Slaughter God

Chapter 3

Slaughter G.o.d - Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – Violent girl
Translated by James

It was already dusk by the time Ji Li returned to the tribe.

The sun sets toward the west, in the ancient barrens and mountains, the sounds of beasts transcend those of humanity sweeping the atmosphere with an aura of wilderness.

Golden rays set across the horizon. Toward the south of the barrens, with square shaped constructions, a small tribe was within the golden rays seemly as if receiving the blessings of G.o.ds, beautiful and blessed, like a miracle.

Toward the front of the tribe there stood a huge mysterious golden pillar dazzling with brilliance. Craved on it were ancient and mysterious hieroglyphics. Looking from afar, one could not help but cower and naturally revere it.

This was the heavenly pillar.

Ji Li looked up toward the heavenly pillar and could not help but blink a couple times from the sun rays. Located on top of the heavenly pillar was the head of a huge fierce beast. With blazing hair and eyes that looked as if it was glaring at you, it was a frightening sight.

To his knowledge, this head have been on the pillar for more than a decade. But because of special treatment, it still looked very alive and mighty.

“All fierce beasts are extremely powerful and although this is just a lower tier three-legged flaming cloud beast, it is likely even more powerful than the strongest in our tribe. I have no idea how they managed to attain this head… and this head somehow gave me a strange feeling.” Ji Li felt that there’s something special about this beast head. However, he did not continue pondering and just continued walking deeper toward the tribe.

The heavenly pillar was one of sacred status in the tribe. Even just touching it, if conducted by a common tribesman, would be reason for punishment.

“Miss Rain Bamboo really is too powerful. As expected of the second genius of our Fire Sparrow Tribe.”

“That’s right. Although the sparring between Miss Rain Bamboo and Ji Cai did not use martial abilities, it was a one sided ma.s.sacre.”

“Pity. What a pity. Miss Rain Bamboo is not only beautiful, she is also very talented in martial arts. Why would she like someone an outsider? I heard that his strength is only 700 jin worth, even lower than me.”

“Silence. Keep speaking and Miss Rain Bamboo would beat you up.”

Just as Ji Li returned to the tribe, he was able to hear loud noises coming from the training hall. There was even several miserable cries mixed within, causing even bystanders to be moved.

“Looks like someone’s suffering.” Hearing these cries, his face cannot help but twitch. From his understand of Rain Bamboo’s personality, he could probably guess what happened. Rain Bamboo must’ve found the group of hot-blooded youngsters who wanted to challenge him but instead they were met with her inhumane abuses.

Upon approaching the training hall, through the gaps of the crowd he was able to see a valiant girl in red attacking a teenager from the inner group. This girl in red was constantly stepping in to attack whereas the other person can only constantly step back.

“Ahem, let’s enjoy the show first.” Ji Li recognized that this girl was Rain Bamboo and, being one of the parties involved in the issue, he entered the crowd without hint of hesitation.

Whirr whirr –

As he squeezed through the crowd; a red shadow suddenly pa.s.sed by him. Then this red shown gently padded the ground and a beautiful long straight leg was raised up high. Graceful movements flowing with the wind, her speed was extremely fast.

As the crowd’s focus is still on that beautiful long straight leg, the owner of that leg has already conducted a beautiful 360 degree revolution midair.

The long leg kicked out. Straight as a sword, sweeping across like a whip.


That youngster called Ji Cai who was fighting Rain Bamboo didn’t even have enough time to react. In a blink, a hot sensation arrived at his face. His body was uncontrollably kicked into the air. With a “pop” sound, he crashed onto the floor, disoriented with a face swollen. He was knocked out.

But Rain Bamboo did not stop. After kicking away her opponent, she walked toward him.

“Crack!” That long leg was raised high again and mercilessly stepped on the body of Ji Cai. Hearing that crisp sound, it seems that a couple of bones are broken.

“Miss Rain Bamboo, I give up!” That Ji Cai who was being stepped quickly cried out. His face was pale. It seems that it would take some time for him to recover.

“Haha, anyone else?!” Hearing the declaration of defeat, Rain Bamboo seemed to be very excited at this point putting one hand on her waist while holding a small white fist with the other. Her round eyes glanced through the crowd. Laughing toward the sky: “Hehe, who among you all still have something to say about my engagement with brother Li quickly step up. I’m a bit itchy for a fight! I won’t bully you guys, I won’t use my martial abilities!”

“Gulp.” Upon seeing this, everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling as if their scalps are tingling. While those legs are most certainly very beautiful and pleasing to see, they all know that being stepped on by those legs was not a pleasant experience.

Originally, they thought that, with Rain Bamboo not using martial abilities, they would have a chance of winning. But now, they know that their gap was still huge. This youngster on the group was an individual with 900 jin strength and he was totally brutally beaten up.

The nickname “second genius” in hundreds of years of Fire Sparrow Tribe was indeed not false reputation.

“This girl, really violent.” Even Ji Li cannot help but gasp. He know that this kick isn’t light. Even he isn’t certain about being able to take it head on.

“Hehe, n.o.body right? In the future, if anyone of you guys has any opinions of my engagement with brother Li, just come and talk to me. I don’t mind!” Seeing that no one dared speak out,  Rain Bamboo clapped her hands and released Ji Cai from her legs. Then, she quickly changed her face to one that is full of innocent smile.

“Even this is called not minding?...” She changed her face so fast that it was enough to startle people. However, after the previous display, her smile cannot help but cause everyone to have a chilling sensation.

Upon seeing to this part, Ji Li cannot help but smile wryly. From his understanding of Rain Bamboo, he had already expected such a result. Seeing that these inconveniences are mostly solved by Rain Bamboo, he speculated that there wasn’t a need for him and turned to leave.

“Ji Li?” Right at this moment, an outsider youngster recognized Ji Li and called out.

“Ji Li? He is Ji Li!” Upon hearing the name that spread across the tribe, everyone’s attention quickly shifted onto him with a woosh woosh sound.

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