Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1336: Making Up for Shortcomings and a Sparring Partner

Chapter 1336: Making Up for Shortcomings and a Sparring Partner

He glanced at his metal blades. At that moment, there were already many fine cracks on them. At the same time, the golden light from the 200 credit points enchantment disappeared.

This opponent was hard to come by.

Tonight, Luke would either catch this ridiculously strong vampire boss or kill him. There was no other option.

Even though his clone had four times the strength of an ordinary person, and his armor, Physical Outburst, and Muscle Control enhanced his strength, this "armored warrior" still had a huge advantage in terms of strength and dexterity.

Since Luke had made up his mind, there was no need to say anything else. However, there was still something very important that he had to do.

With a thought, melodious bells and a man"s voice rang out in the desolate plains at night. "The supreme edict, supreme lonely souls, all ghosts and charms, four lives with graceā€¦"

With my BGM, I am a G.o.d! Luke told himself.

The armored warrior was a little stupefied, but Luke was already rus.h.i.+ng over by then.

Instantly, they collided again.

This time, however, there weren"t as many clashes.

Most of the time, it was just the occasional sound of screeching metal.

Luke"s movements and his blades were no longer as swift and fierce as before. Instead, they were more unpredictable.

The speed and force of the blades changed irregularly, as did the trajectory of his movements.

What discomfited the armored warrior was a suction force which suddenly appeared on the blades.

When they clashed, the other party"s blades would stick to his arms and borrow his momentum to deflect his attacks.

When he exerted strength to struggle free, the suction force would suddenly disappear, making it impossible for him to use any force.

If it had felt like he was fighting a loach just now, it now felt like he was fighting slime.

The other party"s movements weren"t as fast as before, but they hindered his attacks and successfully slowed him down, which prevented him from fighting comfortably.

Less than ten seconds later, the armored warrior"s eyes lit up with red light, and his anger skyrocketed.

Annoying! Disgusting! What the h.e.l.l kind of swordsmans.h.i.+p is this? he roared inwardly.

When it came to experts who used such longswords, the vampires" archenemy, Daywalker, was one of them.

In order to deal with that guy, not only had the armored warrior been diligently practicing combat skills against longswords, he had also specially created a high-tech suit in an imitation of Batman"s.

He had yet to encounter Daywalker, and had already run into this stranger who was even more unusual.

If it wasn"t for the fact that the reincarnation of the Blood G.o.d had just been completed tonight and he was wearing this suit, he might"ve been killed like his companions by this invisible man.

But that didn"t help with his current situation.

His immense strength and dexterity were hampered by the enemy"s awesome swordsmans.h.i.+p. His armor was damaged non-stop, while his attacks didn"t do much damage to the invisible man.

Although the other party wouldn"t be able to do anything to him if this went on, he also wasn"t able to kill him.

He was a Blood G.o.d!

He couldn"t even kill the first enemy he ran into after becoming a Blood G.o.d - then, what kind of Blood G.o.d was he?

Luke, however, was delighted.

He needed experience and credit now, but he also needed opponents strong enough to temper himself against.

Even though his Elementary Combat Proficiency was a combination of other people"s abilities, their combat experience and concepts were still very different.

It was like theory without practice; these people"s abilities were all like "books."

Without enough actual combat experience, Luke"s Elementary Combat Proficiency was just iron ore filled with impurities that could affect his performance.

Only under the pressure of a sufficiently strong opponent could he sense what the problem was, and remove these useless impurities to turn the iron ore into a tempered steel knife.

To compare, while he had good marksmans.h.i.+p, it wasn"t enough to deal with some powerful beings.

Bullets in the air were far easier to fend off than cold weapons.

For example, Thor and his friends could fly faster than bullets, and they had swift enough reactions to use their weapons and armor to block bullets.

By then, the threat which Luke"s marksmans.h.i.+p posed wouldn"t completely disappear, but it would be significantly reduced, drawing out the fight.

It would be extremely stupid of him to covet the convenience of bullets and not make up for the shortcomings he knew he had.

Didn"t Bullseye, who had insisted on this way for decades, die at Luke"s hands?

How had Luke dealt with him? He simply prevented Bullseye from retrieving his knives, and the guy was captured alive before he could even counterattack.

It was also for this reason that Luke confirmed that he had to focus on hand-to-hand close combat and cold weapons in future training and fights.

Before tonight, Thor and his group were the only people he had met who were strong enough. However, they were Asgard"s "G.o.ds," and Thor was hooking up with Dr. Jane. How could he train with him?

Among his opponents, only the three vampire could just barely fight him.

But they were completely crushed by his strength and dexterity. He could adjust his strength accordingly, but not his dexterity.

He had better reflexes, dynamic vision, and body movements than the three vampires, so he had felt no pressure in battle, not even when Bullseye had helped them.

Even if Bullseye"s bullets and knives could have turned things around in the end, Luke could evade any lethal attacks.

Such a battle was better than nothing.

Furthermore, his clone"s basic stats were only at 10.

If it were his main body, with basic stats at around 30, this "armored warrior" boss wouldn"t be strong enough to suppress him.

Nevertheless, this boss was the only "sparring partner" he had encountered so far whom he could use.

Otherwise, if he covered the silver longswords with Elementary Annihilation, it wouldn"t be hard for him to cut through the enemy"s fake armor and body, and end the battle in 0.1 seconds.

It was too hard for him to find another "sparring partner" whom he could barely use. If he ran into one, he naturally had to make the most out of it and squeeze out the other party"s value.

For example, it wasn"t a bad idea to lock him up alive and turn him into a vampire sandbag.

While Luke remained calm while being "suppressed" by the armored warrior, his eyes lit up at the thought.

The thought of capturing the other party as a sparring partner only lasted for a moment, before he started to savor the feeling of being at a disadvantage, which he had never experienced before.

To save costs, he no longer used credit points to enchant his blades. He only used telekinesis and chi to keep the other party here and not give him any chance to escape.

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