Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1185: c.r.a.ppy Dancing and a Bad Feeling

Chapter 1185: c.r.a.ppy Dancing and a Bad Feeling

The screen which had been split into several pieces that night by Whiplash had been replaced with a new one. It showed the Hammer Industries logo instead of the Stark Industries logo.

As the lights changed and music played, the CEO of Hammer Industries, Justin Hammer, danced his c.r.a.ppy way onto the stage.

May, who was sipping her iced wine while she looked at the stage, spat it out on Ben.

Ben was lost for words.

Luke and Selina were lost for words.

May was a little fl.u.s.tered. “Oh, sorry, it’s really… Haha, I can’t help it.”

Selina considerately gave May a bunch of tissues to wipe Ben’s face.

Selina also helped wipe the wine off May and said, “Actually, I wanted to laugh too, but you beat me to it.”

May, who was wiping her husband’s face, choked and spat out the last bit of wine in her mouth. Ben was unlucky again.

Ben was lost for words.

Luke and Selina were lost for words.

May didn’t know why she suddenly felt like laughing.

Maybe it was because Justin’s c.r.a.ppy dance moves had touched a laughing nerve, which made her laugh harder.

Even if what Selina said wasn’t funny, May couldn’t help it.

Luke and Ben looked at each other helplessly, unable to say anything.

They just felt that Justin was indeed funny, but not to the point of laughing so hard. They could only sigh at the huge difference in what made a woman laugh.

On the stage, Justin was already bragging about his new showcase, the “Iron Man Soldiers.”

In the wake of his exaggerated movements, like a show host welcoming a contestant onto the stage, the floor around him opened up and four groups of metal soldiers rose up, representing sea, land and air military operations as well as the Marines respectively.

Luke, who was drinking, paused and frowned. What was that? It did look a little like the Iron Man Armor. No wonder little Peter said that he was here to see Iron Man. At a closer look, however, the difference was obvious.

Hammer was talking about remote control of the Iron Man soldiers. So, these things could be controlled remotely?

Thinking for a moment, Luke got up and walked to the side. He took out his fake phone and sent a message to Tony via Batman’s special frequency. “Was your technology leaked to Hammer Industries?”

Tony replied less than five seconds later. “That’s impossible. He’s just an idiot with the brain of a chimpanzee. Even if I put the blueprint right in front of him, he wouldn’t be able to see the error even when he’s dead.”

Luke chuckled. Justin didn’t have a background in technology; he was a typical capitalist. It was only natural that he wouldn’t be able to understand a technical blueprint.

At that moment, Justin said, “Now, let’s welcome our Iron Patriot.”

As he spoke, a silver and gray metal armor suit slowly rose from the open floor to appear on the stage in front of Hammer, in the exact spot where Tony had landed last time.

The mask opened to reveal an African-American face.

Stumped for a moment, Luke sent Tony a message. “The armor that Colonel Rhodes has is yours, right?”

Tony immediately replied, “I gave him that suit.”

Luke narrowed his eyes. “Don’t tell me Justin used your armor to develop something similar?”

Tony said, “No matter how smart a chimpanzee is, can it compare with a human being?”

Looking at the chimpanzee in the silver-gray suit who had a pleased expression on his face, Luke shook his head. “Not necessarily. Are you sure n.o.body can copy your armor? That Russian might have been able to.”

Tony didn’t reply immediately this time.

Looking at the stage, Luke suddenly had a bad feeling.

At that moment, Tony replied, “I’m on my way. I’ll be there in two minutes at most.”

Luke frowned and coughed lightly to draw Selina’s attention, before he gestured quickly at her.

Her expression turned solemn, and she picked up Peter, who was playing with Gold Nugget, before she grabbed May’s hand. “Let’s go. This is an emergency. I’ll take you out first. Ben, follow me. Don’t talk. Head outside.”

As she spoke, she was already pulling May along.

Only then did May and Ben react.

But they trusted Selina.

Back in Los Angeles, it was Luke and Selina who had saved May from being shot.

Even now, May still remembered how vicious the criminals were, and naturally didn’t forget how Luke and Selina had swiftly taken them down.

Also, this was NYPD’s territory, and these two were insiders.

May subconsciously looked at Luke, only to see that he was calmly looking at something on his phone.

Sensing her gaze, he raised his head and smiled. He pointed outside and gestured for her to leave.

May picked up her pace and comforted the confused Peter. She then said in a low voice, “Let me carry him. How about you go and help Luke?”

She didn’t want them to get in Selina’s way of doing her job.

Selina, however, didn’t give Peter to her. Instead, she grabbed May’s arm and started running. “It’ll only take me two minutes to get you out. Did you drive?”

“Yes; our car’s in the big parking lot outside the venue,” replied Ben.

Selina frowned.

The parking lot wasn’t small. It might take a while to find the car in the middle of the night.

She said, “I’ll take you to the fast food restaurant two blocks away. See if you can get a cab from there. Once we’ve confirmed the coast is clear here, I’ll contact you again. Don’t come back for your car.”

On the other side, Selina quickly left the main hall with May’s family.

Luke quickly went down and said to Gold Nugget, “Follow Selina; don’t leave her.”

Gold Nugget understood that Luke was afraid that Selina would be caught up in a large-scale explosion.

With it around, Selina’s life wouldn’t be in danger.

The dog barked and ran off.

Luke left the main hall and quickly walked to the other side.

At that moment, there was another message from Tony on his fake phone. “Someone rescued Ivan Vanko a few days ago. It was probably Hammer. I received a call from Ivan near the venue. He wants revenge.”

Seeing this message, Luke realized his bad feeling had been right; there was indeed something wrong with Hammer’s side.

He immediately sent a message back. “Got it. I’ll be there right away.”

The tyc.o.o.n had probably been investigating Ivan’s whereabouts and was probably on his way here, so was a little late to reply.

Luke knew that this proud tyc.o.o.n wouldn’t ask Batman for help unless it was absolutely necessary.

Saying that it was Hammer who had broken Ivan out was already the best Tony could do.

Thinking that, Luke disappeared into the darkness. A while later, a transparent shadow glided toward the main exhibition hall.

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