Sky World

Chapter 3: Raid Guild


Chapter 3: Raid Guild
Part 1

Kasumi Yukasaki had a dream.
It was a horrible one at that. She was alone in a dark and empty room. The whole time, she heard Jun’s dissatisfied voice. Eri was laughing. She wanted to see them and hold their hands. The dense, uncomfortable atmosphere rendered her unable to move. She felt her body weigh her down like lead.
How could this happen?
Then she realized. Kasumi Yukasaki had&h.e.l.lip; pa.s.sed through death’s door a third time.

When she got up from her bed, a distraught Eri welcomed her. Watching her patiently, as soon as she noticed that Kasumi had awoken, Eri got out of the way and began laughing for some reason.
“U-uuh, don’t think I’m making fun of you or anything,” blurted out Eri.

“Don’t worry&h.e.l.lip; please don’t. Thank you.”

Kasumi dropped her head. The rays of the morning sun had begun to seep into the room through an opening in the window. On a normal day, she would have begun preparing breakfast by now.
“Sorry, I slept in late. I’ll head down to the kitchen right now&h.e.l.lip;”
“It’s fine. It’s fine. Kasumi, you seem tired. Why don’t you rest a bit?”
There was a knock at the door. Jun’s voice soon followed through the wall.
“I have something to talk about. Since you two seem to be awake, this is a good time to do it. Come down to the first floor.”

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