Sky World

Chapter 2: The Curse of the Pyramid


Chapter 2: The Curse of the Pyramid
Part 13

Kasumi awoke in her inn room back at Payang. Kasumi and Eri had kept the room reserved for the duration of their trip. Since she awoke naked, it came in as obvious that she had died.

Her pouch shook nearby. It was a communication stone.

Kasumi took out the vibrating stone out of her pouch. It was Ryuka’s. She remembered that the girl must have died right after she herself did. Her bind point should have been a safe zone near the pyramid.

“Kasumi! There’s trouble!” yelled Ryuka, who was usually calm and composed. “Look at your quest list! Quick!”

Still a bit confused, Kasumi took out her tablet and did as she was told. When she saw the text displayed on the screen, she gulped loudly.

Quest: The Resurrection of the Penglai Emperor has begun

Appease the wrath of the Penglai Emperor who will resurrect in less than ten days. If this quest is failed, you will die.

Death. Once she saw that word, she bit her lip.

“Kasumi, what’s your battery at right now?&h.e.l.lip;”

“A little less than 30% left. In these ten days, I won’t be able to revive safely.”

In Sky World, death was not final. When adventurers lost all of their HP, they would revive at their bind point.

Each death reduced the battery on their tablets by 40%. It took one day for the battery to charge 1%. And when an adventurer’s battery became fully depleted&h.e.l.lip;

Revival would not take place. The deceased adventurer would disappear. n.o.body knew where.

“Kasumi&h.e.l.lip;san” All of the color in Ryuka’s face was sucked out. Somehow, she managed to utter, “It’s okay.”

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