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Memory 5: [Lovey-dovey Journal of Nano-chan and Watase Kairi]

h.e.l.lo. My name is—Ah, I guess a name for such a useless small fry of a support character would be a waste…I"m sorry. I am Nano-chan—Koori Nano-chan"s cla.s.smate A.

Through my own judgement, to what the people around me agree, I am a fully-fledged support character, belonging to those girls with a communication disorder. Ehehe.

Though I don"t hold any special traits or characteristics that would make me stand out, I am confident in my lack of presence wherever I go, so I was luckily never bullied in middle school despite the person I was. Amazing, right?

Being a cla.s.smate at the lowest caste of the cla.s.s hierarchy, there is but one thing I can brag about. That is—having been in the same cla.s.s as Nano-chan ever since middle school.

Koori Nano-chan. I got to know her during the entrance ceremony of middle school. Since I"m the crazy communication disorder girl, whenever you force me into an event with lots of people partic.i.p.ating, I get stomach cramps right away.

Naturally, that day was no exception, but I tried to put up with it, since the entrance ceremony was still a special event in my school career.

A great miscalculation. Right as the ceremony started, a great calamity occurred inside my stomach. Of course, even with my lack of presence, I would stick out if I just left in the middle of the ceremony. On a same note, I couldn"t call out to someone to seek for help. I"d rather have the entire gym explode and lay down my life here. With everyone.

Hence, unable to see any other way out, I started pondering on how I could have this place blow up the quickest, when—

"Sensei~ Can I go to the nurse"s office~?"

Right in the middle of the chairman"s speech. The girl raised her hand in a somewhat energetic manner, yet even while being glared at by the teachers, being laughed at by the students around her, she continued to smile throughout the entire process.

"Ahaha, I"m sorry~ Ah, I can? Thank you very much~ …See, we can go. Can you walk?"

I was dumbfounded. I thought she was actually in the same situation as me, but this cla.s.smate—this unbelievably cute girl—raised her hand for my sake.

She walked with me to the nurse"s office, and explained the situation to the teacher there…this girl who saved me, this G.o.ddess descending in front of me, was Koori Nano-chan. I will never forget the happiness and joy I felt when I found out I was in the same year, not to mention the same cla.s.s as her.

Of course, because of my hardcore communication disorder, I was unable to call out to her in cla.s.s, but everyone else was charmed quickly enough by her interesting personality, her angelicness, her divine looks, and so much more, so she became the center of the cla.s.s, which led me to gain even deeper admiration.

To no surprise of course! Nano-chan is a being who deserves to be loved by everyone…! The world shows appreciation to the people who deserve it that way! Thank you, world!

Not to mention…as if that wasn"t enough! Don"t be shocked, okay?

I know it sounds too crazy to believe, but after that incident at the entrance ceremony, Nano-chan actually remembered my name! And she would even call out to me during certain circ.u.mstances!!

"Ahaha, how could I forget that? Also, one thing…calling me by name must be annoying, right? Just call me Nano."

That day, I burst out in tears as soon as I got home. They were tears of happiness. I told my mother about this incident, and she made my favorite food for dinner. With the words I see, so you"ve become an adult now…she looked happy beyond belief, but I wasn"t an adult by any means. I turned into a believer.

A believer of the Koori Nano Church.

Well, leaving aside that awful joke…though not as much of a joke to be completely honest, from that day onward, I completely fell for Nano-chan, wanting to be as friendly as possible with her…not like I would be able to, of course, so I just watched her from the shadows.

Ah, I say shadows, but I wasn"t stalking her by any means, okay? Truth be told, I knew where she lived, what way she took to school, and that she would often take a detour to watch cats, but that just happened out of pure coincidence.

Anyway, for these three years in middle school, I continued to watch her in our cla.s.sroom, and as if the G.o.ds above heard my prayers, I even ended up in the same cla.s.s as Nano-chan in high school. I couldn"t hold back my joy from this miracle, so I screamed as soon as I got home. Inside my bath, that is.

On a side note, these prayers I mentioned all happened during my pilgrimage when we had summer break, where I headed to every possible shrine in the entire country, praying with Dear G.o.d, please let me end up in the same cla.s.s as Nano-chan again…though I understand if you ignore the prayers of someone like me.

Hence, I could continue my blissful watch over Nano-chan for another year, but then—

"Nano got a boyfriend!"

It was an insane shock. Probably the greatest shock in my entire life.

Even if you take out my personal opinion as a believer, Nano-chan is unbearably cute, her personality couldn"t be better, she"s delightful to talk with, always has funny stories to share, a bit weird, always stylish, and has a calming atmosphere to her, so it"s as expected as the sun rising in the east that she"s popular.

That was known in middle school of course, and my records state that she was confessed to at least eight times a week, sometimes even receiving three on one day.

Even so, Nano-chan never went out with anyone. She was confessed to by girls as well, but she equally rejected them so I threw the possibility of her having this sort of interest out of the window as well. I was so sure that she would never go out with anyone, because she is everyone"s Nano-chan, and yet…Well, those were just the selfish thoughts of a small fry like me, so disregard that.

I am but a lowly cla.s.smate of Nano-chan, and even if we were family, I would never dare order Nano-chan what to do, and what not to do.

Thus, now that she has decided to start dating a boy, I wanted to support her with all my might. That is the natural duty a believer like me has to carry.

But, it proved to be impossible. The reason for that was the apparent boyfriend—Watase Kairi, and his problematic att.i.tude. Judging from his appearance, he seemed to be a normal person. His bangs are on the longer side, he"s always quiet, he properly wears his uniform…it really reeks of support character like me, but that was not the case.

According to an accident or a similar circ.u.mstance I have no details for, he ended up in a coma for two years, coming back to the school as a returnee. A returnee! This only happens in anime. No, not even there. But, since he was going out with Nano-chan, I gave him the benefit of the doubt, and looked into him.

So much that I downloaded a sort of diary app, I will let you know. The t.i.tle of my diary, [Nano-chan is a G.o.ddess! And also, an investigation journal for Watase Kairi]. With this, I was sure to unravel all the hidden secrets he was hiding—but there was no need for that.

He"s dangerous. Watase Kairi is crazy dangerous—Ah, look at me, using words like an actual normie, ehehe.

As the complete opposite of his calm looks, Watase Kairi is actually a walking disaster. First, the three people who were hurled by Watase Kairi on his first day at school: One of those was an actual teacher. It happened even though none of the three showed any hostility towards him. Miraculously, they didn"t suffer any wounds either, but that is an irregularity in itself.

Talking about irregularities, his mysterious actions during cla.s.s are worth mentioning here. Most of the time, he just took cla.s.ses calmly and diligently, but when one of our teachers wanted to lightly…really really lightly…tap on the sleeping student"s shoulder with his workbook, he just stopped him at lightning speed.

"Wha…Eh? W-Watase?"

"—Apologies. My body just moved on it"s own."

No no no what do you mean your body moved on it"s own?! Are you some a.s.sa.s.sin?! Well, he did look a bit cool, but that"s not important right now.

On a side note, a similar case occurred, where boy A and B were involved. See below:

"Let me borrow your eraser."

"Alright, I"m throwing it over."


"Why"d you catch—Huh, what"d you just do?!"

"…Not something dangerous, alright." Watase Kairi responded in the end.

Giving some further detail, Watase Kairi had his back to the conversation of the two, and didn"t even turn around nor flinch as he beautifully caught the eraser mid-air.

This very incident took place in front of Nano-chan, and when I figured she"d be really taken aback by this, she just started laughing. Or rather, she tried her hardest to hold it back. To me, it looked like a gleeful smile, but what if it wasn"t? What if it was a forced smile? —Or so I thought to myself, when Watase Kairi yet again hurled another boy behind him with inhuman reaction. Apparently, he reacted to the boy tapping him on the shoulder to hand a printout forwards.

He truly is dangerous. Thinking back to it, the normal cla.s.ses feel rather docile. As an example, during gym cla.s.s…it was a continuous storm of astonishing and unbelievable incidents. Since the boys and girls are split up for gym cla.s.ses, I could only catch glimpses, but those were more than enough to tell how marvelous yet horrible it was.

They were supposed to be playing soccer, but when Watase Kairi and another boy ended up facing each other, Watase Kairi hurled him, not letting this end up as a normal soccer match at all. Oddly enough, it wasn"t even regarded as a foul, because Watase Kairi"s movement was too fast for everyone to follow. Rather, it looked like the boy who approached him fell over naturally. Probably only I could see what really happened. Or so I say, but this is just my a.s.sumption.

Furthermore, his words are worrisome.

For some reason, he often says If only I could use magic. Additionally, there are times when he uses some specialist-type language and words. He would periodically lift his hand into the air, showing gestures as if he would be casting a magic spell. If I had to guess, he most likely suffers from chuunibyou1. Naturally, I will not judge him based on that, everybody goes through such a period in life. Even me.

Hence, I would love to be on a gracious stance in that regard, but I cannot let it slip as someone who stands next to Nano-chan as her boyfriend. If it was just a case of Nano-chan being interested in that, and it just coincidentally being Watase Kairi, I would not mind as much.

However, that is not the case.

I cannot deny that Nano-chan harbors interest in all sorts of things, a trait I truly admire, and she doesn"t even have any prejudices and hate against otaku hobbies either. On the contrary, she often shows desire to get invested, even enjoying it—Ahhh, Nano-chan really is the best! I love her!—but I highly doubt that would be a trait she would actively seek out in a boyfriend.

Most likely, she doesn"t even have any preferences in that regard…? If I had to guess, Nano-chan might not even have feelings for Watase Kairi in the first place, and this relationship is happening on a one-sided love basis…? Watase Kairi would often throw gazes at Nano-chan, which always harbored a certain level of affection. He always has a blank face though. Rather, it made me question if he even has other expressions.

Nano-chan would equally return a few glances towards him, but she does the same for everyone else. Even for me. She really is a G.o.ddess. The entire world should become a believer like me.

Either way, having written this far, you should be able to grasp what I am trying to say. Indeed, Nano-chan actually doesn"t have any feelings for Watase Kairi! And yet, she accepted him as a boyfriend…This meaning…there has to be a very important reason as to why! And of course, there can only be one—

She is being threatened into going out with him!

How could this happen…Unforgivable. I feel horrible for Nano-chan…For a worthless small fry of a support character such as me, there is but one thing to do. Indeed, I have to report him to the police. I cannot allow Nano-chan"s pure soul to be tainted by a delinquent like him…!

First, I need accurate proof. Details to this case that could help in court.

Thus, for Nano-chan"s sake, I became Watase Kairi"s stalker. Secretly following him around, trying to gather records of him mentioning anything related to the a.s.sumed blackmail. The t.i.tle of my dairy changed to [I want to know everything about Watase Kairi], because the older t.i.tle revealed my true intentions.

That being said, being enthusiastic is great and all, but stalking Watase Kairi turned out to be rather complicated. As a disclaimer, I have absolutely no interest in Watase Kairi. Stalking someone you have no interest in is not very productive to say the least. During his time to and from school, Watase Kairi would almost always be together with Nano-chan, so I can"t help but gaze at her instead…Ahh, I feel so bad for her, having to put up with that demon…I have to help her…That"s how my thought process went, completely forgetting about my original goal.

Sometimes I even wonder why I"m doing this, but then I remember Nano-chan, and her right to be happy.

Anyway, about Watase Kairi. During the time he walks home from school, he doesn"t do anything to stand out, only sometimes mumbling to himself. I sometimes heard something about a different world, so I a.s.sumed it was the chuunibyou getting the better of him, but his actions and speed he"s shown makes you think that there could actually be more to it.

Thinking that far, I worked my hardest to try and tail him as best as possible, and without him catching on to it, I managed to find out where he lives. I knew that my lack of presence would eventually a.s.sist me in life, hehe. Contrary to my expectations, Watase Kairi"s home was on quite the big scale. This has to be built on evil deeds, I just know it…!

But as I realized that, I grew scared and ran away. I can"t imagine that the people living inside that place have proper jobs. No use in trying to get the police, they will just be silenced…!

As soon as I returned home, a strong feeling of defeat and sense of helplessness a.s.sault me, but my feelings to protect Nano-chan were even stronger. This wasn"t the time to stay as the worthless small fry of a support character anymore. Not seeking for help who would help Nano-chan, I had to become the help myself. I would do anything to free her from the clutches of Watase Kairi—even if I had to lay down my life.

The next day, I had prepared a special weapon perfectly fitting me—a plastic triangle used for measuring in cla.s.s—and waited for the right moment.

A knife or scissors would have been better? No no no, if I brought something sharp like that, I"d probably just cut myself. I"ll die without accomplishing anything, you know?

Still, my hand was shaking in fear. Watase Kairi possessed an insane amount of strength after all. Even if I attacked him from behind, he would just hurl me over. He has no blind spot. Honestly, I thought he was just a normal chuuni, but he actually has the physical ability to back it up…he"s kind of cool actually—

No no, what am I saying?!

I have to break apart that fake smile of Nano-chan while she"s with Watase Kairi! For that, my methods are perfect! If approach him, I"ll be hurled over, and in the worst case, die. However, using my insane lack of presence, it"s doable…Approach him without him noticing, and finish him off with my triangle…! Yes, I shall name this technique [Invisible Raid2]…I have to make it sound flashy, or the magazine featuring this incident won"t sell well, will it…

Fantasizing about this, cla.s.ses came to an end. It"s definitely not like I was afraid or anything. I would never. As a proof of that…in a bit, I will definitely…s-stab Watase Kairi…! It"s for Nano-chan"s sake it"s for Nano-chan"s sake it"s for Nano-chan"s sake…!

On the way home, I was tailing the two as they took a detour from the usual route, and when I was focussed on them not realizing my presence, we arrived at a river bank. The soothing spring breeze tickled my cheek. Hearing Nano-chan"s laughing voice, I turned to my front, and saw the two of them walking down a promenade…Ahh, how nice…

—No, I will not be deceived! Only I can save Nano-chan!

I mentally prepared myself, slowly accelerating to get to Watase Kairi, who was about ten steps away from me.



How could this happen. On the final step, I stumbled. It seems like a worthless small fry of a support character will always be a worthless small fry of a support character…Wait, I can"t swim, you know? If I roll down here and fall into the river, I"ll seriously die, right? Ah, this is actually bad—!


Bang. Right when I was about to arrive at the River Styx, I stopped mid-air. This feeling like I"m floating…Did I awaken to some special skill by any chance…?

However, that didn"t turn out to be the case, as I instead saw Watase Kairi"s face up close. Huh? Looking at him from this distance, isn"t he actually pretty handsome? And…correct me if I"m wrong, but isn"t this a so-called princess carry?


M-My own special story is starting here by the river bank?!

"Oh, Koto-chan?"

Hearing Nano-chan"s voice as she called out to me, I was forcefully pulled back to reality. That was close…I almost crossed the line there. Watase Kairi truly is a dangerous individual…Eh, he"s still close…It"s embarra.s.sing, so could you not look at me…

"Wah, you okay?! You were flying through the air just now…"


"You"re…not hurt, right? Ah, thank G.o.d!"

I can"t even say "Yes" as the useless support character with communication disorder that I am. Also, I"m so happy that Nano-chan was that worried about me! However, this blissful time only lasted for a brief moment.

"Ah, Koto-chan, you dropped your smartphone…Hm? [I want to know everything about Watase Kairi]…?"

N-Noooooo?! My smartphone must have fallen out of my pocket when I stumbled. Not to mention that she could see my diary because I was fidgeting around with it a second ago! H-How could this happen…This is the end of the world…Armageddon…

"Koto-chan, this is…" Nano-chan was perplexed.

Who could blame her. I"m sorry…I"m sorry…Nano-chan…!


Isn"t Watase Kairi a bit too unfazed with this? He hasn"t said anything the entire time. Almost like a robot, waiting for a command of his master. I-I know I can"t compare to Nano-chan, but isn"t that reaction a bit too light while giving me a princess carry…?!

"Um…Koto-chan, are you hurt anywhere? …Senpai, you can put her down now."

Being put down after Watase Kairi finally showed a reaction, I thought that my time of reckoning has arrived.

"Senpai, could you go on ahead?"

"…Alright." Watase Kairi softly tilted his head in visible confusion, but still walked on ahead just as Nano-chan asked.

…I wonder. I feel a deep and profound relationship built on trust between them…

"Anyway…Koto-chan…about this…"

—Y-You"re wrong! I just created this to save you from the poisonous fangs of Watase Kairi, not to hurt you! …How great it would be if I could actually say that. But for the support character with communication disorder like me, that was too much of a challenge.

Also, by watching their exchange just now, it became fairly apparent to me. Watase Kairi wasn"t threatening Nano-chan in the slightest. Rather, it seemed like he swore eternal allegiance to her. Naturally, Nano-chan wasn"t using him either, and it was more like they actually had a healthy relationship. Basically, I got the wrong idea from the start, and only troubled them with my actions.

—I have to apologize.

I"m sorry for following you two around—only these words. Even I should be able to achieve that. No, I have to.

"…Ah…Um…I"m sorr—"


Eh? Why is Nano-chan apologizing like that…? I wanted to say that. And in the meantime, Nano-chan even returned the smartphone to me.

"I didn"t mean to look at it…but I just happened to see it when I picked it up…Koto-chan, you also like Senpai, right…?"


Ah, a weird voice almost leaked out of my mouth. Huh? Eh? Why would it end up like that…?

"Well, Senpai said he was being tailed by a cla.s.smate of his…so we walked into an open s.p.a.ce like this…and the thing about the dairy…"

Ah. Ahhhhh. She thinks that I"m looking into Watase Kairi because I have feelings for him…My, what a misunderstanding. Really, this clumsiness of hers is great. I have yet again reached a deeper level of faith towards Nano-chan.

This diary, this journal has been created for the sole purpose of helping Nano-chan. But, thinking about it calmly…the t.i.tle was really misleading. I mean, I would definitely get the wrong idea. Doesn"t this make me clumsy as well? Tehe~

I ended up blushing out of embarra.s.sment. Seeing me react like that, Nano-chan spoke up awkwardly.

"Yeah…makes sense…"

After that, she looked like she was pondering on something, her normal gleeful att.i.tude having disappeared off somewhere, as she continued.

"Um…Listen, I know it"s your personal freedom and so on…and I"m not in the position to say that…especially because it involves your own feelings…b-but…could you maybe give up on Senpai?!"


"P-Please…Could you not try to make Watase Kairi-senpai your boyfriend?!"

Nano-chan clapped her hands together one more time, lowering her head to me.

—"It"s not like I really am interested in Watase Kairi", for example. "Even if I was beauty, I still couldn"t rival you anyway, Nano-chan",would be enough as well. "I wouldn"t be able to win even if I went against your request"—all these things were floating in my head. But, the only thing I could say—



Since I couldn"t muster up a voice anymore, I just fiercely nodded my head.

"…T-Thank G.o.d…" Nano-chan sighed in relief.

She didn"t think for a second that I would be lying to her. She really is kind, even a bit too much for her own good. But, even more than that, she truly—

"You truly…like him…"

"Eh…Ah, Senpai? W-Well…how do I say it………yeah."

Ahhh~~~! That expression of hers, filled with bashfulness and embarra.s.sment. Her gaze, tracing after Watase Kairi"s back…

"I will…be cheering for you…"

"Eh………thank you, Koto-chan."

Anyway, I"ll be going on ahead, said Nano-chan, as she chased after Senpai, her face blushing furiously. After she managed to catch up, she started gleefully talking with him again.

Nano X Kairi…The ship is sailing!

I went and changed the t.i.tle of my diary in the app to [Lovey-dovey Journal of Nano-chan and Watase Kairi]. Nano-chan really is wonderful…As long as I have her, I can live another day…Let"s stay as Nano-chan"s fan from now on. While carefully watching over Watase Kairi of course—that is what I swore to myself that day.

1 For those who don"t know

2 Written as [Silent a.s.sa.s.sination]

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