Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1618: Doesn’t Seem Like It, and Arrival of the Demon King

Chapter 1618: Doesn’t Seem Like It, and Arrival of the Demon King

Luke, on the other hand, sighed. He was finally sure that the “demon” wouldn’t appear.

Shaking his head, he removed his optical camouflage and walked out of the corner into the crowd.

At first, only the people upstairs noticed the black figure that was approaching the crowd. Then, more and more people turned around.

Of course, these people didn’t consciously make way for him. Luke simply pushed the crowd aside with his telekinesis and walked over to the fire until he was just one step away from the edge of the round pit.

“The fires of h.e.l.l?” He didn’t look at the old woman, but simply bent down slightly, as if curious about the fire.

As he spoke, he opened his right hand unhurriedly with his palm facing up.

Then, he slowly turned his right over.

The fire crackled in front of him.

As if being pressed down by an invisible hand, the fire was smothered as the flickering flames instantly diminished to reveal Rose and her daughter in the middle of the fire.

“Doesn’t seem like it.” Luke shook his head regretfully, and the smiling mask he was wearing gave off an indescribable sense of ridicule.

He waved his right hand casually, and the pile of firewood split open.

He waved his hand again, and the ropes on the mother and daughter instantly broke. The two flew lightly toward him.

Rose was dumbfounded by what she had just seen.

She knew that Smiley Face was very formidable, but what had just happened was far beyond that.

Was it a miracle? As soon as the idea popped into her head, years of a scientific worldview made her dismiss it, and she thought of a more fitting description. “Superhero?”

Luke didn’t answer her. Instead, he crouched down and looked into her daughter’s eyes. “These sinners are about to be judged! If you lose this chance at revenge, anger will burn your soul forever.”

As he spoke, he waved his hand.

His faith value turned into a golden knife, which whizzed toward a tall man nearby.

This guy had been jumping around the most when burning the mother and daughter earlier, and could be used as a test subject.

At the same time, he could be used to scare the others.

The golden knife wasn’t too fast, but it wasn’t slow either. Before the locals could react, it pierced the tall man in the head.

Almost instantly, the man glowed with a faint golden light and exploded, leaving nothing behind.

Luke saw that he had only lost 20 faith points in the system.

What a weak chicken! Luke sighed inwardly, but nodded when he saw the 300 experience and credit points he obtained.

After killing the chicken, he stretched out his hand, and another golden knife appeared.

This time, he aimed the knife at the old woman, Dahlia, not far away. “Come out. This is the source of your anger!”

“Stop!” A girl’s hoa.r.s.e voice rang out at the church entrance.

Luke smiled and slowly turned around.

The church door had opened silently at one point, and a girl with disheveled hair was standing on the threshold.

She looked exactly like Sharon, Rose’s daughter.

The locals nearby cried out in fear. “Demon, it’s the demon’s main form.”

Ignoring the “living dead” around him, Luke looked at the girl curiously. “What do you want?”

The girl with disheveled hair looked at Rose.

Luke understood. With a wave of his hand, Rose flew out of the church and landed next to the girl.

The little girl hugged Rose. “Do you want to save Sharon?”

Ross stiffened and raised her arms slightly, but the little girl didn’t stop hugging her.

Luke, on the other hand, had sensed from Rose’s mental fluctuations that she knew the little girl, and it was a deep connection.

The little girl who was hugging Rose turned into a dark gray liquid which pushed into Rose’s chest and disappeared.

Luke was silent. This was the path that Rose had chosen for herself beforehand. There was no going back.

Gasping for breath, Rose walked into the church until she reached Luke.

She stared at him for a moment, only to see Smiley Face simply tilt his head and look at her; he had no intention of stopping her.

With a bitter smile, she picked up a dagger that had fallen to the ground not far away, and stabbed it all the way through her hand until it came out on the other side.

A drop of black and red blood on the tip of the dagger fell to the ground.

The moment the blood drop landed, a black and red net unfurled like a living thing.

Gritting her teeth, Rose pulled out the knife.

Black blood oozed out of the wound on her palm and sprayed over the round pit in the center of the church.

The black and red blood net quickly spread out.

The floor cracked, and the bright light in the church instantly went out.

The locals nearby yelled in fear and tried to flee.

At that moment, the church door closed again without a sound.

There wasn’t much s.p.a.ce inside the church. There was nowhere to go.


The round pit broke up completely, and there was a loud crash.

The floor cracked and collapsed, creating a bottomless hole that glowed with a dim yellow light.

Luke turned his head slightly and saw all kinds of abandoned metal frames in the hole. Something glowed orange at the bottom, like a burning furnace.

Then, a dark shape slowly floated up from the bottom.

Luke had a thought and nodded to himself before he flew up to the second floor and continued watching.

In just a few seconds, the dark shape floated out of the hole. It was a rusty hospital bed covered in gray and black cloth.

Countless barbed wires had pushed the bed to the surface.

The bed was surrounded by barbed wires which then spread out like flowers, as if to celebrate the arrival of their king.

They wriggled and moved like insects, dense and creepy.

There was a “person” on the bed.

She was wrapped in b.l.o.o.d.y gray cloth like a mummy – one exposed eye slowly turned to scan the people in the church.

The “person” just looked at Luke for a moment before turning away again. In the end, her gaze fell on Dahlia, who wasn’t far away, and the person smiled.

Generally speaking, smiles didn’t have complicated meanings.

But thanks to his Mental Perception, Luke was able to detect anger, hate, ridicule, bloodl.u.s.t, grievance and despair in the smile.

It could be said that all the negative emotions that ever existed were contained in this smile.

Luke smacked his lips. It was a good thing he hadn’t killed Dahlia, that old hag.

If he robbed this barbed wire “demon” of her arch-enemy’s head, she would really go crazy, and the first person she killed would probably be him!

Stunned, Dahlia stared at this “person” in disbelief. Her lips moved, but she couldn’t say anything.

Actually, she didn’t need to say anything.

A dozen barbed wires swiftly slithered over and bound her hands and feet. The spikes pierced her, and she screamed in pain.

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