge even the slightest.


Ye Fan swung the Great Thunderchant Temple into the jewelled vajra scepter. Liu Yunzhi’s hand was covered by traces of minute divine light, but it was unable to resist the powerful force!

The Great Thunderchant Temple plaque didn’t emit any light, but its strength was unparalleled. The force of it was practically equivalent to a copper mountain.

Dong, dong, dong.

After three metallic strikes, Liu Yunzhi was knocked onto the ground. Both his arms were broken and spasming, and the jewelled vajra scepter tumbled to the ground, before being picked up by Ye Fan.

At this moment, Zhang Ziling also walked over, dragging w.a.n.g Yan with him.

“What…what do you want?” Liu Yunzhi’s face was white as snow. After being slammed by that heavy copper plaque, he was now kneeling in front of Ye Fan.

Ye Fan replied with a dull laugh. “What do I want? I want to feel safe in the future. I don’t want others to have hidden intentions against me.”

“What…are you going to do?” Liu Yunzhi was completely panicked by now. He yelled out to everyone, “We’re all cla.s.smates, don’t let him go overboard!”

“Have you heard of a certain type of punishment from olden times? For particularly vicious criminals, they would throw them off a cliff while they were still alive. Or they might even just smash them into boulders.”

“No…don’t!” Liu Yunzhi shouted in fear. But he was completely powerless to resist. Ye Fan picked him up as easily as a chicken, bringing him out of the forest and towards the stone wall that had the four words ‘Ancient Desolation Forbidden Land.’

Pang Bo and Zhang Ziling also brought Li Changqing and w.a.n.g Yan.

“No! Save me!” the three of them all shouted repeatedly in complete terror.

“This still isn’t alright Ye Fan. No matter how wrong they were, they were still your cla.s.smates. You can’t randomly just punish them by killing them.” Zhou Yi appeared quite displeased.

“That’s right, you can’t act this way. Even if they were evil, those are still three lives. Just give them another chance to redeem themselves.” Three or four people opened their mouths to try reconciling the situation.

Ye Fan turned to look at everyone. “I truly don’t want to do this. But opening a path to life for them is equivalent to opening a path to death for me.”

Suddenly, his expression turned sluggish for a moment. He saw that there was a cave within the stone wall. There were two tiger cubs with twisting stripes in the cave who were baring their teeth. Although their teeth were still less than a foot long, they already had the savage air of a beast.

A saber-toothed tiger!

Ye Fan was startled. On Earth, this species had long since become extinct. Who would have thought that he would be able to see them today? Although they were still very young, he could still clearly see how sharp their teeth were as they flashed like frost.

This was the den of the saber-toothed tiger. The adult tiger must be out hunting, otherwise there would definitely be a great danger to any pa.s.serby.

At this moment, other than just Zhou Yi, there were also a couple others who were advising him not to. “Ye Fan, don’t be impulsive. Give them another chance. It might sound simple to kill a cla.s.smate, but it truly isn’t pleasant to hear…”

After Ye Fan confirmed what was inside the stone cave, he once more turned to look at everyone. “I’ve continuously let them off time and time again, but they are constantly thinking of ways to hurt me, even trying to kill me and Pang Bo. What I’m trying to do is to protect myself. But if everyone is against hurting fellow cla.s.smates, then I will listen. I’ll give them another chance.”

Pang Bo immediately shouted out in protest, “Give them another chance at life? That’s just the same as waiting to be killed by them!”

Ye Fan shook his head. Giving a meaningful stare to Pang Bo, he said, “We should first tie them up. We’ll leave them here for a while so that we can put some distance between us. We can no longer travel together with such dangerous people.”

Although Pang Bo was very unwilling, he had a very good understanding of Ye Fan. When he saw the profound gaze Ye Fan was giving him, he knew that he had some hidden plan.

Liu Yunzhi was being carried by Ye Fan, and he couldn’t see the two tiger cubs in the stone cave. He naturally didn’t know why Ye Fan would suddenly have a change of heart, but he still rejoiced. Now he could continue living!

Liu Yunzhi, Li Changqing, and w.a.n.g Yan were quickly securely tied up. The bindings were made from belts and torn off strips of clothes. At Ye Fan’s request, they also gagged the three of them.

Ye Fan walked in front of the cave and directly threw Liu Yunzhi into it. When Pang Bo and Zhang Ziling walked up, they immediately became stupefied. The tiger cubs were baring their teeth at them; this was actually a tiger cave!

Pang Bo’s unwilling expression immediately evaporated, and he almost let out a hearty laugh. He finally understood why Ye Fan would have a sudden change of heart. Throwing them into the cave was no different from the previous punishment. It was almost certain there was an adult tiger around. It would probably return soon.

“MMPH, MMPH…” Liu Yunzhi’s expression immediately changed, and he tried to shout. But with his mouth gagged, there was no way for him to make any loud noise.

Pang Bo and Zhang Ziling followed suit and threw Li Changqing and w.a.n.g Yan into the tiger cave.

Under Ye Fan, Pang Bo, and Zhang Ziling’s urging, everyone quickly left since this wasn’t a good place to rest. Before they had even walked two kilometers away, an earth-shattering tiger roar came from behind them.

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