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Memory 6: Cat Cafe and Bed Scene and I

—I was honestly shocked, and at a loss on what to say.

The trigger for it was a perfectly normal conversation.

"That reminds me, Senpai. Do you feel like something"s changed recently?"

A bit of time had pa.s.sed ever since Senpai had returned to this world, so I asked him in the sense of "Did you get used to school yet? Wink", y"know.

"Not really, but I realized someone is following me as of late."

"Heh? Following?"

Following…Like tailing?!

"They even went after me to my house yesterday."

"Eh—Ehhhhhhhh?! Isn"t that, like, a big problem?!"

"Not at all. I"ve already ascertained the perpetrator."

"Eh, really?"

I thought this would turn into some great stalker incident. No wait, a stalker is still a stalker, even if we know their ident.i.ty, right…? Well, not like Senpai would have much trouble with a stalker anyway.

"A female cla.s.smate."


Eh, wait.

"That…Um…what does it feel like?"

"What does it feel like…? Let"s see, she"s trying hard so I won"t catch on, and I can feel an insane pa.s.sion from her, as if she didn"t want to miss a single move of mine."

Trying that he won"t catch on…insane pa.s.sion…I mean, doesn"t this basically mean she"s head over heels for Senpai?! She"s probably lurking around for a chance to confess, and she"s even following him to his house—She can"t be any more serious, seriously!

"B-By the way…who exactly is it?"

"I don"t know her name, but she"s following us this very moment."

"—For real?! Who—ah."

I can"t look for her, or it"ll be obvious that we know. Not like it has much meaning after screaming like that though.


Senpai was looking at me with a What are you doing? kind of expression, but I let that slip for now.

"S-Should we maybe head to the river bank?"

If we go to a more open s.p.a.ce, I might be able to figure out who it is myself.

And, after a lot happened, the person following us turned out to be Koto-chan—A cute girl with straight bangs, who"s been in my cla.s.s since middle school, called Mikage Kotoha, and I could very much tell she was interested in Senpai.

Honestly, I would be lying if I said I wasn"t happy. I thought everybody was wary of Senpai, afraid even, because of how he acted in cla.s.s. Seeing that a cute girl like Koto-chan could develop feelings for him made me feel rea.s.sured. But, even more than that, I was really surprised, and honestly pretty scared that Senpai might even get taken away from me, so I panicked…And might or might not have said something reaaaally embarra.s.sing…

"What"s wrong, Koori?"

"Eh. W-What do you mean?"

Okay, no thinking about that since Senpai is actually right next to me! Forget it, me…Yup, it"s gone!

"That reminds me…Senpai, did you ever talk with Koto-chan?"

I thought I forgot about it, me?! This tends to happen a lot recently…am I going to be okay?

"We never talked, no."

"…You never talked, but…?"

There has to be something else.

"She"s been giving me a suspicious glance ever since day one."

"No way…"

Day one…so she fell for Senpai at first glance…?!

"Also, Senpai, you realized?"

"Being aware of someone else"s eyes on you is one of the most fundamental basics of self-defense."

Seriously~ I was with Senpai the entire time, and I had no idea…

"Maybe this might be Koto-chan"s first…"

Her first love, that is.

"No, probably not."

"Eh, how could you tell?"

"She was hiding quite skillfully. She must be used to this."


So Koto-chan is actually experienced with love? Maybe I should ask her for some advice soon… Well, me of all people probably shouldn"t. Even if she had lots of experience in love, I don"t know if she ever got a broken heart like this, not to mention that I"m the reason for it. Also, she definitely has to be sad that it ended like this, not to mention her saying she"d support me…she"s so cool.

If I was in the same position as her, I might be able to hold myself back, but supporting the other person? Probably not…Thinking that I ruined a potential love of a kind girl like this…hurts pretty badly. But, allowing it wasn"t an option either…

I mean, I was part of girls" talk with my friends before, and even got wrapped up in it here and there, but to think that I would go through the same trouble as them one day…I would have never thought this to be possible until just a while ago~

And that"s all because of Sen—Wah, Senpai"s staring at me like crazy.

"W-What is it?" Uwah, I stuttered…So embarra.s.sing.

"Sorry, I must have surprised you."

"Ah, no, I was just s.p.a.cing out, don"t mind me."

Even though it"s finally Senpai and me walking alone like this…Together, with Senpai…Mmm…



"Well, if you"re okay with it, could you join me for a while?"


Having been invited by Senpai, we went to a building near the train station, completely covered in gla.s.s. It had been under construction until a while ago, now a newly finished shopping tower, housing countless smaller stores.

"Ahhh, so it"s finally finished."

Back when Senpai was released from the hospital a few days back, the construction was still in progress. Oh right, my friends also invited me here~ I was too busy so I had to decline though.

"Still, to think that Senpai would invite me…"

"Was I a being a bother…?"

"Not at all! I mean, I"d get it if I was the one to invite you, but I just thought it was interesting that you were the one to do it!" I was grinning to myself.

I wonder, what is this feeling? Being invited here by Senpai, who clearly isn"t used to this world yet, I"m happy, I really am, but that"s not all…I can"t properly explain it.

"And, where will you be taking me, Senpai~?" Holding my bag behind my hands, I grinned up at him, who made his way directly to the back of the elevator without hesitation.

Ohh~? So there"s stores even back here…Wait, this is…a cafe? Entering with shoes is prohibited? Pretty rare.

We followed the rules and took off our shoes, walking along the fluffy carpet, and entered through a door.

"We"re two people."

Senpai is acting perfectly normal with the employee! Woah!

But, while I was tearing up in admiration, I spotted a cat in front of my eyes.


We"re inside a store right now, aren"t we?! Woah, woah, she"s just chilling on the counter…! Ahhh, she"s so cute…?! Also, she"s really used to being watched…Waahhh!

"There"s even more inside."

Following Senpai"s gaze, I saw more and more cats, sleeping, walking around, or cleaning their fur—Basically, this is…!

"A cat cafe, huh~"

"Yes, a so-called cat cafe."

After laughing at Senpai"s words, a hybrid with black and white hair came snuggling at my foot. My my, so well-trained, coming to greet me like this~

"Wahh, so cute~ What"s your name? Ah, there it is…Buchiko-chan~? Nice to meet ya, Buchiko-chan~ Ohh, your fur is so smooth and fluffy~ Can I take a pic with you?"

Awww, she"s purring ! So cute~! Man, I heard about cat cafes before, but I never actually went to one.

While I was thinking that, another cat, looking like a munchkin, showed me its belly, as if she was saying I"m here as well, you know? so I gave her a good rub in response. Meanwhile, another cat was looking down from the cat tower with a Newcomer? like expression, and…ohh, over there"s a russian blue cat as well! I"ve never seen one this close before!

"Haaa…this is bliss…"

"…I"m glad you like it."

"Of course I do! This is the best! Also, I"m surprised you knew of this place, Senpai~"

"Yeah…I looked it up."

"Eh, looked it up?"

He didn"t find it by coincidence?

"Because you said you liked cats…I thought there might be a place like this around."

He did it…for me? The Senpai who"s having troubles all over since he came back to our world?

"Just now, you looked like you were a bit down…so, I thought this might be a good chance."


……I mean…………You know…This is just…I feel like crying tears of happiness…But, if I started crying now, he"d think he did something wrong again, so I can"t let that happen! Hold back the tears, me!

To distract myself, I picked up Buchiko-chan and held her.

"C-Come on, Senpai. You try it as well!"

Time to borrow the strength of these cute creatures to overcome this situation!

—Or so I thought, but Senpai reflexively stepped back.

"Eh?" I was baffled.

"………What"s wrong?"

"I mean, that"s what I"m supposed to say…"

I took one more step towards Senpai, and he stayed still. Another step, and the same reaction. Repeating that until my fifth step—right when I could hand the cat over, Senpai stepped back again.



His expression stayed the same from before. He wasn"t sneezing or anything, so it probably wasn"t because of an allergy.

"Are you…bad with cats?"

Can"t imagine that being the case though.

"That"s not the case."

As expected, Senpai affirmed my a.s.sumption.

"I like all small animals, even cats."

"Yeah, makes sense~"

He"s gazing at the cats with a super kind look, and I feel like I could sneak glances at him when he"s snickering. So cute…oh so cute…Senpai, that is. That"s why I imagined that he"d actually love cats. Not just unable to touch them, but also approach them…isn"t that weird?

"Did something happen in a different world for you to end up like this?"

The very moment I said that, Senpai"s expression grew cloudy immediately, and I knew I hit the jackpot.

"You sure…are sharp with these things, Koori."

"No, I think everyone could have guessed…"

Or maybe not? Everyone keeps saying that they can"t read Senpai"s expressions at all.

"…You probably want to know…right?"

Huh? Normally he"d just say "Showing you would be the fastest", grabbing my hand. Also, is it just me…or is Senpai getting a bit pale in the face…? Is this an actual trauma this time?

"Um…I kinda want to know, but you don"t have to force yourself if it"s too tough on you—"

"The thing is, Celi…"

Eh, Celi-chan? That cat-eared beauty who apparently resembles me?

"…No, you"re right. Sorry, forget about it."

"Eh, eh, no way!"

I wanna know if it"s related to Celi-chan!

"What happened with her?! Don"t tell me, she die—"

"No, she didn"t die…the actual opposite."


In what way opposite? I wanted to ask, but Senpai"s expression already gave me a faint idea.

"Senpai, let"s have a look."


"Come on, come on~" I closed in on Senpai with Buchiko-chan in hand, which he certainly didn"t enjoy.

Seeing his expression, I felt like taking a picture.


Finally, Senpai gave in, and when I struck a winning pose, my surroundings turned pitch black. The next thing I saw was—still absolute darkness? All I could see..was someone lying on a bed…ah, it"s Senpai? Wahh, I can see Senpai sleeping?! That"s like SSR! Wait, this isn"t the time to get excited.

I saw someone sneak into the bedroom. Judging from the seamless movement, it had to be a pro of some sorts. Said someone didn"t even bother looking around the room, and instead aimed directly for Senpai himself.

…Even I could tell. It totally looked like one of those a.s.sa.s.sination scenes I"ve seen all over in movies, manga, and even anime.

"Wake up, Senpai!!"

I screamed out loud, fully aware that the past Senpai wouldn"t be able to hear me. Right when I got seriously worried, I realized something crucial.

—Senpai had vanished from the bed.

He suddenly appeared behind the a.s.sa.s.sin, pressing them down on the bed. Following that, Senpai used his right hand to turn on what seemed to be a lamp close to him…Ah, I see, he cast some weird magic again to do that? Man, magic sure is handy~

「…What are you doing, Celi」

"Huh?! Celi-chan?!"

You"re kidding me, right?! Celi-chan is the a.s.sa.s.sin?!

What kind of develop—ah, it really is her…But…why…Hm?

"Wah, what"s with that lewd get-up?!"

She"s totally wearing nothing but underwear! What"s up with that?! Also, not that I get a good look at her, she"s blushing like a tomato, and her eyes look so intoxicated…She looks like she"s in heat… Wasn"t Celi-chan supposed to be that calm-headed beauty…?

"Now that I think about it, isn"t she totally trying to seduce you…!"

I panicked, in a lot of ways.

"You"ll understand it in a second."


Woah, what"s with that erotic breathing…?! This is crazy dangerous, isn"t it?! What kind of gap is this?! Any normal boy would immediately give in to her! What about Senpai?!

「……Mating season, huh」

He was as cool as ever. No, it looks like all of this was just a big bother to him. Well, I guess this isn"t too bad then…

"Senpai, aren"t you a bit too calm about all of this…?"

If I was Celi-chan, I"d be kinda hurt to see him act this indifferent.

"I heard that Rasha suffer from having a mating season, so I a.s.sumed a time like this might come one day."


The erotic Celi-chan looked like she was suffering, her face begging, so Senpai gave in and freed her—And it that one moment, Celi-chan got the upper hand, pushing Senpai down on the bed, hoping on top of thim.


Following that, she brought her finger nails—no, her claws closer to Senpai"s neck.

"Eh, is this…"

Isn"t he being cornered?!

As expected, the past Senpai equally showed shock.

「Hey, Celi…!」

「I"m…sorry…I"m sorry…」

「If you got the strength to apologize, then—」


Woah woah woah, it almost looks like…Celi-chan is getting hotter just by listening to Senpai"s voice…? Even though she"s normally the exact opposite…

"Eh, wait! She"s putting her hand…inside Senpai"s clothes!"

"Koori, if you can…"

Don"t watch—he probably wanted to say, but I can"t take my eyes away. Still sitting on top of Senpai, Celi-chan embraced her body as she writhed in agony.


「S-Stop, Celi—」

Senpai couldn"t hold his voice strong either, when Celi-chan buried her face in his chest, sticking out her tongue—wandering with it over his entire body. Starting from his chest, she went over to his arms, legs, licking him all over.


At times, she would moan like that.

…Um…I mean, it is quite the…intense scene. It feels like…she"s just one giant cat. It"s true that she seems like she"s in heat, but it"s clearly different from how normal humans would behave.

"Also, Senpai, why aren"t you pushing her away…?"

Indeed, Senpai didn"t even try to resist.

I mean, it"s totally fine? It"s. Totally. Fine! I was just thinking…for apparently hating it so much…you"re not trying to fight back all too much, you know?

"It"s because I couldn"t. I would have already done so if I had the chance."

At first, it just sounded like a lame excuse, but at the same time, the past Senpai started groaning.

「…W-What…my body…is…?!」

"Eh, what?"

Like, he can"t move?

"I only heard it the following day, but during their mating season, the Rasha secrete a liquid that causes paralysis, only effective towards the opposite s.e.x."

"Eh, paralysis…? Scary…"

"It would have been fine if it was just that…"

「This is…my senses are..heightened…?! Ceri, stop…!」

What…what what what what?! Why did Senpai end up all erotic-looking as well?!

"This secretion…heightens your senses, especially on your skin…stimulating your body more if you get in contact with the opposite s.e.x…"

I was barely even listening to Senpai"s defeated mumbling. Right in front of me, the past Senpai"s expression, riddled with exhaustion and pleasure at the same time, completely pulled in my gaze.

Woah…Ohhh…Uhhh…You know, is it really fine for me to watch that "till the end…?

But then.


The scenery just went pitch-black all of a sudden, and we returned to the cat cafe.

…Ahh, it was just getting interesting…Wait, why is Senpai sweating profusely like that?! His face is burning red like a tomato, he"s got his head hanging down a bit, not looking me in the eyes…ah, he"s embarra.s.sed…not good, he"s too cute.


Eh, it"s gotten awkward for some reason? Because I saw him…looking perverted like that?

"Ah, right, what happened after that?!"

That"s the most important thing right now.

"…She continued to lick me the entire night…rubbing her body on me…and that"s it."

"……That"s it?"

They didn"t go any further? Senpai nodded, his face looking like he seriously didn"t want to remember any more than that.

"What about Celi-chan…?"

"…Once morning came around, she regained her senses and apologized, but she didn"t come talking to me for about a week after that."

Woah…Well, not like I can blame her. That"s how it"d end up, for sure.

"…Seems like you can"t do anything against this mating season thing…"

I"d probably be helpless against it.

"…Yeah. And the both of us were aware of that."

I understand it as well, but.

"Anyway, because of that incident…this is how I ended up."

"…I-I see~"

I wonder…It must have really been tough for Senpai, and I do feel bad for him because he can"t get close to cats anymore, even though he really likes them…But I still think that the biggest victim of that incident was Celi-chan…

She liked Senpai, wanting him to accept her so that she could finally show her true feelings—but it ended up like this, making things even worse than before…

Ah, I"m talking in Celi-chan"s point of view again…Well, in my case, I guess I"m glad they didn"t cross the line~? Hmm…it still feels safe, though I"m not too confident. But, more importantly.

"I"m surprised you came here to the cat cafe even though you—"

Ah…Ahhh, I see. It"s probably because I was feeling down…Even if he himself can"t, he wanted me to cheer up by playing with the cats, so he brought me here…Ahh, he"s so kind.

"I feel like I should apologize. Forcing you here because you were so considerate of me…well…thank you."

Saying it out loud like that really is embarra.s.sing…

I didn"t want to look at Senpai"s face since I might lose myself, so I ran away to the cat at my feet.

…Haaaa, cats really are the best…—I thought, when Senpai suddenly spoke up.

"No…I should be the one…to apologize, and give my thanks to you."


Why? I looked up at him, but he hid his face with one hand.

"Seeing you this happy because of the cats here…I realized. I just wanted to see it…your smile…"


Ugh…Eh…Ah…Ahhh?!?!? H-Hot hot hot! My face, my head, it"s burning! C-Calm down, calm down, calm down…!!!


"Ah, s-sorry, Buchiko-chan…"

I unconsciously put more strength in my arms, squeezing Buchiko-chan…But—I couldn"t help it. If you say something so kind with that adorable face of yours …I can"t…


"Ah…Ahahaha, guess I don"t need to hold back then~"

"Yeah……? Why are you still looking at the ground?"

Because my face is burning red like a cherry right now?!—I blew a fuse inside my head, but on the outside, I just gave a poor W-Well, I thought it"d be better if I kept eye contact with the cats like this…excuse, trying to cover up my real feelings.

"There"s still more in the back…Should I bring one here?"

"Didn"t you just show me that you can"t?!"

That was the trigger for all of this, wasn"t it?!

"Maybe if I try really hard…it could work out."

"I"m saying that you don"t have to work that hard…!"

"If it"s for Koori, I could always go past my limits."

"~~~!!! Again with thaaaat!"

That"s it! That"s exactly it, you know?! Not like Senpai would get it if I told him though!!

At first glance, Senpai might look emotionless and blank-faced, but he properly thinks about everything…even his own feelings, and the people around him. This is probably why Celi-chan, Shemi-chan, and Shaltinisan all fell for him eventually…and Koto-chan is no exception.


I"m happy that everyone has grasped the charm Senpai has, and I feel like bragging about him as his girlfriend…But, seeing the normally pure Senpai suddenly act like gigolo like that, I worry that my heart won"t take much more of this…

…Well, you know. The gist of it all was about me having some trouble over being too happy right now, probably. Realizing that fact alone led me to grin the rest of the day.

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