Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1617 Stealing Lines, and This Demon Won’t Do

Chapter 1617 Stealing Lines, and This Demon Won’t Do

Gun in hand, Rose finally had the capital to speak, and both sides started talking.

Rose wanted the other party to help her find her daughter, but the middle-aged woman who acted as the leader wanted Rose to help them get rid of a demon.

After some discussion, they reached an agreement: Rose would help the middle-aged woman named Dahlia eliminate the demon first, and then these people would help Rose find her daughter.

This agreement was definitely unfair to Rose.

But she was the one asking for help in this transaction, and was firmly in a pa.s.sive position, so it was very hard for her to negotiate a better deal.

She could only pay the price first, and then hope that the other party would abide by the agreement.

Luke didn’t comment.

This woman loved her daughter. What could she do?

Rose’s choice might not be the best or even the right one.

However, no one would know for sure until the very end.

Life was like a box of chocolates.

Before stuffing a piece into your mouth, you couldn’t tell if it would be real chocolate or sh*t.

That was how it was.

As the darkness outside receded, Rose and the people here would be safe for now.

But when she showed a “local woman” in the church a photo of her daughter, Sharon, the woman’s face changed, and she shouted, “Her daughter is that demon. This witch is its minion.”

After reaching an agreement, Rose was a little less vigilant. She was then held down by the people who swarmed her, and didn’t have the chance to take out her gun.

Luke was lost for words. Why would she put her only weapon back in the bag in such a strange place?

He didn’t take action, but pondered the “demon” that the “local woman” had mentioned.

One look at the photo of Rose’s daughter, and she was convinced that the little girl was a demon and that Rose was a minion?

Unlike the middle-aged woman at the very beginning who had said that Rose was a witch, this local woman didn’t seem to be pretending, but seemed to firmly believe her own words.

Luke recalled the information that his main body had read on Rose – this housewife had inexplicably traveled hundreds of kilometers to Silent Hill to look for her missing adopted daughter.

There were too many coincidences.

Amidst the noise, the locals dragged someone else out from behind the church at Dahlia’s instruction.

It was a seven- or eight-year-old girl.

When she saw Rose, she cried out to her mother. Apart from her tears, her fair face was full of fear and panic.

She was clearly scared witless by the locals.

Rose’s eyes turned red as she wildly cursed out Dahlia and everyone else.

Her daughter, Sharon, was also tied up.

Listening on the side, Luke had to admit that the way the mother and daughter were being tied up by this bunch of unkempt and crazy people was indeed a prelude to something big.

Dressed in an old-fas.h.i.+oned long dark blue dress and her hair combed back into a bun, the old woman called Dahlia smiled. “What can we give the demon and her minion?”

“Judgment!” the people nearby shouted.

Luke: …You dare steal my line?

Everybody started shouting and getting busy.

A long while later, a huge pile of firewood was set up in a round pit in the center of the church. The mother and daughter were each tied to a long wooden ladder.

Someone brought over a priest’s robe for the middle-aged woman named Dahlia.

The old woman spread her hands and walked around the pile of firewood as she said loudly, “The demon hid in the dark and constantly threatened the Lord’s believers. Today, it has appeared again as a child to deceive us and make us weak and sympathetic.”

She pointed at the little girl.

Rose cursed. “You d*mn old woman. She’s just a kid. You’re the demon who should go to h.e.l.l.”

Dahlia looked at her with a smile. “Do you see that? This is the person who has been bewitched by the demon and has become its minion. This woman is willing to protect the demon even though the girl’s not her child. She’s already completely under the demon’s control.”

She stopped looking at Rose and glanced at her accomplices. “In order to purify the world, we have gathered once again to burn the demon to death and eliminate evil.”

Then, she pointed at Sharon. “Burn this incarnation of the demon and prevail over evil!”

Everybody gave loud cries which drowned out Rose’s swearing

A moment later, Dahlia gestured at the people on the second floor. “The demon and its minion will finally be purged by the flames of h.e.l.l and return to h.e.l.l!”

The people on the second floor let go of the ropes that were tied to the two long wooden ladders, which slowly tilted toward the center.

In the end, the ladders stopped moving when the mother and daughter were less than a meter away from each other, and three meters away from the pile of firewood. Dahlia had a hideous smile on her face. She grabbed a torch and walked to the firewood. “Beg the Lord for mercy, demon!”

She threw the torch onto the firewood, which had been doused with oil. There was a spark, and the fire swiftly grew in size, the meter-high flames flaring under the mother and daughter.

The crowd cheered, as if they really were burning a demon.

Their faces were twisted and their expressions were deranged, as if they were crazy.

But ten seconds later, someone started to feel that something was wrong. Wait, why was there no smell?

After burning so many people, they were too familiar with the procedure.

Although the mother and daughter were some distance away from the fire, it was still hot enough to scorch their clothes and hair, before the flesh was burned.

It was similar to burning a pig alive.

Though the daughter was crying and the mother was cursing… they didn’t look like they were being roasted.

Luke, who was invisible, shook his head listlessly. Boring! This “demon” wouldn’t do – it actually didn’t come out even after all this.

He thought about the four big gift bags that had been Blackheart and the other demons, as well as Mephisto

The demons had died and Mephisto had fled, but they had at least made an appearance!

The mother and daughter in front of him were about to be roasted, but no one had appeared to help them. What a failure.

Luke could only use his telekinesis to block the temperature at the last moment.

His actions had nothing to do with Rose and her daughter. It was purely because he didn’t like these “locals.”

Each and everyone of them was a bright red – none of them were good. Even if they were dead, they didn’t know their place. How annoying

The locals, who had been immersed in the pleasure of doing evil, panicked. They looked to the old woman, Dahlia, and wanted her to make a decision.

Dahlia’s face was pale. She gritted her teeth and had the people on the second floor continue letting out the ropes.

If the mother and daughter couldn’t be roasted over the fire, they could just be thrown in – it would be impossible for them not to be burnt to death then.

A minute later, there was nothing but the sound of breathing, the crackling of firewood, and the sound of the little girl, Sharon, sobbing.

Even Rose, who was lying on the pile of wood, was confused. Was this some sort of magic show? It was actually all an illusion.

Otherwise, why weren’t she and her daughter burning at all?

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