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Memory 4: Karaoke and Smartphone and I

Just as planned, I received the letter of consent from my parents, and headed to the location where I was supposed to meet up with Koori.

Being asked about my family, I don"t think I"ve ever given that much detail. I have the natural tendency not to get involved too much with other people, and there weren"t many people who wanted to know about my parents on a more formal basis anyway, not to mention that I tried avoiding that as much as possible.

Even more than my parents" behaviour, their personalities and other aspects about them seemed to be quite in contrast to what you would call common sense. An inferior explanation would bring forth a misunderstanding, and meddling quite honestly is a pain. Therefore, I try to avoid any talk about my family, but—

For some reason, I didn"t hate it at all when I was talking with Koori about it. Rather, I want her to understand the circ.u.mstances. Even though she"s unrelated to it, Koori"s case is different…

"Well, Koori isn"t exactly a stranger…" I faintly let out a voice, only to open my eyes widely at my own foolishness.

My words just now made it sound like Koori is a family to me. What arrogance, silly conceit. But, even more than that.


I couldn"t help but sense a certain feeling of comfort by calling Koori family. Is someone like me, as shameless as I am, really allowed to have the same phone model as Koori…the same provider? Rather—my thoughts went as far as that, when I spotted her.

At the same time as happiness filled my head and heart, my face loosened up. She was waiting in front of the KQ store. Resting her body, covered in private clothes, against the guarding rail, and…what was it called…headphones on her head, apparently listening to music.

It really, really fit her. Even though she was just wearing headphones—she looked unbearably cute. Her clothes as well. I don"t know what they"re called, but it looked like they were made for Koori and only her…

"Ah, Sen—Wah, what"s with that sad expression?! Are you hurt somewhere?!"

She shoved off her headphones, and quickly rushed towards me. The sight of her was too dazzling I was unable to look directly at her.


"E-Eh, what"s going on? Were you not able to get the consent from your parents after all?!"

"No, that worked out perfectly."

"Eh? Ah, that"s good, phew…" Koori sighed in relief, almost as if she was happy for herself.

Seeing that, I felt a stinging pain in my chest. Koori is that kind towards me, and yet I…

"I can get a contract, but…Do I have the right to use the same model as you, Koori…?"

"…Huh?" Koori"s eyes blinked in shock, freezing up for a short second. "Pff…T-The right?! The right to use the same model, he says!! Ahahahahaha!!"

She burst out laughing, holding her stomach as she leaned forward. She kept smiling, as she continued, like it was the normal thing to say.

"Of course you have the right to do that! Let"s go~"

That smile. I could watch this all the time—for all eternity.

"Come on, Senpai! The early bird catches the worm!"

Until Koori beckoned me to enter the store with her waving hand, I was unable to move even an inch from that spot.

Finally, Senpai followed me inside the store, where the kind Onee-san guided us to two open chairs, starting with the customer service. When she got up from her seat to check on some things, I remembered the incident from just now, and started grinning again.

Man~ Senpai really is too funny…He keeps making me laugh because of the stupidest things. Honestly, I was acting like a nervous maiden in love because I kept thinking this is a date, but seeing Senpai all down like that, only to know of the reason for it, I was too occupied laughing to think about that.

…Well, having Senpai sit right next to me like this does make my heart beat a bit faster. When I took a quick peek over at him, I saw that he was staring at me like crazy.

"W-What is it?"

"…Is there music playing?"

"Music? Do you mean the one from the store interior?"

"No." Senpai said, as he pointed at the headphones hanging around my neck.

"Ah, seems like it started playing again."

I thought I properly stopped it, but I must have accidentally turned it on again before. Taking out my smartphone to stop the music, Senpai looked at me with a very intriguing expression.

"What kind of songs do you like, Koori?"

"Oh, you"re listening to music, Senpai?"

I feel like that wasn"t the case at all two years ago, but maybe there was some trigger happening in one of the worlds he was in? If so—I wanna hear about it so badly! What kind of music is Senpai listening to I wonder?

I unconsciously pushed my body forwards, looking Senpai in the eye.

"I don"t listen to music all that much…I was just wondering what you were listening to."

"Does that mean…"

You want to know everything about me? …Ah, c.r.a.p…I"m grinning.

Anyway, I just brought up all the different types of music I liked listening to.

"Let"s see~ Pop, rock, western music, idol songs, anime songs, vocaloid…quite a lot actually…but most of the stuff I listen to is rock, I guess~?"

"So you like rock then."

"Hm…I think it depends on the band. I try to make it to the live concerts of the bands I like."

"Live concerts…"

"It"s crazy cool~! I was at a live concert of a band who just resumed their activities after like ten years of a break…Ah, would you like to listen?"

I took off my headphones, handing it over to Senpai, who just froze up completely.

"Ahh, I have to adjust the length."

I moved my hand on the slider of the headphones so that it could reach Senpai"s ears, when I realized—

Isn"t this the perfect chance…to share the headphones?

My mouth got the jump on me before I could perfectly think this through.

"Um, is it okay if I listen to it as well? Talking about it made me feel like it again."

"…? Sure, go ahead."

Taking the headphones off again, Senpai handed me one speaker, and put the other one on his ear.

"Then…I"ll put it on, okay~"

Pushing the play b.u.t.ton on my phone and putting the other speaker against my ear, my hand softly touched Senpai"s. No, even more than that—Senpai"s face was right next to mine.

…I should have thought this through…! Sharing headphones like this would mean that we end up this close! Focussing on Senpai himself, I could faintly hear his breathing, and when I gazed over at my side—Ahh, so close, so close!

Senpai"s eyelashes sure are long…his neck is so slim…and his body looks so muscular even though he was in a coma…Oh my G.o.d…! Wait, isn"t my heart beating a bit too fast?! Don"t tell me…he can hear it?!

I kept telling myself to calm down, but the entire situation was too much for me, not even allowing me to pay attention to the music playing.

"…H-How is it?"

Unable to bear it, I took away the speaker, and asked Senpai while trying my hardest to hide my beet red face.

"I really like this emo-type of punk rock…"



Senpai followed suit, taking away the headphones, as he spoke up in a meek manner.

"Sorry…I couldn"t really tell."

"Ah…Ahh~ Well, everyone has their own tastes, so I can"t blame you—"


With his right hand, he handed over the headphones, as he tried to hide his face with his left. Also, I just realized, but…Senpai"s blushing like crazy, isn"t he?

"…Koori is too close…so I couldn"t focus at all…"


That"s what I"ve been thinking—I was about to blurt out. I mean, isn"t Senpai too cute? And doesn"t that mean that I"m also too cute? Ugh…what kind of mathematical equation is this?

"…Um, could I maybe interrupt now?"

The employee had returned without the two of us realizing, calling us back to reality. That"s right! We"re in the middle of a store right now!

"Ah, yesh! I"m sorry! We"re fine!"

Wah, my voice was shaking…!

"Sorry for bothering you like that~"

…Don"t show me that bitter smile, Ms. Employee…I"m sorry, okay?

But, before I could rea.s.sure her so she wouldn"t feel bad, Senpai got the jump on me.

"It"s true that you interrupted us, but I"m not particularly angry."


"Huff…I thought my lifespan was getting shorter by the second…"

Stepping out of the store, I took a deep breath. That Onee-san sure was p.i.s.sed at us…

Turning around to look at the too honest for his own good Senpai, he was gazing down at the newly-acquired smartphone in his hand…Ah, he"s smiling…?! What"s with that super duper cute face! Excuse me?! How pure can you be! The purest of pure! So cyoooooot!!!

"…Koori? Why are you pointing your smartphone camera at me?"

"—Eh? Ah, it"s nothing at all!"

That was close…! I took out my phone to take a picture of him without even realizing…But, what"s wrong with taking a picture of him? Just do it under pretense of a memory…? No, but…—I was pondering to myself for whatever reason, when Senpai softly lowered his head to me.

"Thanks a lot, Koori. Because of your help, I managed to safely get a new smartphone."

"………N-No problem…"

Ugh…Senpai being honest stabs right into my heart…

I put my hand on my chest to take another deep breath, and stuffed the reason for my wicked thoughts, the headphones, in my bag.

"With this, I can finally use Link to message Koori…"

"Ah, right. We have to exchange numbers again because you got a new one."

"…My…own number…my own phone number…"

"Should I do it for you?"

"No, I can do it myself…" Senpai started fiddling with his smartphone, a complicated expression on his face.

He pressed on it with both his hands, clearly looking inexperienced. Just watching that…I feel so fulfilled. Watching over him for a while, Senpai muttered a dejected Impossible, huh… and stuffed his hand into nothingness again. Stopping him mid-way, I gave Senpai a better idea.

"Senpai, there"s a place we can do this more calmly, how about it?"

The (probably) best place to play around with your smartphone. That is.

"Ohh, lucky! Look at this beautiful room! Senpai go to the back, the back okay?"

Pushing Senpai who stopped in the entrance already, I put down two cups of oolong tea I got from the drink bar on the table, checking around the room. The A/C"s okay, Wifi is working perfectly, remote control is present, and so are the microphones~

"So this…is a karaoke room…"

Sitting down on the sofa, Senpai ogled his surroundings with great interest, his words making me burst out laughing again.

"Why do you make it sound like "This…is a different world, huh…?" Senpai?"

"I mean…a different world wouldn"t surprise me like this."

"Pffft, so a karaoke room is more mysterious than an entire different world…?!"

That"s so like Senpai~ Then again, it"s been 20 years, so rather than seeing mysterious worlds and cities, a normal karaoke room must be off-setting, huh? But that"s exactly why I decided to come here in the first place~!

"Senpai, it"s been a while since you went to karaoke, right? The wifi is free as well, n.o.body will come bother us, and we can be as loud as we want. The perfectly place to set up the pho—"

Hm? n.o.body will come bother us, and we can be as loud as we want…? Well, not like Senpai will take my words in that way, so whatever.

"For now, let"s finishing setting up the phone before we sing~ Um, to see your phone number, you have to—"


Right when I wanted to take a peek at Senpai"s phone in his hand, he jumped up.


"………Sorry……well…you were just so close that I…"


—rry, but right before that.

"I-It"s not like I hate that you"re close! Rather, I"m happy…Ah, wait, no! Well, not really, but…ugh…"

I couldn"t tell because the room was still a bit dark before, but Senpai"s face was burning red by now.

"In this dark…closed-off room…with just Koori…I feel like I wouldn"t be able to hold back…"


……Ummm…Huh? Wait…is this my fault?

"Um…t-then—I guess I"ll go and sing!"

…What am I talking about. Well, I was at my limit in a lot of ways, so I just decided to run away by using the remote control, looking for a song I could sing. Some song I would always sing when I was with friends.

The intro started—Hold on, isn"t this a song about a broken heart?—Ah, I realized too late! The song already began, so I had to sing along normally, thanking my friends that they pulled me here so many times.

I tried my best not look at Senpai while I was singing, but then the interlude came. Taking a sip from my drink, I gave Senpai a sideways glance—Ahh, he"s staring at me so intensely!!!

He had his arms crossed, glaring at me with a serious expression—Ah, the song is starting again.

I messed up in the later half, but I didn"t break until the very end. Somehow, I"m glad that I didn"t have the time to mentally prepare to sing in front of Senpai~

"Eh…um…how was it?"



"Your singing voice is great. I"m shocked."


Excuse me, but I"m the shocked one here?! Also, why is Senpai already back to normal?! Where did your panic from before fly off to?!

Or so I retorted inside my head, but having this awkward and embarra.s.sing atmosphere from before completely gone I can very much appreciate.

"Well~ I often do karaoke with friends, see~"

"This isn"t on the level of that. I feel like you have some talent there."

"S-Senpai, come on now~ You"re totally right, but don"t say it so bluntly~…Also, that was a joke, so retort on it, please."

"…? What do you mean?"


I guess a retort like "Don"t say that about yourself" from Senpai is too much to ask for…Well, I really like a pure pure Senpai like that though~

"So…about your smartphone."

"—Ah…I found my number."

"O-Ohhh! Good job, Senpai!"

"Also, I can just start this…software…download, right?"

"Yes. Ah, the wifi setting is—"

"I think I probably got that going. Though I"m not sure…"

"Eh, no way."

That being said, don"t go peeking at his phone, or the same stuff will happen from before!

"…Can I…borrow it for a second?"

Senpai himself was probably aware that bad things could happen if I approached him now, so he calmly handed it over.

…Ah, he"s right. It"s totally connected. I soexpected him to have troubles with that…how in the world?

"Then, let"s wait until the download is complete. Once that"s done, we can exchange our Link addresses."

"That"d be great…"

"…………Senpai, your eyes…are telling me to sing again?"

Senpai nodded, and softly smiled at me. I mean, I have to sing if you look at me like that.

"Can"t help it then~ I guess I"ll sing one more~!" I grinned, and continued. "That being said, you"ll be singing as well, Senpai. Here, you know how to handle the remote, right?"

"…Yeah. But—"

"No excuses!" Forming a big X with my hands, and said with mic in hand, I gazed at Senpai"s fl.u.s.tered expression.

The next song was a bit faster than before, more cheerful. Since it"s not about a broken heart or unrequited love, it"s more enjoyable to sing in this situation. But, enough about my song.

"—Ohhh?! Eh, this is the song you chose, Senpai?!"

The song Senpai put in from the remote control was a super fast song. At least one person would always choose this song when I went to karaoke, only to barely fumble their way through…

Wait? Wait just a second. This song was released last year, so there"s no way Senpai would know about it…

"Senpai…did you chose this song just based on the ranking?"

"Yeah." Senpai slightly tilted his head, clearly wondering what I was getting at.

I mean, singing a song you never heard before is setting the bar a bit too high, don"t you think?! Who would try that!

But, reality ridiculed me.

"……Huh? Eh?"

First, the beginning of the song was different. So was the text! He"s looking at the screen, but his timing is completely off! Even so—it"s crazy good.

"…What…is this?"

Volume, rhythm, everything was too perfect to be true. I don"t know why he can"t just normally sing along the lyrics, but it"s this kind of song anyway. The previous song might have been better…But, I still got gooseb.u.mps.

Having finished the song, Senpai wiped away the sweat on his forehead, and looked over at me.

—Ah, this is bad. I can"t…I don"t know why, but if I look at Senpai know, I feel like my heart will explode…So I averted my gaze.

…Still, I have to say something…

"Um…could you maybe sing one more song?"

I mean, I would be lying if I said I wasn"t serious. I want to hear it again. I want to hear more.

After thinking for a second, Senpai nodded.


Senpai moved over to the remote control, and the song he chose was—

"For real?!" I screamed, as I jolted up.

The reason for that was Senpai"s song choice. Ironically, he picked one of the songs I was really into, from my favorite band…And Senpai…is going to sing that…? They have a lot of high pitches in there, and it"s pretty difficult overall…Is he going to change the lyrics?

Filled with half expectation, half worry, I stared at Senpai as the intro started. Following that, Senpai"s voice burst out. He kept a diligent expression, and didn"t change the lyrics. It was perfect, yet also Senpai-like.

…This is bad. Oh. My. G.o.d. He"s…so…cool…!

Even though it"s a pa.s.sionate song, with someone headbanging most of the time, doing a high-five with someone. And Senpai was singing that. It"s way too good. I"m shaking. I"m getting emotional—I… started crying.

"—Koori?! Sorry, I picked it because I knew you liked the song…but I guess it wasn"t good…?"

Senpai stormed towards me after he was done, so I denied his misunderstanding at full force. It was too good, I was moved to tears.

"You"re way too cool, I"m falling for you all over again…" I muttered, making sure that he wouldn"t be able to hear me.

Taking a deep breath, I tried calming myself down, raising my head.

"I mean—wasn"t that way too good?! Hasn"t it been 20 years since you went to karaoke, Senpai?!"

Only someone who goes to karaoke on a daily basis, a complete addict, would be able to sing it this perfectly! And he should have heard that song only once when we shared the headphones! So why was it that good…?!

"Not quite. I never went to karaoke before."

"……Huh? So this…is your first time?"


"You"re a genius?"

A G.o.dly, unparalleled genius? This feels like magi—

"Ah, magic?!"

Right, I forgot! Senpai can actually use magic!

"Magic…I did use magic, but I didn"t use any when I was singing."

"I thought so! …Eh, which one?"

Did you use magic? Or not?

After he gazed into the distance, looking a bit nostalgic, he reached out for my hand.

"It will be quicker if I show you."

Ah, this is the pattern where he shows me his memories from a different world…Well, this being the third time, I"m pretty much used to it.

Either way, the karaoke box in front of my eyes turned black, and when I could see the light again—

"…Huh? it"s not getting bright? Senpai, is this—Kya!"

The Senpai in front of me suddenly stepped back…–not b.u.mping into me?

"Ah, it"s the past Senpai…?"

Looking closer, his clothes looked worn-out, a sort of traveller style. While I was closely watching him, he yet again moved at an insane speed, to which I crouched down on the spot.

"Wah, what"s happening?!"

It feels like Senpai is fighting?! I couldn"t really tell because of the surrounding darkness, but the periodic light flashing up made it look like Senpai was currently battling someone.

This reflection…or hologram? even is perfectly safe, I know that, but it"s still scary.

"Woah…something came out! Something amazing came out!"

I closed my eyes, and hid my face…Hm? There"s no sound?

Carefully opening my eyes to check out the situation, the current Senpai was right next to me. This position…a wall-slam…?

"…You okay?"


Not fine in a different meaning though.

In the meantime, at Senpai"s back, the surroundings lit up, so I looked over there, seeing a more wider, open s.p.a.ce. The entire place was stone-paved…about the size of a cla.s.sroom, with Senpai standing there.

He must have been fighting harshly, but he had no wounds at all. Also, rather than this traveller look I a.s.sumed he had…he looks more like an a.s.sa.s.sin from a game…?

"Senpai, is this…"

"This is…the Colosseum Alideja, located in [Stero"Un]."


Like they had in old Rome? I could technically look it up with my phone, but there"s no way I could get connection in here, huh~

"In [Stero"Un], those coming from a different world are turned into Darya…slaves of the lowest caste, and thrown into this dungeon called Alideja, fighting with other Darya who also aim to escape from that h.e.l.l. The humans of [Stero"Un] are observing them in joy."


"As an amus.e.m.e.nt."

"…Woah…so shabby…"

They all gotta have a screw loose.

"Exactly. This was a moderately cruel world."


This is just moderate?! Just what kind of worlds did Senpai visit…?!

"Rather than that system, there was something else giving me more problems…"

Right there, Senpai"s face distorted in disgust.

「You okay?」

Suddenly, a girl walked into my view, her naked legs too dazzling for my eyes. Her age…should be around mine? Her clothes were just as tattered as Senpai"s, and—Oh, I could see a glimpse of her face. Kinda cute!

Eh…no, wait. Not just kinda! She"s super cute! Her bangs were covering her face so I couldn"t properly tell! She got big open eyes, sparkling almost, and her mouth looks so soft…! Though it"s suffering a bit from the dirt, her ashen-grey hair in a short cut like super fits her…Wouldn"t she be a crazy beauty if she got to properly take care of it?

…But, more importantly, she"s barely wearing anything?! If she were to move just a bit, couldn"t you see a lot of bad things?

"Senpai, this girl…"

"Yeah…she resembles you a bit, Koori."


How?! In what way?!

I wanted to ask, but Senpai looked like he was serious.

…Ehhh? Do I really resemble a beauty like that~? Oh stop it, you~

That"s a bit of a different reaction from all the other other world girls so far. The past Senpai wasn"t saying anything either—or so I thought, when.

「Don"t concern yourself with me」

「That won"t do. You are my master after all」

"Master?!" I unconsciously looked over at Senpai.

"Celi"s race…"Rasha" apparently have a tradition to call the people they have been saved by "Master", and follow them for the rest of their lives…"

Ah, so this girl"s called Celi-chan. Her name"s just as cute…But, leaving that aside.

"Senpai…you accepted?"

"…I declined it countless times…But…"

Seeing Senpai sneak glances at me over and over, I had a certain hunch.

"You couldn"t ignore her…because she resembled me…?"


Taking that silence as a Yes, I was honestly not sure how to respond. I mean, it doesn"t feel bad to be indirectly called as cute as Celi-chan, and hearing the reason he didn"t shoo her away makes me writhe in happiness again, mixed with a faint glimmer of bashfulness, but him accepting another girl still makes me feel gloomy as well…But it"s not like I have the right to say that…Ahhh, my head hurts!

Leaving aside all the things leaving me in chaos—Well, I really shouldn"t, but I have to. I asked Senpai.

"Also, that singing magic…?"

That"s important right now. It"s the main reason I"m watching this scene after all.


Right when Senpai spoke up, the cool Celi-chan suddenly looked over her shoulder.

「…! Kairi, we have to—Kya!」

Celi-chan crouched down on that spot, and Senpai followed suit…while protecting her…Ugh…I mean, I know, but…Ahhhh…!

Meanwhile, Celi-chan was holding her head, looking like she was in pain—Hm?

"There"s ears growing from her head?!"

Not her face, but her head. Cat-like ears. And not the kind you"d put on for fun during a cosplay party, the real deal.

"Depending on the situation, Rasha not only have ears like that, but also…No, that"s not important right now."

What? Not only ears? Tell me more?

But, the situation in front of us right now was more pressing, and Senpai continued anyway.

"Alideja has a boss monster lurking on every floor, and the one here is—"


The Senpai from the past continued, but the current Senpai delivered an explanation.

"The boss of this floor, Sirene, uses her singing as a weapon, lowering your defense, and, as you would expect, it"s especially effective against people like Celi—who specify and trust on their hearing."


Ah, he"s right. Celi-chan looks…not like she"s in pain…? I mean, she clearly doesn"t look comfortable, but her eyes seem drowsy, and it"s like she"s trying to hold back falling asleep…Also, I can"t hear that Sirene"s? voice anyway? Did it get cut?

I was about to ask Senpai, but before that—


I thought it was the Sirene, but Celi-chan seemed to feel the same way as I did. Senpai…was singing. Well, humming rather, but it was crazy good…

Shortly after that, Senpai closed his mouth, and Celi-chan carefully got up.

「You cancelled out her song with yours…?」

I don"t really get what she meant by that, but it was obvious that Senpai did something amazing right there.

「A song is just a row of sounds. If I can a.n.a.lyse the array of sounds, I can counter theirs」


No no no, that sounds crazy difficult though!? I mean, Celi-chan clearly agrees with me, looking at her expression!

「It"s not…that easy to do」

Ah, she said it.

「Just how much effort did you put in just to achieve that…」

「It was necessary to make it through this floor, so I practiced」


…You"re so cool, Senpai. Celi-chan was still as blank-faced as before, but I can tell that she"s just as shocked.

「You wouldn"t have had to…if it was just you alone…」


In surprise, I looked at the real Senpai next to me, but the one in the reflection answered me first.

「…I"m not wasting my time on anything useless, you should know」

Saying these words, Senpai started moving forward. Celi-chan on her part—

"As you can see, the magic I used was just—"

"Ah, Senpai, don"t make us return just yet!"

Grasping that he was about to cancel this reflection, I quickly begged him. The reason for that was Celi-chan"s expression just now. She looked angered, sulking, but most importantly—yearning.

"I don"t think there was anything happening after that…" Senpai tilted his head in confusion, but I was certain.

Celi-chan will definitely say something now. And, after waiting for a second.

「One day…I"ll definitely have you accept me…and then, I will tell you of these feelings…!」



Senpai was more shocked from my own outburst than Celi-chan"s words, but that"s not important.

…Celi-chan. You were saved by Senpai, and had him become your master. Yet, he never gave you that much attention, but still treated you kindly like that…Wanting to tell Senpai of your feelings, but knowing that you don"t have the right to…

"…Anyway, I used a certain a.n.a.lysis magic, but the singing itself was not influenced by any—"

"Senpai! What happened with Celi-chan after that?!"

"W-What are you referring to?"

"I mean, Celi-chan totally had feel—"

Alright, stop right there, me!! I definitely can"t be blurting that out! Under any circ.u.mstances! Careful…I can"t do this in Celi-chan"s stead.

If I said "Celi-chan totally had feelings for you, Senpai! Did you answer her feelings?!" then Senpai would either say "Yes, I did" or "No, I didn"t", and either of those are…ughhhhh…!



"Senpai…let"s sing to our heart"s content today! Like it"s our last day! At full force!"

We had already returned to the karaoke box in the meantime, where I announced this with a mic in hand. For now, I want to sing! For Celi-chan"s sake as well!

Also, calm down me…You can"t grow fl.u.s.tered now…

"By the way, this a.n.a.lysis thing? No more of that, okay?"

"…! But…?!"

"No buts. I told you not to use magic anymore, right?"

What if someone saw us? Well, I understand that using magic has become the norm for Senpai…Also, please don"t look at me like that…

"…Um, then…if you do it only when I"m around, then I guess it should be fine…?"


"Also, it"s totally me being selfish, right…you can just do whatever you feel like doing, Senpai."

I don"t want to restrain him just because he"s my boyfriend…

"…No, I"ll hold off of that. I don"t want to lose Koori because of my magic."


His words, paired with his serious expression, stabbed me right through the heart, leaving me fl.u.s.tered.

"Um…ehm…right…It"s just me being selfish, wanting to monopolize Senpai"s amazing singing, so you really don"t have to…"

I"m pretty sure that n.o.body would pick up on Senpai using magic to a.n.a.lyze the song anyway. Ahh…In the end, I"m still restricting him, huh?

"I see…Alright. I will never again sing in front of anyone but you, Koori."

"—?! No, but…"

That"s just me being selfish, so—

"It"s not because you told me to. I want to do it myself—It"s me being selfish."

……………I love him so much.

In the end, even though I was the one who talked about singing the rest of the day, I was filled with lots and lots of emotions that I thought my heart would explode…

—Ah, I totally forgot about Senpai"s smartphone!


—That night.

"Haaaa…A bath really is the best~………Hm?"

When I looked at my phone, a message notification was reflected on the screen.

「Did that work?」

"Eh, Senpai linked me?!"

Even though I forgot to help him set it up…

"He did it on his own…! Amazing!"

Well…the setting-up basically works on itself after the installation, but…it"s Senpai, so it"s still amazing!

「Worked perfectly~! ?✌️ 」

「Really…thank G.o.d ?」

"Pfft…he"s using the wrong emoji…~"

「That"s the wrong one, Senpai!  ?  ? 」

「Sorry ?」

"Ahahaha, Senpai~"

「Smiling while you"re apologizing, LOL! ?  ? ? 」

「Weird…how should I do it then?」

「You just press on the emote you want」

"…He"s just trying them out, I guess."

Also, this is our first Link chatting after we started dating, huh~

"I don"t know why…but this is really fun, linking with Senpai."

I couldn"t hold my grinning. Since no new message came, I got up from the bath, and went to take one last shower—

"Hmmm? It"s ringing? …There we go."

In one hand, the shower head, in the other my smartphone, I looked down at the screen, and saw Senpai"s face.


Did I put him as my phone background? Wait, he"s moving…?


I can hear his voice even—

"Wait, why is it a video call?!"

Huuuuh?! Huuuuuuuuuuuuuh?! Eh?! Ehhh?! Did I accept the call?! And why a video call…Ah, did Senpai press it by mistake…But that means that…he can see…everything…!


Me panicking didn"t help at all. Because of the slippery ground, I fell over.


And if one asked where my smartphone landed—


Positioned right under my b.u.t.t…Ah, the screen…No wait, can Senpai see me right now?!

「Koori?! Is everything okay?! It"s pitch black, I can"t see anything…!」

Ah, he can"t see…Good…my b.u.t.t is covering it…

"Wait, it"s not good at all!"

I didn"t move an inch until Senpai cut the video call…The end.

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