First of all a warning: This is R-18 and NTR. If you don’t know what NTR is you might want to get out of here before you fall into the darkness and never get out.

To those who have already fallen like me, I hope that my translation is sufficient enough for you to enjoy this novel.

Releases will be slow since I have a job, but I’ll release chapters in parts as they get translated. I’m also still editing the website.

Also, please don’t post spoilers.

Edit1: For clarifications, this is netorare (MC gets his harem stolen from him) and not netori (MC steals girls from others).

Part 1

was what this world was called in ancient language
and this story occurred in somewhere in this world.

A relatively new 『Society』 was formed in this world.

That new 『Society』 was imposingly named 『Immortal Slayer (Undead Hunter)Society』.
Incidentally 『Undead Hunter』 was a job which specialized in hunting zombies and vampires who were 『Immortal(Undead)』 and (Devil) and akki (Demon) who were 『Devilishness(Evil Spirit)』

The Society gathered numerous orphans and managed orphanages.

And instructed applicants with the secret arts of undead hunters,
and the new undead hunters were accepted as members of the Society.

Ares――a young man with red hair,
also voluntarily aspired the path of an undead hunter.

Ares――the name of the mythical G.o.d of war
and he thought that this name was a bit embarra.s.sing―――
was raised with other children without knowing the faces of his own parent’s.
He was mischievous, wild, and forced his chivalry on others;
he didn’t have an excellent physique but he had the capabilities of a warrior.
He was 15 years old when he was recognized by the Society as an undead hunter.

For a while he continued to exterminate the weakest undeads like common zombies
and to do unremarkable logistical support,

And after 3 years he already became an independent undead hunter.
During that time he was invited by adventurer parties as a temporary fighter against undead.
(The Adventurer’s Union and Society were cooperating.)

Soon when he was solicited by the Society Headquarters to go to a local branch, he accepted it with pleasure.

And so the red haired undead hunter, Ares Jogshis left his hometown where he was raised together with other orphans by his round and chubby foster mother ――to whom he got his family name from―― and bid farewell to them as he mustered his way to a new land.

That place was the Rago Oceanic Kingdom which possessed the strongest naval forces in the world.
――――however, he was actually dispatched to one of the local cities which wasn’t facing and had no relations to the sea.

That local city was called Kuoteram.
Ares while being rocked on a wagon along with several undead hunters and adventurers left the capital city Ashteram of the oceanic kingdom.

Since it was a hurried departure, Ares scratched for information from the local adventurers  inside the covered wagon

「Is the sun G.o.d belief particularly popular in this country? 」

「Yes, because recovery magic is advanced in the cities.」

Answered a warrior from a row of adventurers.

There were several magic in the two systems of what was called 『Sun Arts』.

Undead hunters used the technique called『Sun Arts ・Holy Slash』,
while medicine used 『Sun Arts・Heal』.

Although they used identical powers, on one hand anti-undead skills while recovery skills on the other, the difficulty of learning the latter was overwhelmingly harder.

「Well、even I only somehow learned『Sun Arts・Holy Slash』…」

Ares’ self-ridicule comment invited smiles to everyone in the wagon.

Incidentally, even though the sun G.o.d belief was popular, in this world belief and magical ability had no relationship,

The meta of 「Priest and Clergy = can use recovery skills」 didn’t exist in this world.
Nonetheless, the common notion that clergies want to learn recover magic has completely no relation.

[But still a medical city where the sun G.o.d belief is popular――I wonder if it’s a stifling city?]

[No, is what I’d like to say…At any rate, there are a lot of sick people but also health resorts. Thanks to that there are red-light districts in the other side of the city…]

[That must be a huge city huh.]

[Ares should also enjoy in the red-light district.]

[Leave me alone…]

Part 2

Ares was plainly perplexed by his colleague’s banter.
Although the Society Headquarters which Ares belonged was in the capital of the Mercenary Kingdom which had an incomparable red-light district, he never approached that kind of place.
Was it because he was worried about his childish face, or was he just not interested by s.e.xual pleasures?

[Do the undead and lower evil cla.s.s spirits here appear during this time?]

In order to change the topic of conversation, he questioned one of the adventurers.
It was already dark when looking outside, a lantern to provide illumination was installed in the wagon.

[Hmm, well――――]

Before an answer was completely returned a scream was heard.
It came from in front.


As soon as telling that to the driver, Ares had jumped out from the wagon even before the horses were stopped.
The sound of metallic armor rang out at the same time he landed.

[Magician, lights please!]

Chanting of the spell was started together with his instruction and simultaneously when it ended, a more dazzling light than the lantern shone amidst the dark night.

While illuminating the maintained road, in front were several men and women who had desperate expressions were running towards their direction.
Were they a merchant-looking man and his family?
In addition, a strange sound rang out from behind which approached them.

[Warrior-sama! Please help us!]

Shouted the merchant-looking man who was in the lead.

While guiding the men and women behind the magicians, from the darkness appeared three armed skeletons, which rushed while being exposed to the light.

Ares took a stance with his two-handed sword to intercept them.
The undead hunters and warriors followed suit.

(Skeleton warriors huh――)

They weren’t tough for undead monsters but they could be considerable difficult for new adventurers.

However Ares had crossed swords with them many times.
Nonetheless, during the darkness of the night it wasn’t like the enemies were limited to three. Taking that into consideration even a bit of carelessness wouldn’t be permitted.

Sounds of metal objects colliding―――
The skeleton warrior’s saber was caught with his two-handed sword.
Although it was sharp it wasn’t heavy.

In the dark night, magic power in the magic circle shone in the air while the sound of three respective sword fights rang out.

Ares locked swords with the skeleton warrior in front of him.
Then he pushed his opponent in one go.
In the interval when his opponent was staggering,
while using his right hand to cross swords with his prey,
he struck his opponent’s face with his empty left hand.

Naturally it wasn’t just a simple punch.
He invoked basic undead hunter magic 『Cross Shot』 and included it in his attack.

Actually this spell didn’t really require direct contact.
(Originally a light bullet was shot to the undead through the motion of the fist.
In other words it was used as a projectile weapon.)

There were also warriors who prefer to shout while striking directly because they were aiming for the synergy effect of fist and magic.
(This was named 『Cross Fist』.)

Ares’ left fist sunk into the side of the head of the skeleton warrior, which smashed its skull.
A cracking sound accompanied the fall of the skeleton warrior and he took this check the situation of others.

An undead hunter screamed as a skeleton warrior charged to him.

Looking at the scene the enemy’s wide saber stabbed deeply into his left thigh.
Without change the saber was drawn out and fresh blood gushed out, and then the undead hunter fell on his backside.

The monster raised its saber above its head and swung it down, but in order to stop that――

A small transparent stone was thrown between the two.
A clear sound like a singing voice resounded at the same time as the stone got smashed,
the sound stopped the skeleton warrior’s movement for an instant…which much less dulled its movement.

Ares leaped above the skeleton warriors head and sliced it in one stroke.

[Sorry. Forcing you to use that stone…]

[Don’t worry about it. More than that how is your injury?]

The earlier stone was called [Sacred Voice Stone] and when throwing it and simultaneously chanting a short spell, all undead and devils who hear the sound will flinch.

One skeleton warrior and another two were finally defeated.

[s.h.i.t…it hurts…]

Because there weren’t any recovery magic user, Ares started preparing for first-aid treatment.
During that, in order to confirm for danger, a warrior started looking around the surroundings, and he suddenly shouted when he saw the way to their destination, Kuoteram City.

[Someone’s coming―――isn’t that a recovery user?]

Recover User――with the same character reading, it specifies a doctor.
It was mentioned before in this world as a user of 『Sun Arts・Heal』 to cure injuries.
Their feature was usually wearing white clothes.

[Is that true? Probably a person from Kuoteram. Anyway first hear them out.]

Without confirming the appearance of recover users,
Ares continued first-aid treatment on the leg.
His undead hunter colleague’s wound was just too deep.

While hearing the confirmation of each other’s ident.i.ty in the background,
Ares unfastened his colleague’s belt and started taking off his trousers.
His colleague was throwing cold sweat, and was now in silence.

He took out an alcohol which he carried for disinfection purposes,  and readied to spray it. In that moment――――

[Wait. Please don’t do that.]

When he heard a clear and beautiful voice of a female, Ares panicked and looked over his shoulder while standing up.


Which resulted on him knocking against a delicate and small body.
That time, Ares’ nose perceived a faint aroma of flowers.
Ares who held his ground and didn’t fall looked, and right there was a lone girl who landed on her bottom.

She wore a white robe, had flaxen-colored side ponytail and pale blue round eyes.
It looked like she was the same age or younger than Ares.

The girl innocently looked up at Ares.


Ares was completely enchanted by the girl’s loveliness, in addition he had limited experience with girls and so he started getting nervous.

But when he thought over the situation, he presented his right hand in a panic.

[M-my bad, are you okay?]

While the girl also presented her right hand, she felt a bit ashamed as she gazed at the youth’s face and took his hand.

[Yes…th-thank you very much.]

He gripped the girl’s hand to pull her body, and raised her up.
During that, the pair’s cheek were slightly red..

Two recovery users approached them.

[Shirley-sama, are you okay?]

They appeared to be the girl’s attendants. The girl named Shirley informed them that she was alright and once again faced Ares.

[My name is Shirley Esteol. My family had been recover users for generations in Kuoteram.]

Shirley and company heard the sounds of rushing back outside the city.
In other words they were the merchant and his family who were attacked earlier.

[I am Ares Diogshis. Currently, I am the undead hunter sent by the Rago branch of the Society. I came here to lead my colleagues and adventurers for the investigation of Kuoteram.]

They came here because undead and lower cla.s.s evil spirits were recently sighted in the outskirts of Kuoteram.
And since a request was also sent to the Adventurer’s Union, it became a cooperation with the Society.

[By the way… the thing that I shouldn’t do earlier was…?]

[Ah…for disinfection purposes, I believe that putting alcohol would actually give the opposite result.]

She took out a water sack from her pouch while explaining, and deliberately wiped the wound with it.

Meanwhile, the men who seemed to be her attendants chanted magic in order to relieve the pain.
Shirley then held out her hand over the wound and chanted a spell, and the wound was instantly healed.

His colleague’s anguished face softened when looking.

[Thank you. We’re saved thanks to you.]

The girl returned a smile to Ares’ word.

[It’s fine, most likely the pain had not yet completely subsided, so please don’t move your leg yet. We’re almost in the city. For a while please use a stretcher―――]

[It’s okay, we came here using a wagon so we can lay him inside.  We’ll soon reach there by foot anyway.]

Without change the wounded colleague was boarded inside the wagon, and they earnestly aim to the city on foot.
Meanwhile, Ares and Shirley walked side by side and exchanged information and soon they started chatting.

This was the first meeting of these two people.

Part 3

――――The next day。
Since the undead hunter branch didn’t have any building in Kuoteram,
Ares and his fellow undead hunters resided in a vacant house.

Incidentally the adventurers also rented a similar vacant house,
and they will at once return to Ashteram Capital City when this job was over.

Regarding adventurers, the capital naturally had numerous jobs for them.
But the talk is different when there were treasures that slept in ruins and caves in the surroundings.

Unpacking and sorting his luggage, Ares had to some extent decided the place to go.

He was going to greet the person above cooperating to this time’s investigation.
He received this order from the branch chief of the Rago branch of the Society.

That person was a woman, and she was the symbol of this city and was said to be extremely knowledgeable and  a genius recovery.

Usually, she was inside the medical library of the city, and Ares arranged to meet her there.

When crossing the park, Ares met a certain person.
That person was unexpectedly Shirley.
She was wearing an identical white robe like yesterday, but this time she didn’t have her attendants and was alone.

[h.e.l.lo, Ares-san.]

She greeted with a reserved smile.

[Yo. Thanks for last night.]

A grat.i.tude was again expressed to follow for yesterday.

[It’s nothing. It’s something a recover user would naturally do.]

Obviously a fee was commonly charged.
Ares planned to followed that, since he wasn’t able to pay last night.

[You’re not taking you attendants today?]

[…attendants? …ah, those are father’s apprentice you know.]

When recalling last night, she said something about her family being a recovery user for generations.

[By the way, where is Ares-san heading to?]

[I’m going to meet a recovery user called Grace in the medical library.]

[Oh, you’re going to meet onee-chan?]

[That’s ri――what did you just say?]

[Onee-chan….Grace Esteol is my elder sister.]

Part 4

There were many white buildings in Kuoteram and the medical library was a prominent white building that had three floors; it was especially famous for its wide first floor and bas.e.m.e.nt.
One of the rooms in the third floor was owned by Shirley’s elder sister, and Grace Esteol was waiting there.

Her bangs were arranged in a straight line, and she had long chestnut-colored hair.
She had identical gentle, blue eyes like her little sister.
She had a charming mole near her mouth, and wore which gave an intellectual atmosphere.
Wearing a brown robe, she looked more like a magician than a recovery user.
The upper part of that robe emphasized her big chest.
Incidentally the younger sister Shirley, while having a small stature, possessed a bust which wasn’t inferior to her elder sister.

[Welcome, Ares Jogshis-san. It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Grace Esteol. I am performing as a recovery user.]

Her calm appearance matched her relaxed way of talking.

Grace wasn’t just a library clerk, her father was a former director of the largest hospital in this city.
She personally worked there as a high-ranking recovery user, have achieved the degree of Sage, and since she was an unparalleled avid reader, she was granted this room for convenience.

After Ares also finished his greeting, he explained that the Society Headquarters dispatched two undead hunters and five adventurers for investigating the incident.
Thus, Grace will lend her power as declared by the Rago Branch Chief.

Becoming silent after hearing the explanation, Grace soon glanced at her younger sister who was sitting beside her and ―――

[Before proceeding to our talk, it seems you’ve a.s.sisted my little sister last night.]

[N-not really, it was us who was actually helped. She helped out my injured colleague..]

[I see. Even so, for my younger sister who is weak to men to guide you until here―――]

Grace stared at her little sister with a suggestive look.


Angrily shouted Shirley with a flushed face in one side.

After laughing for a while Grace returned her expression.

[The number one reason I was nominated by the Rago Branch Chief as the supporter is because I am very knowledgeable about this library. This library doesn’t only have things about medicine, but general information about Sun Arts are also collected here. In other words, regarding the incident ―――]

[Not only Sun Arts・Holy Slash――but there are also information about undead and devil here―――right?]

[That’s correct. If before investigating you needed some kind of information, you’ll be able to utilize the books in the library through me.]

[…I see.]

[Furthermore…well before that, has Ares-san heard about the Society dispatching reinforcements?]

Ares shook his head with a puzzled look.

[…No, I haven’t heard about it.]

[The investigation was expected to run into trouble, was written on the letter which was recently delivered to me. And one of the personnel which will be dispatched, is actually my acquaintance.]

It seems that was one more reason why she was chosen as the supporter.
Nonetheless, for him to be dispatched before the job has even started and the reinforcements had come was a bit unexpected.

Perhaps, the Society could sense something about this incident.
Actually the knights stationed in this city have repelled the undead several time, but the outbreak didn’t stop.
In the end to determine the source of the outbreak the power of magic was needed.

After being briefed by Grace regarding the details of the incident, Ares went outside
Shirley volunteered to accompany him and guide him around the city.
The two chatted with each other while they roamed the streets.

[I’m sorry that onee-chan said something strange…]

Apologized the girl while blushing a bit.

[It’s fine…but she’s a kind and nice sister huh. How envious.]

[Is Ares-san a single child?]

[…I was an orphan and raised by the Society so I don’t have any blood-related family.]

[I,I’m sorry…]

[Nah, It’s fine. Instead even though we’re not related by blood, I was able to meet a lot of siblings and a kind foster mother. It’s not really sad thing.]

[…But the truth is you want to meet your real family right?]

[I wonder?…People whom I don’t even know their faces…I didn’t really thi――hmm?]

During that time when they were talking, a big black carriage was stopped on the street.
A strange crest was embedded on its side.
Feeling suspicious Ares peered into a gap from the carriage’s door and――――

Part 5

[Nnn❤ ahn❤ ahn❤ amazing❤]

Inside the carriage which stopped on the street was a pair of man and woman who were intensely having s.e.x.
How long have they been doing this? The carriage’s floor was stained with s.e.xual fluids.

A pet.i.te girl and a middle-aged man.
The girl had milky white skin and wore a maid outfit.
The middle-aged man had dark tanned skin and wore a black robe.
The girl was facing and straddling on the waist of the seated man.
The girl panted as she swung her hips to match the man’s movement.

[Naah❤  This❤ feels good❤ Belkut-sama❤]

[It appears so…but you know you’re the only one enjoying this…]

As soon as saying that the man pulled out the girl’s black underwear along her leg,
firmly gripped her white round a.s.s and even more intensely f.u.c.ked her.

[Nnn❤ So rough❤ Haaaa❤

[Ei! Ei! Tighten more! Satisfy me more!]

The girl’s silver twintails and drooping ripe chest moved up and down in a big way.
The girl tightly embraced the man, her face seemingly in pain.

[How’s this! Who’s your owner! Answer while receiving my c.o.c.k in your p.u.s.s.y!]

[Ah❤ Yes❤ I’m❤ Belkut-sama’s…ah❤]

The man fiercely moved and shortened his strokes, and his posture leaned forward.
In response the girl’s posture fell backward.

Without change the man’s mouth gobbled up the girl’s chest, and rolled his tongue on her nipple.
The girl while still bending backward entwined her legs to the man’s waist.

[Ah❤ Belkut-sama❤ Forgive me❤ I, I’m coming❤]

[Endure it a bit longer! If you can’t do that I will abandon you in that state!]

*basun! basun!* sounded their waist slapping with each other, and s.e.xual fluids dripped from their intercourse.
They intertwined their tongue and licked each other’s mouth.

[I’m coming! Ei! Receive it with your womb!]

[Nnnn! Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ❤❤]

Along with her short scream the girl had c.u.mmed.
The girl’s small body received the man’s ma.s.sive s.e.m.e.n, and each time she twitched her bountiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s shook.

The carriage had been enchanted with a special magic which didn’t allow sound to leak outside.
The window were also enchanted which made it impossible to see inside.
But the carriage’s creaking and shaking made it easy to imagine what was happening.

After they climaxed the two continued to embrace each other and exchange kisses.

[Belkut-sama❤  You were amazing❤]

[You’ve endured well. But you know we still haven’t finished right?]

[Yes❤]  was the girl’s reply and buried her face to the middle-aged man’s crotch,
then licked the s.e.m.e.n on the tip his p.e.n.i.s.
From the girl’s sloppy crack which earlier had been ma.s.sively c.u.mmed into dripped out a thick string of s.e.m.e.n.

The girl tidied up herself, prepared her clothes, and tried to put on her black underwear…but.

A bit of s.e.m.e.n started to leak from her secret place, moistening her underwear.
The girls blushed furiously from her shame.

[What’s wrong? Get off at once.]

[U,umm…there’s still some of Belkut-sama’s s.e.m.e.n remaining…and it’s…]

The man disdainfully snorted, rolled up the girl’s skirt, gripped her underwear with both hands, and raised it up.

[Hyan! ❤]

When her underwear dun into her crotch, the girl let out a lovely scream.

[As if anyone would see it, get off already.]

Part 6

Feeling suspicious Ares was watching the carriage and then its inner door opened.
From inside a silver-haired twintailed maid unsteadily got down.

(! —a night spirit (Mormou) huh…)

Mormou were species from the Moon Race.
Their appearance were practically no different from humans but they had fair skin and had slightly pointed ears (not as long as Elves).

Having superior magical power, high intelligence, and nimble were their characteristics.

From behind the carriage the girl went around the side, and there she suddenly stopped as if she was enduring something.

Seeing her flushing red face as expected Ares called out to her.

[What’s wrong? Are you alright?]

While breathing roughly the girl absentmindedly turned to Ares’ direction.
To her strangeness and erotic expression the youth couldn’t continue his words.

[What are you doing Suu! Hurry and open the door!]

From inside a carriage an angry voice was heard.

[Y,yes…right away…]

The girl opened the door and her master and owner of the voice sluggishly came out.
An arrogant dark-skinned middle-aged man. He had silver hair and bear and his eyes were glaring.
He was wearing a robe, but it was difficult to think of him as a magician because of his physique.

[Too slow! You stupid girl!]

To the man who walked heavily in big steps Ares called out to him.

[Hey, aren’t you this girl’s master.]


To the red-haired youth’s voice the man turned to him.
The man’s eyes then glinted sharply.

[Your her master so it’s obvious you need to consider her health right.]

[A brat fussing over other people’s maid huh. Do you want to be crushed?]

The atmosphere became strained ―――
however at that time, for a moment the man noticed something.
In front of his gaze was the girl who was hidden behind Ares.
For about 1-2 seconds he wore a distracted look, and once again turned frontward and walked heavily and clumsily as if nothing ever happened.

The young maid in a panic bowed to Ares,
and then ran after her master.

To that affair Ares and Shirley were dumbfounded.

[Tsk…the heck was that, such a hateful punk.]

Behind the cursing Ares was Shirley who had a brooding expression.

(Wearing a robe and yet an unknown pract.i.tioner…Nevertheless that person…he looked kind of surprised when he saw me…)

Part 7

[…is something the matter Belkut-sama?]

Although there was trouble earlier his master was unexpectedly grinning.

[…Suu, perhaps I’ve found it.]


After only saying those words the robed man immediately entered inside the building
and the young maid chased after him.

To the white buildings that were lined up in the street, dark clouds started to hang over.

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