Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1186: Your First Wife Left with Someone

Chapter 1186: Your First Wife Left with Someone

At that moment, Colonel Rhodes and the soldiers saluted on the stage.

The initially scattered applause below the stage finally turned enthusiastic. After all, Colonel Rhodes was wearing the Iron Man Mark 2 suit.

For Iron Man’s sake, the cheers were understandable.

Several of them even shouted, “Iron Man, I love you!”

Justin’s face immediately darkened. What the h.e.l.l? Where were the security guards? Hurry up and drag this blind audience out.

He cursed these pa.s.sers-by inwardly, but still smiled on the surface as he began to introduce his Iron Soldiers.

At that moment, Luke returned to the exhibition hall and immediately contacted Selina. “After you get May and the others sorted out, look for where Justin has been active recently. It’ll be a place where the Iron Soldiers can be manufactured and the metal armor can be modified. It’s possible that Ivan is hiding there, preparing to do something big. Remember to take Gold Nugget with you.”

Selina simply replied with an “OK” and didn’t say anything else.

As they were speaking, two women got up from the VIP seats at the front and walked toward the doors.

Luke’s armor automatically scanned them, and he realized that the person in the lead was Pepper.

One step behind her was a very young female a.s.sistant. She wasn’t tall, but she was wearing a black business suit. She was clearly a secretary.

What a pity her boss is a lady, Luke murmured inwardly, before he stopped paying attention to her.

Pepper was talking on the phone, and Luke could hear a few sporadic words with his Elementary Sound Wave. It was clear that Tony had thought of his first wife and was telling her to run.

When they approached the door, Luke couldn’t help but look at the secretary again.

The secretary looked to be around 25 years old, but most of it was just makeup.

Her true appearance was that of a 20-year-old; she couldn’t fool Luke and his many means. As for that face?

The faces of several people flashed through his mind, and he finally got it. “She looks a little like Elizabeth and Ashley. Are they sisters?”

Technically speaking, this secretary was more like Elizabeth’s sister, Ashley. They were at least 80% similar, but Ashley was still a high school student and had a younger face.

Elizabeth was only 60% similar to the secretary, but Luke knew her better, which was why this secretary seemed familiar to him.

At that moment, the secretary sensed something and glanced up.

Then, she looked away.

Just now, it had felt like someone was watching her, but that feeling immediately disappeared.

She wondered if it was some sort of surveillance camera as she walked out.

Surprised, Luke sent another message to Tony. “Your first wife left with a beautiful secretary, around 1.6 meters tall. Did you run a background check on her?”

Tony immediately replied, “She’s a special agent responsible for protecting Pepper.”

Luke raised an eyebrow, then stopped worrying about this secretary with sharp senses.

After Uncle Obadiah caused trouble, the tyc.o.o.n was very strict about running background checks on the people around him. If he was allowing this woman to stay by Pepper’s side, she shouldn’t be a problem.

On the other side, Tony also relaxed.

Now that Pepper had left, he had even less worries.

Although Tony hadn’t said anything himself, Charcoal Head had gone over as well, so they had a better chance of dealing with Ivan.

He wasn’t afraid that he would lose, but that the innocent would be pulled into the mess if Ivan went crazy. There were at least a thousand people in the main hall.

Thinking that, the jets exploded with flames again as Tony put on a final burst to reach his destination as soon as possible.

On the stage, Justin was talking non-stop, as if he was the one who had created the Iron Soldiers and Iron Patriot.

He felt that he was about to succeed.

With these things, he could easily obtain a huge order.

More importantly, these things were cheap.

There was no need for people to pilot them at all, so there was no need for an expensive defense setup. Each Iron Soldier cost less than ten million; it was perfect as a ma.s.s-produced product.

What Justin had wanted to do previously was make a metal suit, but after listening to Ivan, he figured it out.

What he actually wanted wasn’t some metal armor, but a weapon that could stand on par with it.

A single Iron Man soldier was definitely trash in front of Iron Man, but dozens of them together could fight Iron Man; this was the advantage in numbers.

In any case, dozens of Iron Soldiers cost the same as one Iron Man suit, so why not use them?

Thinking about the order that he was about to get, he was delighted; he hadn’t risked breaking Ivan out for nothing.

It was the Department of Defense which had first sent the intelligence over on the prisoner’s location. Tony hadn’t thought much of Ivan, so he was only guarded by regular guards, which was how Justin had succeeded in rescuing him.

But Justin felt that everything had relied on his own might and decisiveness; Iron Man was just destined to be his stepping stone.

Suddenly, there was the sound of rus.h.i.+ng wind, and the people in the main hall subconsciously looked up.

A golden and red figure dropped swiftly and hovered above the stage for a moment before it landed lightly on one knee.

Everybody in the exhibition hall was silent for a moment, before they cheered. “Iron Man!”

Justin, who had been so smug just a moment ago, had a poleaxed expression on his face as he gaped, not knowing what to do.

Should he charge forward and curse Stark for coming to mess things up, or be quiet and act transparent?

Although the former would make him look more manly, he didn’t think that the tyc.o.o.n would give him any face. If things went wrong, he would be sent flying dozens of meters away.

I’m a dignified person! I can’t argue with this sort of foppish young master, Justin stressed to himself.

At the same time, he tried to maintain his cool as he moved away from Tony and said, “Wow, see this? Iron Man personally came to congratulate Hammer Industries on the Iron Soldiers.”

n.o.body was in the mood to listen to him. Wasn’t he just some trash company CEO? There were hundreds of thousands of people like him in America. Who would bother listening to him freeload off Iron Man’s popularity?

Justin didn’t know that his standing had plummeted again, or he would definitely rage: My company’s going to become the number one weapons manufacturer in America. You dare underestimate me?

Dropping to the stage, Tony walked toward Rhodes. “Keep smiling.”

Rhodes had an awkward expression on his face. “Tony, calm down. You know I’m only here to show my face.”

It was indeed a little ridiculous for him to advertise for Hammer Corporation in Tony’s armor.

Tony didn’t care at all.

The order that Hammer wanted had nothing to do with Stark Industries at all. What that jumping, white chimpanzee wanted to do was his own business; the tyc.o.o.n was too lazy to care

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