Slaughter God

Chapter 4

Slaughter G.o.d - Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – Challenge
Translated by James

Feeling rounds and rounds of curious or provocative stares on him, Ji Li began to have a headache. He knew that this time he cannot escape from the annoyances.

With all these jealous youngsters, trying to reason with words was impossible.

“He is Ji Li?”

“Ordinary, nothing special. Although not ugly, he’s not handsome either. With a strength of 700 jin, he might be pretty good for an outsider but for us, he’s just average.”

“Strength of 700 jin is nothing. Who knows what kind of love pill did he gave to Miss Rain Bamboo to make her fall for him.”

A lot of the tribesmen have started a.s.sessing JiLi from head to toe.

“Brother Li, you’re back!” Rain Bamboo have noticed Ji Li. She displayed a face like a smiling flower, full of soft gentleness, where one cannot imagine that her previous look was that of a female fiend.

With a thump thump noise, those long legs in motion brought Rain Bamboo toward Ji Li. She grabs Ji Li’s arms with a sense of familiarity and with a coquettish tone said: “Today’s a big day for us; I think brother Li won"t blame me for acting on my own, right?”

Seeing such a scene, the whole crowd was shocked with eyes wide open. Rain Bamboo"s current womanly display was completely different from that violent girl earlier. Everyone was completely raged.

“Enough, you can stop pretending. I was already here when you were beating that person up.” Seeing Rain Bamboo holding onto him arm, Ji Li swung his arm away from her grasp. He knew this girl’s intentions well. Although well intended, asking in front of all these people, she obviously does not want to give him an opportunity to refuse.

“Brother Li….” Having her mind read, Rain Bamboo was a little embarra.s.sed. But soon, she, with a scowl, turned around, stared at the crowd and said bitterly: “It’s all these people’s faults. Every one of them trying to oppose our marriage when it’s not their business…”

Upon hearing such, the crowd’s stares toward Ji Li obviously turned much colder. They cannot understand why Rain Bamboo was being so docile around him.

“What a group of hot blooded youngsters…”With all these hateful stares directed toward him, Ji Li reluctantly shook his head. Have to say, the number one beauty Rain Bamboo was indeed enough to attract hatred.

Strength and beauty, these are two things in this world that people insanely pursue.

Even he must admit that the little loli who was always by his side listening to his story had blossomed into a stunningly attractive beauty with lethal smiles and a perfect pair of legs. Those legs have even caused him to feel a bit dazzled.

One could imagine that in a few years this girl would be so devastatingly beautiful enough to be a source of calamity.

“Miss Rain Bamboo.” Right at this moment, a malicious looking triangular eyed youngster walked out.

“Ji Feng, even you wanted to speak to me?” Being disturbed, Rain Bamboo frowned. Soon, she turned around with a graceful smile to greet the youngster. But she deliberately aggravated the ‘speak to me’ part.

“Ji Feng dared not.” Having seen Rain Bamboo’s smile, this triangular eyed youngster retreated a few steps before finally continued “Miss YuZhu, we all know you are the strongest among our age group but do you really want to have a coward who will only stay behind the woman as a husband?”

“That’s right; this Ji Li cannot be comparable to the wonderful Miss Rain Bamboo.” Ji Feng’s speech quickly caused uproar with the crowd.

“Miss Rain Bamboo, we are convinced to lose against you. However, to lose against this coward who dared not step forward, we cannot be convinced.” Ji Feng spoke loudly.

“That’s right, we aren’t convinced!” All of a sudden, tons of youngsters loudly said.

“Hmph, this is between the two of us, none of you people’s concern... this is called free love, do you people understand?” Seeing these people repeatedly obstruct her, YuZhu’s face began to turn cold, her body started fuming and her eyes was growing narrower like those of a sly fox. Ji Li, who was familiar with her, knew that this was a sign before she explodes.

“Let me take care of this.” A good natured palm pulled her away.

Ji Li finally stood out.

“Brother Li.” Rain Bamboo hesitated and looked somewhat startled. From her memory, Ji Li wasn’t a person who likes dealing with things like these.

“As a man, there are certain things one must deal with.” Ji Li said lightly. After absorbing the mysterious energy, even his temperament became stronger.

Then he slowly walked out and ,with a calm look, said to the hot blooded youngsters: “Speak, what must I do to convince you guys.”

Seeing Ji Li daring to stand out, these youngsters was surprised. They naturally do not know the concept of free love. After looking at each other, Ji Feng said: “Of course to compete with us. For a wonderful girl like Miss Rain Bamboo, not just some mediocre individual could be her partner.”

“Sometimes love isn’t determined by strength.” Ji Li said insipidly. This world respected strength so obviously these people are accustomed to solving problems using force.

“That’s right. Even if you people win against brother Li, I still won’t like you people.” Rain Bamboo spoke out. Her eyes remained on Ji Li and spoke with a sentiment that others cannot understand: “Our world, you people won’t understand.”

Having seen the Rain Bamboo that’s deeply in love, the crowd was both envious and jealous. Oh how they wish to be Ji Li.

“Haha.” Ji Feng eyes were sparking with fire, he said deliberately with a provocative tone: “All in all, Ji Li you still dared not accept the fight. But even if Miss Rain Bamboo was to be cheated by you, do you think that the chief would allow her to marry a coward like you?”

“What an inferior quality provocation.” Ji Li turned toward Ji Feng and, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, step forward and said: “But I still accept your challenge.”

“Brother Li, you didn’t have to bother with these people. I can take care of them.” Said Rain Bamboo quickly after once again being startled.

“No need, you can just stand just watch from the side.” Said Ji Li shaking his head. Because of his previous memories, he attained some accomplishment on the martial arts and, after his breakthrough earlier, he have reached the pinnacle of low tier strength. Thus, not many from the inner group will scare him.

He also wanted to test his strength.

“Brother Li, why don’t you wait a bit and let me beat these guys up once and then fight them…” Rain Bamboo said in a low voice leaning toward Ji Li’s ears.

“Have some confidence in me, okay?” Ji Li doesn’t know rather to laugh or cry but he really believe that Rain Bamboo would do such a thing.

“Ji Li, stop running away. Come. Fight with I, Ji Feng, first!” Standing to the side and watching Ji Li and Rain Bamboo being so intimate, Ji Feng cannot contain his anger anymore and attacked first.

“You stand back a bit.” Seeing the incoming Ji Feng, Ji Li’s focused his attention, sent Rain Bamboo back and rushed out toward Ji Feng.

That Ji Feng was fast indeed. With a whirl whirl sound, his movement has caused a sandstorm to roll, forcing those who have been close by to stand back while he himself arrived in front of Ji Li in a couple step. Like tiger preying on its prey, his fist flew straight toward Ji Li’s face with an explosive sound.

“Don’t say I bully you, I won’t use my martial abilities for this punch!” Ji Feng stood with one foot in the front, lowering his stature and his fist, as if menacing, blasted forward.

“Pinnacle of low tier strength! This Ji Feng guy has been hiding his strength the whole time. Was he trying to impress Miss Rain Bamboo in front of her?” Seeing this, the whole crowd was shocked. Even the eyes they looked at Ji Li have a hint of sympathy. Pinnacle of low tier strength against 700 jin of strength. In their view, this was simply bullying.

However, surprising everyone, Ji Li appears to be very calm.

“Then I won’t bully you either, I won’t use my martial abilities either.” Faced with that huge incoming fist, he slightly took a step back and, after relaxing his body, returned a roaring fist.

Two fists collided midair exploding the air causing some airflow forming cyclones. As if enveloped in mist, it was quite spectacular.


Under the eyes of the surprised audience, two figures receded backwards at the same time.
Surprisingly, this attack turned out to be neck and neck!

“How could this be! Wasn"t you only supposed to have 700 jin of strength?” After stabilizing his body, Ji Feng looked at Ji Li with a face of astonishment. He never imagined that his pinnacle of low tier strength cannot beat his opponent.

Ji Li also stabilized his body, raised his head and looked at Ji Feng with a playful smile and said: “What, do I have to report to you my strength?” At this point, he was certain that after absorbing the mysterious light he have reached the pinnacle of low tier strength, boosting his confidence.

“Brother Li has reached the pinnacle of low tier strength.” Rain Bamboo was also taken aback. She and the entire crowd didn’t expect that this engagement that which they thought to be without suspense have developed to such a situation.

“I did not expect that you were so cunning to be hiding your strength the whole time.” Ji Feng’s face finally started looking serious.

“No better than you.” Ji Li spread opens his hands. From the commotion of the crowd, he knew that Ji Feng was hiding his strength too.

“Don’t get complacent! Soon you’ll know the difference between the inner and outer group. Take on my next fist, this time I will be using martial abilities!” Having originally thought that he will be leaving a good impression on Rain Bamboo after taking care of Ji Li easily, now having lost his face, Ji Feng’s face stiffens.

Biting his teeth, he quickly rushed toward Ji Li.

Fierce Tiger Long Fist!

Upon releasing his fist, the whole crowd was in an uproar.

“Who would’ve thought that Ji Feng have already mastered the mortal realm intermediate level Fierce Tiger Long Fist to show a seventh degree of heat control. Although JiLi have also reached the pinnacle of low tier strength, he was surely going to lose.” Some people of the inner group recognized this martial ability and concluded.

“Unfair, the people in the outer group only have access to mortal realm immediate level martial abilities. How could Ji Li possible take that on?” At this moment some outsiders cried of injustice.

“Be careful brother Li” YuZhu quickly reminded.

Upon seeing that figure approaching like a fierce tiger, Ji Li’s was completely focused.

Next moment, with a roam of his feet, his body slightly arched, and his arm being bent in an eccentric angle, he released his arm like a spring flying straight toward Ji Feng’s fist.

“It’s the mortal realm immediate level Whirling Fist! This fist is one that both inner and outer groups can practice. It is said that when one mastered the fist, one can send out three times the strength, greatly increasing one’s attack power. However, it is very hard to master. Even if J iLi managed to master the fist, it is still only immediate level. Compared with the intermediate level Fierce Tiger Long Fist, it is still lacking.” Someone immediately recognize the fist.

Whirr whirr –

Before this person finish talking, three minor explosive noises came from the air like the spring"s first thunders.

This means that it is a Whirling Fist that is mastered!

“What?” Upon seeing the mastered Whirling Fist, Ji Feng cannot help but be shocked. However, he soon have a ridiculing face and said: “Who would’ve imagined that you would’ve mastered the Whirling Fist. But pity, it would only increase your strength by 300 jin whereas my seventh degree of heat control Fierce Tiger Long Fist would increase my strength by at least 400 jin! You are still not my match. The stronger you are, the better you are at showing off my strength!”

Then he ferociously advances, as if a fierce tiger, with unstoppable momentum.

“I think it’s better if you don’t set your conclusions too early.” A playful smile appeared on Ji Li’s mouth.

While this Whirling Fist was indeed an immediate level martial ability of the mortal realm, the weakest in the three realms – heaven, earth and mortal. Everyone in the tribe can practice it, it was very shallow. However, Ji Li came with memories. He understood things early from youth and had been researching this martial ability for over ten years. Thus, his was naturally stronger than that of a regular tribesman.

Whirr – Whirr –

At this moment, his arm rotated two more times. With two loud explosion noises, a large strength explosively from within! A further increase in 200 jin of strength!

Like a deep sea windstorm, sweeping everything!

“How could thi…ahhh” Ji Feng and all those present were stunned. Before he can even finish his speech, he was severely knocked away with a scream. Then he dropped from midair and landed on the ground, forming a shallow pit, unable to stand up.

“You lose; it seems that the gap between the inner group and the outer group isn’t much.” Ji Li rubbed his arm that was feeling some pain and said dismissively.

“Ji Feng actually lost…” a conclusion to the fight was reached – one that was highly contrary to expectation.

“Brother Li is actually so powerful.” Even Rain Bamboo was a bit shocked.

Although she knew that Ji Li have some attainments with martial abilities, she did not expect for him to reach such a level. To practice Whirling Fist to a level of five consecutive increases in strength, it was something that even intermediate martial abilities find difficult to accomplish.

“If anyone else wants to have a spar with Ji Li, please stand out.” Ji Li stood in place, looked around and asked with a bright voice.

“Reached the pinnacle of low tier strength and being able to execute Whirling Fist with five consecutive increases in strength… even Ji Feng isn’t a match for him…”Having heard Ji Li, all the youngsters stepped back and considered in their heart. No one dared to stand out.

Having deterred this group of hot blooded youngsters, Ji Li also relieved slightly thinking that the matter can come to an end.

However, right at this moment.

“You can execute Whirling Fist consecutively? Some skills indeed. But who gave you the courage to challenge the inner group!” Suddenly there was a voice coming from the outside of the crowd. This voice sounded with a strong self-confidence, enough to subdue.

“Ji Chu?” Ji Li’s attention began to concentrate.

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