Part 1

On that day…Ares who had finished lunch endeavoured on his training,
and heard the sound of a carriage stopping in front of the temporary branch.
He went outside to see who came, and 4 men and women descended from the carriage.

The 4 men and women introduced themselves to Ares and Society members.

[Thank you for waiting. We’ve come from the Society Headquarters to a.s.sist the investigation.]

The red haired bespectacled youth started the conversation.
He was wearing a robe, and carrying a staff.
He was called Rieyan Luderuk.

Next was the silver-colored and braided bespectacled Mormou (Night Spirit) girl.
She was called Refnoa Seisem.

Ares welcomed them while greatly pleased.

[So you’re the pract.i.tioners that we’ve long waited for…the two people behind are?]

Behind the two pract.i.tioners were two men who were holding themselves back.

The red-haired youth answered.

[They are the Society’s espionage members.
They will probably needed for the investigation so the Society had dispatched them.]

The two people behind bowed.
The name of the sharp-looking man was Neikus.
And his kouhai was called Anshim.

[They have the abilities of a thief which will be useful not only for intelligence gathering but also for exploring caves and ruins.]

[That’s rea.s.suring. Come please enter. We’ve prepared your rooms.]

The four placed their luggages in the room, and the two pract.i.tioners asked to show the way to check Sharley’s condition.
It was for trying Rieyan’s 『Dispel』 and Refnoa’s Moonlight magic on Sharley.

Ares was pleased to the two’s spirit and prepared a carriage.

Part 2

When Sharley became conscious, she was in the same situation as last night.
She had already become accustomed to the scenery. She was naked but her body was free.

And from a dozen meters away was that shadow man.


While concealing her own body Sharley even more took a few distance away.
The man without minding her state, calmly beckoned her.

The girl was fidgeting and brooding while her face was flushed.

(If I approach him I’ll be again…that…definitely be done with lewd things right…?)

The girl continued to be motionless and bewildered as she stared at the large man.
However the man without change continued to beckon her without showing ill intent.

If in this moment, the man carelessly approached the girl,
perhaps she would’ve get away.
However the man knew what the girl was wishing inside her heart.
And so without showing wariness, he waited for her to naturally fall to his trap.

The girl timidly went near the man, and the man gently spread both his arms,
and he tenderly embraced that small body.


The large man then lowered his face, and attempted to kiss her.
The girl was surprised as she came to her senses.

[Noo!…Lewd things…are no longer allowed…]

She pushed him away with her hand, but the man caught her hand,
and again hugged her tightly.

He then forcibly closed her mouth.
Sharley resisted, but she couldn’t remove her body which was being strongly embraced.
The man then caressed her whole body with his big hand, and her resistance became weak.

(Nn…he has a big…and st.u.r.dy body…)

The man’s long fat tongue squirmed inside of her mouth even more.

(His way of using his tongue can’t almost be called a kiss…and also…)

The man’s d.i.c.k which was bent backwards from below his abdomen was. .h.i.tting the vicinity of the girl’s white and soft belly.

(It has already…become hard…and hot…)

The man’s hand took the girl’s hand, and forcibly made her hold his d.i.c.k.


(Yaa…it’s throbbing…and stiff…❤)

Sharley’s face became red, and she gazed at that with an enchanted look in her eyes.
Then she touched the glans by stroking it.
The man’s body shivered because of pleasure.

(This person too…is feeling it…)

The girl understood that she herself was making the man feel good,
and she continued to timidly stroke his p.e.n.i.s.

(I can’t understand it from his face…but I feel like this person’s breathing is gradually becoming rough…)

This time the man kissed Sharley’s ear.

[Hiya…❤…that place…is ticklish…]

THe man fiddled with her ear by inserting his tongue inside, and also playfully bit it.


While writhing in agony Sharley continued to stroke the man’s p.e.n.i.s with a delighted face.

The man then descended from her ears to the nape of her neck, and her collarbone became wet with saliva.
And when he arrived at her soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s, he sucked on the tips of those hills.
To the sudden stimulus from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s the girl averted her face and endured the pleasure.

[Nfuu❤!..noo…to suck roughly like that…❤]

(But…this rough way of sucking…it feels…good I think…❤)

That rough hand crumpled her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with all its might,
and he caught each of the lovely pink nipples of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s,
and sucked, chewed, and licked and rolled them with the tip of his tongue.

[Ahaa❤…yaa…even though it’s rough…I’m feeling it…❤]

(Haa…I’m feeling good with just my b.r.e.a.s.t.s…❤)

The man grabbed both of the girl’s arms and buried his face between her two hills,
and savoured to his satisfaction her huge b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

The girl’s white skin became hot and slightly flushed, and she started sweating.
With a blissful expression she stuck out her tongue in agony.

After the bad enjoyed those big b.r.e.a.s.t.s to his satisfaction,
he steadily lowered his face and buried it to her armpit, belly, and then to her secret place.

[Aah❤…are you going to do…that place again…?❤]

The large shadow man crouched and buried his place to the crotch of the girl.
He roughly devoured the girl’s wet secret place with his mouth and tongue.

To the excessive strong stimulus the girl *pikun* reflexively looked up at the sky.


He made the standing girl wriggle her inner thigh, pulled her hips, and gripped her hips with his two hands.

The girl who couldn’t endure it anymore grabbed the hair of the shadow man.
She extended her arm with all her strength and inserted his head to her dropping berries which *muni* squeezed them.

[Haa❤…if you…suck that place…❤…ah…❤]

(As I thought…this person is skillful…❤…since he has done me many times…he already knows…the places where I feel goodd…❤)

The girl’s expression became enraptured for a while,
felt the man’s rough caresses as reliable, and surrendered herself to it.

[Yes❤…haa❤…more…right there❤…please…kiss it…]

To respond to the girl’s request the man rained kissed on the vicinity of the opening of her v.a.g.i.n.a and l.a.b.i.a.

[Haa❤…AAH!❤…I…like that…!❤]

Sharley covered her mouth with the palm of her hand, but she couldn’t conceal her delighted expression from the too much pleasure.

Then while his mouth was dripping wet the man delivered the final blow by lightly kissing her c.l.i.toris.


The girl gasped with a surprised expression, and climaxed while she drooled.
She put more power to her hands which was grabbing the man’s hair, and her hips *gaku gaku* trembled.
She suddenly spurted s.e.xual fluids.


As if cleaning the man licked the s.e.xual fluids which she spurted.
The girl stared at that scene with an intoxicated befuddled expression.
The man stood up and again piled up his lips to hers.


Sharley overstretched herself on her own to meet his lips, and she started obscenely entwining her tongue.

After savouring the girl’s lips for a while, the man parted his lips and he fixed his aim below the girl’s secret place and inserted his d.i.c.k.


Because of being drenched in prec.u.m the man’s d.i.c.k was easily swallowed inside Sharley’s v.a.g.i.n.a.
His d.i.c.k was buried until deep inside, and the girl shivered from the pleasure and stood with the tips of her toes.

(NUU…his reaching…until insidee…❤)

The man grasped her thighs, and while his p.e.n.i.s was inside he lifted her up.


Their posture became the facing standing up position.
The shadow man then started to move his hips towards the hole of the girl’s p.u.s.s.y.



To match the pleasure from his thrusts the girl leaked out moans.

(A stiff thing is reaching until inside❤…and it’s coming out and going in…❤)

The girl’s body trembled and her twin hills jiggled to match it.
It was a scene where a large man was completely united to a small built girl.

Her s.e.xual fluids overflowed, and dripped to the floor.

[Yees❤…ahaa❤…this❤…feels good…❤]

Was it because she was considerably pleased Sharley wrapped his arms to the man’s neck and kissed him on her own.
The man turned his neck, and responded by sticking out his long tongue.


It was already like they were a pair of lovers who were doing an intimate and sweet thing, the girl entwined her tongue while letting out flirtish moans.

(This kind of…pleasant thing…I didn’t know this…❤)

Sharley was already letting the man continue to toy with her by the pleasure that he was giving.
She on her own let her white and soft body be glued to the man.

The man *gyuu* squeezed the girl’s a.s.s and intensified his thrusts and pulls.
The rhythm of the man’s stiff d.i.c.k smoothly scrubbed the pleats of the girl’s p.u.s.s.y and gave her pleasure.


The girl pressed her face and b.r.e.a.s.t.s to the man’s chest and accepted the pleasure.

(I’m sorry…Ares-san…
But it won’t change that I like youu…!)


Without being able to endure the wave of pleasure, Sharley unwillingly shook her neck and gasped.



While *gyuu* embracing the man’s neck the girl climaxed.
White s.e.m.e.n splashed from their connected parts, and some portion trickled and fell down.

[Ha❤ ah❤…a lot of…hot thingg…❤]

With a melted expression the girl floated a faint smile.
The inside of her own p.u.s.s.y was filled, and she became even more enraptured from the rising hot s.e.m.e.n.

The girl rubbed her cheeks to the man’s chest while leaking rough breaths.
However, the men then lowered her on the floor.


The girl made a slightly sad expression and the man made her face backwards,
this time he held the back of the knee of the crouching girl, and held her up.

It was the opposite of the facing standing up position, they were now in a reverse standing up position.

The man once again inserted his d.i.c.k from below.


(Even though I’ve just came…to do this…❤)

The man slowly thrust and pulled.
He played with the inside of the girl’s p.u.s.s.y by stirring it with circular movements.

[Fua❤ that❤ feels good❤ hiuu❤]

s.e.m.e.n from the first e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n spilled little by little from the man’s thrusts and pulls.
The man raised up even more the back of her knee which he was carrying and f.u.c.ked her.

[Yaan❤…I’ll become completely seen❤]

The man then bent backward and hastened his thrusts and pulls.
The girl’s two swellings matched the man’s movement by intensely shaking in a circular way.

[AHN❤ AHAa❤ You’re too fast❤ I think I’m c.u.mming again…❤]

Before long the girl climaxed from his persistent movement, and her secret place *pusha!* blew a tide.

[AHII❤ please no more❤ I’m still c.u.mming…please wait for a bitt…❤]

Her s.e.xual fluids and the s.e.m.e.n e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed from the first round mixed with each other and leaked from their connected part.
The man’s thrusts and pulls changed into fast long strokes.
His reddish brown d.i.c.k could be clearly seen entering and exiting the girl’s genitals.

[Nyaa…❤ I’m c.u.mming again❤ please…forgive me❤

While saying that Sharley again convuled, and blew a tide.
However, the man’s thrusts and pulls didn’t stop.
His velocity became even more faster, and in exchange his strokes became shorter.


The girl twisted her body and endured while being f.u.c.ked.

(I’m…becoming entranced from the p.e.n.i.s of a man whose name I don’t know…❤)

The man continued to condemn the inside of Sharley’s p.u.s.s.y and her womb throbbed many times as if it was hoping to be fertilized.

(Noo…❤ It’s wrong to hope for thaat…❤ Aah…but…)


At the moment she felt the man’s d.i.c.k pound the inside of her v.a.g.i.n.a,
she felt a hot fluid flow inside as if bursting out.
The pleasure spread, and her whole body trembled in joy.

[aaAAAHN!…❤ I’M c.u.mIIIINNNGGG!❤]

While showing a blissful expression, she savoured the best climax of this day.

(Haa…I think…I’m liking…being e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed inside…❤)

The girl drooled and shed tears while slovenly sticking out her tongue.
In a place where no one was looking, the expression the girl was showing right now was probably something that she has never done before.

The girl already didn’t hesitate to accept the man’s vigour.

The man slowly lowered the girl who was spilling out s.e.m.e.n from her crotch.

[Ha❤…ah❤…it was amazingg…❤]

The girl sat flat on that place with a half hazy expression.
Her posture became the so-called d.i.c.k-sitting form where her knee was laid out in front and bent backward.


White liquid spread out from between her feet.
The girl stared at that spectacle ecstatically.

(To let out…this much amount…❤)

Then, the man thrusted out his p.e.n.i.s in front of the girl.


His p.e.n.i.s was covered with s.e.m.e.n and s.e.xual fluids, and s.e.m.e.n was still leaking out from it.

(nn…what an amazing smell…)

Sharley again stared at the p.e.n.i.s with an entranced look,
and without anything being told to her she kissed the glans by herself and started sucking the s.e.m.e.n.

(A man’s s.e.m.e.n…has an amazing taste…and…it’s also sticky…)


She crawled her tongue to the pole after sucking out everything,
and this time she held deep inside her mouth the p.e.n.i.s that was again in front of her.


After she finished cleaning it inside her mouth she felt around the man’s p.e.n.i.s by crawling her tongue over it.

(This big p.e.n.i.s…that is always touching my place there…
is now throbbing inside my mouth…)

The girl moved her face front and back and mixed saliva inside her mouth.

(Ah…it’s steadily becoming…big again…❤)

When he made the man’s p.e.n.i.s pleased from her own f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o Sharley felt pleased.

She hastened her movement, and freely used her tongue.


She held deep inside her mouth the man’s d.i.c.k with a skillful rhythm.
The once pure girl now became already dazed from sucking a man’s p.e.n.i.s.

Did the man couldn’t endure it anymore, he lightly held the girl’s head and separated his p.e.n.i.s from her mouth.


(It again…returned to its former size…❤)

The man suddenly seized the girl’s feet and turned her over.


The girl became in a state where she was overturned to her back.
While holding her inner thigh the man positioned the p.e.n.i.s to the opening of her v.a.g.i.n.a from above, and lowered his hips in one go.


The man then continued to thrust and pull from above.

[NHAA!?…yaa❤…please no❤…to suddenly start the 3rd time like thiss…❤]

Even while saying that the girl matched her hips to him.
Her coquettish moans immediately resounded.
The man bent his upper body downward, and the girl entwined her legs to him.
They became glued to each other, and the man struck his hips up and down.
From their connected part that has received two e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.ns a rhythmical *nucha nucha* sound resounded.

(Haa❤ I’m being, inseminated again…❤)

Part 3

[Haa❤ yaan❤ that placee…❤]

Sharley’s gasps resounded in the sick room.
Ares became dumbfounded.

It was the first time that Ares was hearing Sharley’s voice that had changed this much inside the sickroom.
Until now the eldest sister Grace didn’t want to show Ares this change as much as possible.

(That lovely Sharley…is variously being done inside the dream…
is that why she is letting out such a lewd voice…)

That day when Sharley had fallen asleep, perhaps he would eventually be the one to make her leak out this kind of voice when they have s.e.x…was what he thought and now he was grinding his teeth from too much anger.
But, on the other hand when he heard the girl’s increasingly becoming loud bewitching moans, he became aware of himself that became aroused.

Currently, among the four people who had come from the Society Headquarters to help, the two pract.i.tioners were inside the sickroom along with Ares.

This time Grace wasn’t able to reject Ares who wanted to let the two enter inside and check the condition of her little sister.

Incidentally Rieyan and Refnoa blushed from Sharley’s coquettish moans and averted their faces.

[W,well then…I’ll attempt to use 『Dispel』.]

Rieyan coughed for once and then concentrated on the spell.
Would the effect of the spell by a Truth magician be negated――

The face of Rieyan who was concentrating became grim,
and then he let out a sigh and stopped concentrating.

[I apologize…it was no good. A magical power of a considerably strong pract.i.tioner was used in this, this is…]

Refnoa who was a similar Moonlight magician couldn’t also do anything.

[I haven’t heard of that Belkut guy who has been using an anti-magic ritual…there’s no mistake that it is effective right?]

[Yes, a short while after starting the ritual my little sister’s condition become better.]

Answered Grace.

[We apologize, Ares-san. We couldn’t become any help…]

Rieyan and Refnoa exited the room and lowered their heads.

[Don’t worry, there is still the investigation after this.
And there’s a possibility that the evil spirit that we’re originally looking for is the criminal of this Moonlight magic. I believe you two will be able to bring out new results from the investigation on that side.]

[…Is the man called Belkut clean?]

Rieyan lowered his voice and asked Ares.

He had already heard from Ares the possibility that there was only one criminal.

[…Well, even though I tried investigating that clinic there’s a werebeast there.
There’s a possibility that I’ll be suspected, so if it is really a false charge there’s a possibility that the anti-magic will be suspended. I plan to wait for a chance for a bit more time.

The party returned to the temporary Society branch, and without a break decided on their plans for the investigation.

[Ares-san, what is the status of the ruins inside the west part of the forest?]

Rieyan pointed at one spot of a map.

[That seems to be a place that the adventurers had already investigated for once.
Deep inside the forest is a savage land, but there are stories from neighboring villagers that they sometimes saw strong monsters. Since it’s quite far from the place of outbreak of the evil spirits and undead, we’ve excluded it as a target for investigation until now. But―――]

[How about we choose that place to investigate?]

[Oh right. Thanks to the two of you pract.i.tioners and the two espionage members we’ll probably be able to progress with a multi-sided investigation. It’s just that the journey until the ruins with a carriage takes a whole day.]

They then decided the members as Ares and the 4 supporters. They also added 2 Society members which totaled to 7 people.

[After this…Raiza.]

For some reason Raiza was in the corner of the conference room.

[Ah…w,what is it?]

[Please divide the remaining members into two groups to make patrols.
It’s also fine to hand over the reward to the adventurers for their help.]


(Somehow Raiza doesn’t seem to be lively. I also feel that she was avoiding me today…)

While Ares was feeling doubtful the Moonlight magician Refnoa approached Raiza.

[Raiza. There’s one thing I want those adventurers to investigate on.
Is it fine to hand this over to them?]

She held out a letter to Raiza.

[What’s it about, Refnoa?]

[It’s nothing, it’s not particularly an important thing. If nothing comes out from it then it’s fine. It’s just for caution’s sake.]

[Okay…I understand. I’ll pa.s.s it to them.]

Raiza hurriedly turned her back and left.


Raiza apologized to Ares in her mind.
Being held by Belkut, and to have a body that had been e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed inside two times by him, it was painful to meet Ares.

And yet tomorrow the same thing…or rather a thing even more than that would probably be done to her.
However opposite to her feelings――――
When Raiza recalled her s.e.x with Belkut, her womb throbbed.

© 2024