Part 1

On that day too the anti-magic ritual was performed, and then ended.
However what was different from usual was it wasn’t Grace alone who visited to check Sharley’s condition, Raiza was also present.

[Well then, I hope that we can go.]

To Belkut’s words after finishing the ritual, Grace obediently, while Raiza discouragingly, complied.
They left the hospital, and got into Belkut’s private carriage.

The owner Belkut sat down with a thump on a facing-type seat,
and Grace and Raiza was seated on the sit opposite of him.

Belkut signalled the coachman and urged him to depart.

[…Well then, it will be for a while until we arrived at my clinic,
I wonder if you’d let me enjoy during that time?]

With a skeptical face the sisters exchanged glances.

The large man unfastened his belt and took out his p.e.n.i.s as he continued speaking.

[This carriage is specially made.
There’s soundproofing,  and everything inside can’t be seen from outside.]

The carriage had a small window and this too was designed so that things could only be seen from inside.

The man’s dark brown d.i.c.k *boron* appeared.

Each of the sisters blushed as they reacted.
The man’s p.e.n.i.s was already erected.

(This guy’s…as I thought it’s big……that kind of thing to onee-chan…)

[What’s the matter? I don’t mind whichever of you two do it you know?]

After the two sisters made eye contact to each other and they timidly kneeled in front of the man, and started creeping their tongues to his p.e.n.i.s.



As the sisters licked the man’s d.i.c.k in their different ways, the man’s erection became even more excited and became bigger and harder.


(How stiff…❤]

With an absentminded expression Grace sucked on the tip.


(So until we’re still traveling huh…this guy…he made this kind of carriage for this purpose…)

While scorning the man Raiza crawled her tongue to the pole.

(For my p.e.n.i.s to be sucked inside the carriage by such two beautiful girls,
I guess it’s an experience that not even royalties have enjoyed.]

While feeling satisfied the man caressed the head of the two.

[To even lick my foreskin and―――oh?]

As if noticing something Belkut looked outside the window.
Then, a vulgar grin rose on his face.

[You two, continue as what you’re doing.]

Belkut *gara* opened the window and called outside.

[Hey, Ares-kun!]

The expression of the two who were servicing froze.
The carriage’s speed became slower, and eventually stopped.

Ares was buying equipment with his colleagues.
The sisters heard that this day Ares planned to go to the investigation after coming back.

Ares who had been called out from the small window of a carriage by an insect which he didn’t like, had a bit cold reaction.

Naturally, what Ares could only see was Belkut’s face and shoulders.

[…Oh, sensei. Are you returning home after finished the ritual?]

[…Yes. I plan to return to my clinic from now.]


Grace was sucking on the man’s, and kissed it.

(Even though Ares is just near…I’m…doing this kind of thing…❤)

[Which reminds me Raize seemed to also went to see the situation,
…is she still in hospital?]

[Yes, it seems so.]


Raiza was many times crawling her tongue to the man’s rod.


[Hey…sensei. Won’t you perform that ritual everyday?]

[How many times should I say this, I use a large quant.i.ty of magic power.
Besides I also have other patients…
Naturally, it’s not to the amount of Solar Magic recovery users.
However there are also patients to whom I could only use Lunar Magic.]

From the reasonable argument Ares didn’t say anymore words.

[…I wonder if you’re satisfied already?…Then this is it.
I’ll be returning to my clinic from now, and endeavour to replenishing my magic power by embracing girls.]

Ares openly displayed his discomfort to the large man’s words.
After returning to the clinic was his partner going to be the maid,
or will he enjoy a girl which he bought from the red-light district…
Incidentally in this world there exists a method of replenishing magic power by having s.e.x with a woman.

The carriage once again moved, and drifted away from Ares and his colleagues.

[…I see, I’ve heard stories but he’s a low-life huh.]

His colleague frowned.

[Yeah…but there’s no mistake about his ability.]

While seeing off the rear of the carriage Ares carried the luggage.

(…However, I heard a strange sound from inside the carriage.
…was the usual maid inside?)

The two blamed with their tongues the man’s p.e.n.i.s from both sides.
With an obscene expression the two freely used their tongues similar to a beast.

[Kukukuku…during our conversation, I guess that youth would never in his dreams imagine that these sisters were holding fast deep in their mouths a man’s d.i.c.k.]

[Shraff af (Shut up)…hamu…don’t say things…nn…about Ares…chu❤]


Raiza earnestly condemned the man’s p.e.n.i.s, in order to make it c.u.m.

(If I make him c.u.m here once…I’ll be able to s.n.a.t.c.h away his stamina.)

Raiza left alone Grace as she was and then bent her body forward, and held deep inside her mouth the man’s p.e.n.i.s.

(Even so…this guy…is really big and vigorous…)

[Oops…wait right there.]

From feeling good too much Belkut stopped Raiza.


From losing her chance to make him c.u.m, Raiza clicked her tongue inside her mouth.

[I’m surprised for you to like a man’s p.e.n.i.s that much.
Very well, since you want it that much,
today let’s start with receiving you, Raiza.]

While Raiza was grinding her teeth, they finally arrived in front of the clinic.
After getting off and opening the door, the usual cat-type werebeast maid Kuu greeted them.

Did Kuu knew about the situation, without particularly being surprised at seeing the two sisters she greeted her master as usual.

[Today I’ll be spending my time in the bedroom. Don’t let anyone enter.]

[Ai. I’ll bring only sake and water.]

Belkut’s clinic also served as his home.
Rather than saying that the bedroom was tasteless, the minimum necessary furniture was placed in the room.
And similar to the carriage and desk, the bed was also large.

[Well then…feel at home…isn’t what I’ll say.
First of all, Raiza, come here.]

Belkut embraced the second daughter who timidly approached him.
Then he gently caressed with his finger the sides of her belly,
and inserted his right hand inside her spats.
He reached until her underwear and inserted his finger inside of that.


His finger finally arrived at her secret place, and a wet sound *kuchi* resounded.

[Hou…so you’ve gotten excited from sucking huh?]

[Sh,shut up…]

The man stroked with his finger her secret place.


Raiza drew back her waist and gasped.

[Would you perhaps not move?]

Raiza closed her lips in a straight line and followed what he said.

The man’s finger was then buried inside her v.a.g.i.n.a.


Then the man kissed the neck of the second daughter.
He moved his finger inside her v.a.g.i.n.a and it reacted by *kyuu* tightening.

(As I thought…this girl’s tightness is…)

The man moved and felt around with his finger the inside of Raiza’s v.a.g.i.n.a in order to loosen it.


The second daughter’s waist started *gaku gaku* shivering.

(This guy’s finger…is big…so I’m feeling it…)



The second daughter endured the pleasure and clinged to the body of the man who was standing.

[So you’re feeling good to the point that you’re clinging to me?]


The finger stroked the inside of Raiza’s v.a.g.i.n.a similar to the thrusts and pulls of a p.e.n.i.s.
She put even more power to her hands which was grasping the man’s clothes’.

(E,even though a man’s thing has not yet entered…I’m…already…)

[Ah❤…no way…❤…c.u.mming…I’m already…c.u.mMIINNGG❤]

Raiza convulsed and tensely stood with the tip of her toes.
The s.e.xual fluids which spilled out slid along her thighs.

She *kyuu* tightened on Belkut’s finger.

(I can’t endure this…I’ll stick it inside her at once…)


Belkut lifted Raiza who had fallen to her knees,
and then placed her on top of the bed.


[Raise your a.s.s without change.]

He then simultaneously removed her spats and underwear.


Her large round beautiful a.s.s which was of the easy childbirth type appeared.
Her pink v.a.g.i.n.a was dripping wet at the time her underwear was removed, and the man confirmed the string-like liquid which stretched.

[Here I go then…Raiza.]

He buried his rigid erection to the hole of Raiza’s v.a.g.i.n.a.



The second daughter clenched her teeth to endure the stimulus from the insertion.

(Hou…as I thought she tightens well. This might become a habit.)

The man enjoyed her tightness from the standing back position and started moving his waist frontwards and backwards.


[Nnn❤…yaa…no way…this is…]

(Ares…I’m sorry……although I’m not your number one…
and even though I didn’t want to be embraced by a man except by you in my whole life…)

The man thrust many times in order to awaken the pleasure in Raiza’s body.

(He’s not only big…this guy…seems to use some kind of magic…)

However Raiza didn’t see the moment when the man casted magic.

(Then…so I’m just…only lewd…nhaa❤)

The man rolled up with his hand the striped sports bra of Raiza, and ma.s.saged those b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

(She’s not to the extent as her elder sister but her skin is pleasant…and also soft.
I’ve touched large and tiny b.r.e.a.s.t.s, but b.r.e.a.s.t.s like this are also good.)

The man’s hand squeezed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s which made their shape distort, and plucked her nipples.

[Nnaah❤…my b.r.e.a.s.t.s too…noo❤…nfuuu…]

(Both sisters seem to have sensitive b.r.e.a.s.t.s…such a lewd lineage.
However…this girl…――――ku…oh!)


Without any warning a large amount of s.e.m.e.n bursted inside the p.u.s.s.y of Raiza.


Raiza came from being e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed inside.
She convulsed for a short while and collapsed on top of the bed.

[Fuu…I came earlier than usual because of your too much tightening…
Raiza. I’ll do you once more later…on that time I’ll thoroughly give you love and make you c.u.m on top of the bed so alternate with Grace and take a rest for now.]

Raiza who was prostrated on top of the sheets and had her breath in disorder blushed when she imagined that.
Then she slowly went away from the bad and leaned on a chair.
White liquid trickled down her thighs from her crotch .

(Inside my v.a.g.i.n.a…for a lot…of s.e.m.e.n from a man other than Ares…)

Tears slid from her face because of miserableness and regret.

At that time, she immediately started hearing her elder sister’s coquettish voice.

[Ahn! ❤ This is❤ amazing❤ noo…!❤]


Grace was facing and straddling the man who was sitting on the bed, in a clinging-like posture.
The man shook his waist up and down while gripping Grace’s a.s.s.
They had just started but her hair was disheveled from the very intense thrusts and pulls.

[You’re splendid Grace. You have completely become familiar with using your waist.]

[Yaan❤…it’s shameful❤…I’m…not…ahi❤]

The elder daughter tied her hands behind the man’s neck, and and swung her own waist.
Looking from behind she let her beautiful body be done by the man’s hands.

(Onee-chan is already…completely…)

The man gripped Grace’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s while facing her and moving his waist, and then sucked on their tips.

[Haan❤…noo❤…both sides at a timee❤]

(As I thought both sisters seem to be weak on their b.r.e.a.s.t.s…)

Belkut chuckled in his mind while *chupa chupa* holding her nipples in his mouth.

The eldest sister bent backward and disheveled her hair from the irresistible pleasure.
The bed’s creaking sound became louder.

[Ah❤…hia❤…c.u.mming❤…I’m already c.u.mMIINNGG..❤]

The eldest daughter’s pa.s.sionate sighs clouded her own
Sweat suspended on her white skin, and she seductively arched back.



While burying his face to the eldest sister’s cleavage Belkut e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed with all his might.
The eldest daughter held tightly with all her heart the man’s face with both hands.


While receiving the man’s s.e.m.e.n inside her p.u.s.s.y Grace’s body *biku biku* trembled.

Grace stuck out her tongue and climaxed.
The man seized that tongue with his mouth.
The man played with the eldest daughter’s tongue with his long tongue, and playfully bit it with his teeth.

[Haa❤ nmu❤…Belkut-saan…❤]

Raiza was astonished to that spectacle.

(They even kissed…for onee-chan…to call that guy’s name…as if they were like a couple who are affectionate with each other…)

Raiza averted her eyes from the excessive obscene spectacle.
However, the inside of her p.u.s.s.y throbbed because of receiving the s.e.m.e.n from the same man.

They separated their mouths, and the man took out a cigar from a box on a nearby shelf and started smoking.

[Well then…I’ve made you wait, Raiza.
I’ll next thoroughly and plentifully give you love okay.]

Raiza glared at the man.
However, her crotch had already started to become wet again.

Part 2

[Ahn❤…iyaa!…that’s why I’m saying…to be this intense…❤]

Raiza was held down by the large man on top of the bed, and they were glued to each other in the missionary position in order to embrace each other and was f.u.c.ked.

The man’s thrusts and pulls were fierce to the extent that the sound of their waists banging to each other could be clearly heard.
In order to be glued to each other, the second daughter’s white b.r.e.a.s.t.s were pressed against the man’s chest and had their shapes distorted, and their sweat mixed with each other.

(Even though this guy had let it out two times…why is he still this hard…?
Being stiff…aah…no❤…to even reach deep inside…noo❤)

While hearing the second daughter’s moans very close to his ears,
Belkut enjoyed her tightness.

(As I thought this tightness is excellent…but this time I have the surplus of controlling the timing of my own e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n. I’ll release a large amount that’s more thick compared to earlier, Raiza…)

Belkut peered below his own arms at the painful and agonizing face of the second daughter.
She was already not in pain, and the second daughter who was being played with had a seductive face and she looked like she didn’t know how to react to the imminent pleasure.

The man who was hanging over her closed her mouth.

[Noo…kissing is not allowed――nmuuu…!]

Raiza tried to tear his face away but she was pinned down by the difference in strength.


While she was reminded about the youth she was crying while being kissed.

The man’s long tongue stirred the inside of her mouth.
However during that time his d.i.c.k was continuously condemning until her abdomen,
and her consciousness was melting from both pleasures.


The pleasure from the kisses and inside her p.u.s.s.y richly melted together.
Raiza’s sweet coquettish moans started to join in.

(Ah❤…the inside of my v.a.g.i.n.a…is already…nn❤…completely wrenched openn…❤)

The man separated his mouth, and rained kissed all over the upper body of Raiza.
To her cheeks, forehead, shoulders, collarbone, armpit, b.r.e.a.s.t.s, nipples…
Naturally during the time he continued to fiercely f.u.c.k her in various angles.
Towards that Raiza could only raise seductive moans and couldn’t resist.

[…Raiza…I suppose you’ll be c.u.mming soon huh?]


Towards Raiza’s words Belkut simply went into a spurt.

[AH❤ HAa❤ no way❤ to be this intense❤ haa❤]

They were glued together so Bekut use his waist to furiously move his waist fast.
s.e.xual fluids scattered from their joined part.

[Now c.u.m, Raiza! Make preparations!
c.u.m and make preparations! Make preparations to receive my s.e.m.e.n!]

[!!…No…stop c.u.mming inside alreadyy…!!]



At the moment of climax, about entwining her legs to the man’s body, somehow Raiza was able to resist it with her reason.
However, she entwined her arms behind the man’s neck.



Raiza reacted to the second time of e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.n.g. everything out.

(No way…for such…an amount more than the first time to be let out…❤]

To make up for not entwining Raiza’s legs stretched the tips of their toes and shivered.
If you peek from behind the man, there was the foolish spectacle of Raiza who was trembling from pleasure with her legs opened wide in an M way.


Belkut released a sigh.

(Though it’s bad for Grace but this was the most amount that I’ve released until now…)

It was probably because of enduring long Raiza’s tightness.


Raiza who had been e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed opened her legs in a large way and her secret place was exposed.
She no longer had any intention of hiding it from the too much pleasure and the immediate She only just immersed in the reverberations of the pleasure in a daze, and arranged her breath.
At the same time as she closed her eyes, a large quant.i.ty of s.e.m.e.n which couldn’t go inside spilled out from the opening of her v.a.g.i.n.a.

Once again, Belkut lit a cigar and smoked.

(Raiza and Grace…I wonder how much enjoyment the man who marries either of these two…)

The man grinned and let out a vulgar laugh.


Grace who sitting near the bed and resting called out the man’s name with a craving expression.
She crawled on all fours as if she was making a pose of a female panther.
In accordance to gravity, her approaching b.r.e.a.s.t.s were captivating.

[Which reminds me I need to do Grace another time huh.]


[I guess Grace is a good elder sister who thinks of her little sister…]

Belkut then inserted inside Grace while embracing and lifting up her body.


Belkut started to f.u.c.k her in a facing style position near the table.

Raiza who was lying down on of the bed absentmindedly gazed at her elder sister’s foolishness.
It seemed Grace was already completely wishing for s.e.x with the man.

(I wonder…how much longer do we have to continue this…?
I wonder…if I’ll also drown like onee-chan…

While listening to the seductive moans of her elder sister, Raiza, by herself, sorrowfully leaked out sobs on the bed nearby.
The man’s s.e.m.e.n once again spilled from between her legs―――

© 2024