Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1335: Why Are You Forcing Me?

Chapter 1335: Why Are You Forcing Me?

Of course, that was only in terms of physical const.i.tution, superpowers aside.

The man clearly made straight for Luke"s location.

The Big Dipper Armor was still invisible. Recalling the fluctuations in the air just now, Luke had a theory.

However, this opponent seemed quite interesting. Thinking that, Luke didn"t deactivate his stealth mode, and simply drew his blades to meet him.

It looked like a supernatural movie.

In the dark underbrush in the wilderness, a shadow flitted through the sky, while not far away, two longswords moved in the air to warmly welcome it.

The next moment, the two blades collided with the young man"s hands, and sparks exploded with a crisp clang.

The "armored warrior" brandished his claws and clashed with the swords.

A few seconds later, his expression turned ugly.

On the surface, they were evenly matched.

The truth was that he had hit the enemy several times in a few seconds, which should have given him the upper hand.

However, the other party always dodged slightly at the last moment, like a slippery loach, and most of the power of the attack dissipated.

Also, it didn"t feel like he was grabbing flesh, but a protective material of some sort.

In other words, he hadn"t even scratched the other party"s skin after several rounds.

Without a doubt, this invisible man who wielded two blades was very skilled.

Even though the other party was much weaker than him in terms of strength and speed, the difference in skill made it impossible for him to completely break through the defense of the two blades, and he couldn"t fully use his attack power.

Thinking that, he suddenly lost his good mood.

It was like standing on a mountain peak and feeling pleased with yourself, only to have someone on the side suddenly shout, "You"re here!"

Luke was able to block most of the enemy"s attacks with his two blades. He had also tested the enemy"s armor with his own destructive fighting style.

The result was neither good nor bad.

Although the armor was ugly and a little shabby, it had excellent defenses. It was definitely made of very advanced materials, and there was even a soft protective metal in the joints.

Was this finally the day when he needed to take out the divine tool in his inventory — the eight-pound hammer?

Imagining himself raising the hammer with both hands and smas.h.i.+ng it down on the man, Luke scratched his head. The man was much faster than his clone. It would be difficult to kill him with a single blow.

While both of them were feeling vexed, the remaining ten people in the round hall came out.

The only woman was in the lead.

Apart from this young man in armor, she was also the most eye-catching person among them.

That was because she was wearing a white dress with a low neckline, which actually looked a lot like a nightgown.

As she ran, her curves bounced.

However, she was also wearing a short white fur coat with an even more eye-catching fur collar.

Luke wondered if it would give her a rash.

Although she was a vampire, he should still consider the feelings of non-humans! As he mocked in his heart, he suddenly stopped defending with his longswords, and both sides clashed once more.

The longswords and the claws of the "armored warrior" collided. Making use of the momentum from the attack, Luke quickly turned around and lunged at the group.

Looking at how quickly the woman and group behind her ran, it would be strange if they weren"t vampires.

This was an empty wilderness at night. If he killed these small fry first, he would have plenty of time to deal with the big boss, the armored warrior, later.

"Fire!" The armored warrior, who had been pushed back some distance by the collision this time, immediately sensed that something was wrong, and gave a yell.

The ten people subconsciously raised their guns and aimed at the intruder.

The expression of the woman in white fur changed, and she suddenly flipped backward.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gunshots rang out.

Luke sighed.

Couldn"t they use cold weapons? Why were they using guns? They already outnumbered him; why did they have to force him?

One longsword suddenly disappeared, and was replaced with a Glock.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The nine vampires charging forward felt a heat in their chests, followed by a strong burning sensation.

They subconsciously lowered their heads, only to see dark sparks fly out of their hearts to quickly spread throughout their bodies.

The nine vampires howled even as they were still running.

Their chests and stomachs turned into sparks, and only their heads and legs were still moving forward.

Three steps later, their legs and heads completely disintegrated into black ash.

Only the woman was spared. She had just completed her flip, and was landing when she saw her companions turn to dust. She was extremely horrified.


Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Another gunshot rang out, followed by the sound of a longsword and a metal glove clas.h.i.+ng in the wilderness.

The woman fell from the sky, her face frozen in fear.

A bullet hole appeared in the center of her forehead, and sparks flew.

The next moment, her entire head and body turned into sparks. When her toes landed on the ground, they turned completely into black ash.

The armored warrior"s eyes were blood-red as he roared, "Mercury!"

He finally landed. Pus.h.i.+ng off of his feet, the ground exploded as the armored warrior lunged at Luke.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gunshots rang out, and a barrage of bullets blocked the armored warrior"s path.

However, the armor"s defenses were very strong.

He didn"t dodge at all as he covered his face with his hands and charged forward.

With a thought, Luke sent out his telekinesis as a cus.h.i.+on under the man"s feet.


The armored warrior actually barreled through the telekinesis, and wasn"t flung up.

Luke was a little surprised. He put the Glock away and switched back to two longswords.

He used the invisible telekinesis again… on himself.

The armored warrior"s claws brushed past him, and the swords in Luke"s hands suddenly glowed with golden light.

Enchanted double blades! 100 credit points each!

The golden blades clashed dozens of times with the other party"s metal arms. The two of them brushed past each other, and then turned around and stopped.

The armored warrior"s fury abruptly abated. He looked at his arms, which were raised in front of him, and saw deep marks on the armor. "Who are you?"

Luke chuckled and didn"t reply.

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