Shrouding the Heavens

Chapter 19 G.o.d of Death Reappears

Chapter 19 G.o.d of Death Reappears

“What he tried to do to me is something that everyone here saw and understands.” Ye Fan’s left hand was holding the ancient bronze lamp while his right hand was holding the broken bamboo fish drum. Instead of retreating, he actually walked forward as if to welcome them, saying, “Since I’ve already taken this bamboo fish drum, there’s no way I’ll return it.”

The divine radiance spilling out of the ancient bronze lamp was like the sun. It was as bright as the moon, yet also like a divine rainbow. It sparkled gloriously, and its auspicious color completely conformed to Ye Fan. It seemed as if the heavens themselves had entered bodily shape, making him appear beyond the dust of the mortal world, an exiled Immortal arriving in the world clad in divine armor.

Moreover, his right hand was holding onto the bamboo fish drum. Although it was broken and had now dimmed, everyone had seen how it had just released the might of a G.o.d of thunder. The violet lightning wove and the shocking thunder boomed. With both of them in Ye Fan’s possession, people truly were afraid of irritating him.

“Li Changqing shouldn’t have randomly spoken and caused another person to become greedy. This truly was an unpleasant affair. But Ye Fan, now that you’ve s.n.a.t.c.hed away his life-saving relic, you are being even more excessive.” Liu Yunzhi walked up to the front. The vajra scepter in his hand was gloriously bright, causing people to have a sense of how much power was compacted inside it, giving it an imposing air.

Beside him were the man and woman who had from the very start tried to stop Pang Bo and help Li Changqing. Right now, they were closely following Liu Yunzhi as he advanced.

“Ye Fan, I know you are furious; anyone who had such a thing happen to him would have their rage surge. But we should try to forgive.” The woman spoke very calmly and in a manner that made it seem like she was being righteous and fair. “In this kind of situation, depriving him of his life-saving measure signifies something we’re all aware of. We simply can’t do such an excessive thing.”

In her hand was a broken bronze bell. It had been covered in dust for countless years and was very dull, appearing like an extremely ordinary object. But it still caused everyone to pay attention to her. As she spoke, her hand seemed to accidentally move, occasionally causing a couple bell sounds to be emitted.

The man beside Liu Yunzhi also opened his mouth, “We should all try to have a bit more forgiveness in our hearts. Everyone has known each other for four years. Now that we are all in this misfortune, we should all work together to help each other. The disagreeable affair has already been exposed; don’t get overly tangled up with it, Ye Fan. You should still return his life-saving bamboo fish drum back to him. You also don’t want to helplessly watch as he loses his life, right?”

In his hands was a very rusty incense burner. It wasn’t even the size of his palm, and there were some very badly damaged places and disintegrated walls.

Naturally with the three of them standing together, each with divine relics from the Great Thunderchant Temple, their words were extremely weighty.


Pang Bo walked forward with large strides, and heavily slammed his Great Thunderchant Temple copper plaque on the ground, saying, “Your words sound even more pleasant than singing. I find that your ability to invert right and wrong is very profound. First, you have to understand what just happened, and second, you have to understand that people have to be a bit more righteous.

“It was obviously Li Changqing who wanted to hurt Ye Fan, how did it become Ye Fan not being magnanimous enough? What kind of reasoning is this? How could you say that it is Ye Fan who is in the wrong? Someone wanted to kill Ye Fan, and so he took away the thing they relied on to do so, how is this wrong? According to what you’ve said, you’ve caused Ye Fan to appear like an evil person while Li Changqing is someone who has done nothing wrong! Stop being so hypocritical with your justice, it makes me feel sick.”

Even now, the light on Pang Bo’s body had yet to fade. The words on his copper plaque, Great Thunderchant Temple, continued to emit a heaven-soaring brilliance. Buddhist chanting as shocking as thunder could be faintly heard, yet it was completely indiscernible. His whole body appeared like a blazing sun, appearing extremely imposing.

After he said this, the expressions of the man and woman became much more unsightly.

“We’re not saying Ye Fan is wrong, we just want to care about the friends.h.i.+p of his cla.s.smates. Don’t take away Li Changqing’s bamboo fish drum; let him protect his life.”

They were completely dwelling on the trivial instead of focusing on the important details. They didn’t raise the issue of how Ye Fan had almost been pushed out of the five-colored altar by someone. He had been dangerously close to being sucked into the storm. Instead of raising this issue, they brought up how Ye Fan’s actions were equal to killing his cla.s.smate.

Ye Fan waited for them to finish talking before flatly smiling and saying, “Actually, you three don’t need to be worried, I don’t want to deal with him any longer.”

His whole body was covered in divine light that caused people to feel calm and tranquil. The light was hazy and white, making the surrounding dust disappear.

“However, what I want to point out is that it was Li Changqing and his group almost cost me my life, and it wasn’t me trying to hurt him as you keep saying. This is something that everyone saw with their own eyes.” Ye Fan swept his gaze over Liu Yunzhi’s group of three. “This place has many cla.s.smates who didn’t find anything in the Great Thunderchant Temple, yet they are all living contently here, why is that? Because just now, we all shared the divine relics. The reason I’m keeping Li Changqing’s bamboo fish drum is just because I don’t want to have any unpleasant leverage. He might cause people to come after my things and cause other people to have evil intentions. You guys don’t have to worry about anything. Everyone is in this together, and we can all share the divine relics. If we all help each other, we can all be safe and sound. But of course, if there were some people who aren’t willing to share their bell, incense burner, or vajra scepter, then they can always come to me. I definitely will not forget the friends.h.i.+p that I have with my cla.s.smates.”

Ye Fan first pointed out the cause for this whole matter, and then he brought up the sharing of the divine relics. Although he didn’t say much, everyone naturally remembered how it had actually been his idea just now, and only then did many people survive the calamity. His words completely removed the reasoning behind the argument of Liu Yunzhi and the other two . None of them had anything else to say after hearing his reasoning.

Zhou Yi was also standing at the front. Other than speaking at the very beginning to tell Ye Fan to give back the bamboo fish drum, he had been quietly standing there listening without further expressing any opinion. But at this moment he once again opened his mouth to say, “Li Changqing truly was greatly in the wrong and this punishment cannot be considered excessive. Ye Fan, you now hold two of the divine relics in your hands, and this is a bit wasteful. There were quite a few cla.s.smates who didn’t find a single relic.”

Zhou Yi’s family had quite the influential background, but he never did anything that would cause people to think he was arrogant. He was always courteous and amiable. Pointing out this fact now immediately caused Pang Bo to knit his brow. However, he didn’t have anything that he could say to refute it.

“I’m even willing to share the ancient bronze lamp in my hand with everyone, so of course now that I’ve taken this bamboo fish drum I’ll continue acting in such a way.” Ye Fan smiled towards a man behind him. Beckoning with his hand, he said, “Zhang Ziling, I’ll give it to you. If you sense any danger, you absolutely must share it with the people beside you.”

This cla.s.smate called Zhang Ziling had stood behind Ye Fan and Pang Bo all along. The relations they had forged on the soccer field were a bit stronger than normal cla.s.smates. Just now, although he didn’t act like Pang Bo and take action, he had obviously taken a stand behind Ye Fan.

This decision of Ye Fan’s was very sudden. Zhou Yi’s mouth moved slightly, but in the end, he didn’t say anything.

Liu Yunzhi’s lips were pursed. The woman beside him immediately tried to argue, “Many of the men already gained something from the Great Thunderchant Temple. In comparison, many women are still lacking a relic. I think that we should give it to a woman.” Saying this, she indicated a woman behind her.

Pang Bo gave her a ridiculing look, saying, “Why do us cla.s.smates have to be divided in such a way? The people with divine relics all have to share with other people, so it doesn’t matter if it’s a woman or a man. Don’t tell me you aren’t willing to help others?”

Picking out details that didn’t matter instead of the important points, Pang Bo’s ridiculing of her caused her to be infuriated. Her face alternated between green and white as she said, “Don’t twist what I wanted to say!”

Zhang Ziling walked over naturally. When he received the bamboo fish drum from Ye Fan, the two of them didn’t say a single word.

Ye Fan directly ignored Liu Yunzhi, not even giving him a glance. He asking Zhou Yi, “How do you feel about this?”

“I don’t have an opinion. But right now we’re in dire straits and should be helping each other, so I hope no more unscrupulous things occur.” Zhou Yi said this in a very calm manner, and nothing more.

The other surrounding cla.s.smates saw all of this. They all realized that while the previous situation had appeared mild, an intangible battle had occurred. But it all was dissolved by Ye Fan in a very light manner, causing people to be reminded of how Ye Fan had been during university.

At that time, when it was time to be calm, Ye Fan would be extremely gentle and tranquil; when it was time to show off his capabilities he would absolutely not be careless. He never caused trouble, but he was even less afraid of trouble calling on him.

Holding the Great Thunderchant Temple copper plaque, Pang Bo stared at Liu Yunzhi and his group, saying, “Ye Fan might not be bothered by the fact that someone wanted to hurt him, but I still have to say a few words. Everyone has all seen the same things these past few hours, and I bet none of us can refute the existence of G.o.ds. We should all try to be a bit more proper in our actions and not do any shady things that can’t be revealed in the light!”

This was equivalent to slapping these few people in the face, but they couldn’t say anything in response because he stood on the side of ‘justice’.

Liu Yunzhi appeared like a calm well. His expression didn’t appear at all ugly. He merely nodded and said, “Correct, from now we definitely have to avoid these kinds of things.”

Lin Jia and w.a.n.g Ziwen stood in the rear, the two of them adopting a neutral att.i.tude. Previously, they hadn’t said a word, but now they both opened their mouths.

“In order to avoid such a thing happening again, I think we should all have a nice discussion about it.”

“Now we all know for sure how the ones who found relics in the Great Thunderchant Temple can help the others.”

Li Xiaoman had not said anything even now. Seeing Ye Fan easily resolve this issue, she didn’t show any expression or offer any help.

And as for Kade beside her, his language skills were only average, and only now did he understand what had just transpired, causing this foreigner to be completely speechless.


Suddenly, a cracking noise rang out. Everyone started; the protecting light layer around the five-colored altar had been pierced. Something had drilled its way in, and everyone walked over in that direction.

A black light moved at an insane speed, and with a “plop” sound it penetrated a man’s forehead. Blood flew everywhere, and that man’s eyes opened wide, blankly staring up at the sky as he fell onto the ground. After this, silence descended…

If it weren’t for that black light, this kind of dreadful thing simply could not happen in such a manner. The black light was completely undetectable to everyone. They recalled how five other people had been killed in the night, and everyone’s courage froze. This kind of black light moved so secretly that they couldn’t detect it.

The appearance of the black light was equivalent to the arrival of the G.o.d of death!

Peals of frightened screams filled the altar, and in the mess, the people who didn’t have divine relics immediately threw themselves over at Liu Yunzhi, Zhou Yi, w.a.n.g Ziwen, and the others, grabbing onto the relics and never letting go.

“AWOOO….” Suddenly a loud howl came from the storm, causing people’s hair to stand on end. This earth-shattering noise even exceeded the thunderous noise of the sandstorm.

“It’s from the Great Thunderchant Temple…”

At this moment, quite a few people’s faces had turned pale. They managed to make out which direction the noise was coming from, and it really was the Great Thunderchant Temple!

“The Great Thunderchant Temple has already been destroyed; is it possible the temple was suppressing something underneath it…?”

Pang Bo’s words immediately caused everyone’s scalps to go numb, like they were in a horror movie.

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