Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1718: Disrupting Things and Splitting the Job

Chapter 1718: Disrupting Things and Splitting the Job

No matter how strong the greenish-yellow monster was, he didn’t have group attack skills and couldn’t kill the pa.s.sers-by who were running in all directions all at once.

Just one look away, and he lost sight of the fiery men among the countless moving figures, and these people would ambush him from within the crowd.

But his skin was too thick.

If it wasn’t for the special abilities of these fiery men, he wouldn’t even feel pain.

The two parties fought on Park Avenue. Cars were turned over and pa.s.sers-by screamed.

Luke, who had rushed over, cursed his cheap mouth. If he had known this would happen, he wouldn’t have let Tony know about what happened in the afternoon.

This place was only five kilometers away from Stark Tower. For Tony, it was just a matter of stepping on the gas.

In the end, after telling Tony about Killian, it seemed the tyc.o.o.n and Pepper had a row.

As expected, the jealous tyc.o.o.n quickly admitted defeat.

In order to appease an angry Pepper, he simply took her back to the Malibu villa in Los Angeles for a vacation.

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New York had the Bat Squad, which would naturally step in if there was an emergency.

Tony now knew about the battle on Park Avenue.

Jarvis, who controlled Stark Tower, had been monitoring the center of Manhattan and had long noticed the incident.

This was proven by the warning it sent out at almost the same time as Alfred sent the information to the clone.

A slightly embarra.s.sed Luke didn’t waste any time. As soon as he arrived, he swooped down and kicked at a fiery figure.

When his right foot hit the ground, he abruptly s.h.i.+fted to the side to dodge the incoming monster.

His left leg came down and nimbly hooked around the monster’s ankle to s.h.i.+ft the latter’s center of gravity.

Caught off guard, the big monster immediately fell flat on his face, leaving a shallow five-meter-long trench in the ground.

Luke lunged forward and tied a few rope darts to the spikes on the monster’s back.

Then, he grabbed the spikes and fully activated the thrusters on his back.


The greenish-yellow monster was lifted up as Luke flew northeast in a huge arc.

Everything happened in less than five seconds, and all that remained were angry roars that could be heard in the air above Park Avenue. “Put me down, you d*mn…”

The fiery figures looked at each other in bewilderment. For one moment, they didn’t know how to react.

They weren’t blind, and had extraordinary senses.

They weren’t boors, either – there was no future for people who didn’t use their phones to read the headlines online.

Who else could that person be, but the Dark Knight?

Although this successor of Batman’s wasn’t as dazzling, he had saved tens of thousands of people in Grand Rapids.

Coupled with his occasional crackdown on violent crime in New York, the New Yorkers’ recognition of this “heir” was increasing day by day, and even online criticism of him had dropped.

The Dark Knight might not be as good as Batman, but beating their group up… probably wouldn’t be too hard for him.

Moreover, now that the Dark Knight had appeared, would the Bat Squad be close behind? They were existences who had dared to clash with tens of thousands of Chitauri soldiers.

The fiery men looked at each other for a few seconds, before one of them said, “Retreat.”

The five of them ran east and jumped into the ocean in less than a minute.

Frank, who was hiding in the dark, frowned. “They jumped into the ocean. They’re very cautious.”

On the other side, Luke replied, “Good enough, as long as they’re not fighting in the city. Follow them first. It’s best to find out where they came from.”

“Got it.” Frank knew what Luke meant.

“Have Blackpink Bears investigate where this big monster came from,” Luke instructed.

Frank: “Copy that.”

This was how the Bat Squad had always worked.

Instead of fighting both sides in the city, it was better to split them up first and minimize casualties.

Luke was more interested in the big monster, so he took the lead in getting rid of this guy.

Frank secretly locked onto the fiery men and would find an opportunity to take them down in one go.

Few people could fight that greenish-yellow monster for a while without falling to a disadvantage.

Frank also wanted to know where these weirdos had come from.

After handing the task of following the fiery man to Frank, Luke immediately collected his thoughts and studied the greenish-yellow monster in front of him.

Just now, he had forcibly lifted the other party into the air and sped toward Pelham Bay Park ten kilometers away.

Not only was the park next to the sea, there was also a huge golf course next door.

It was the only place in New York that could be wrecked so late at night.

If all else failed, Luke could “transport” the monster to Connecticut via the ocean.

It wouldn’t make a difference if the guy smashed up the remote hills over there.

The monster in front of him was still human.

However, he had bulging muscles and uneven scales over his skin. Hideous bone spurs protruded from his back and body.

What was more disgusting was his greenish-yellow color. He looked like a pile of sh*t with rotten vegetable leaves mixed into it.

At the very least, the Hulk just looked like a muscular green frog. Coupled with Dr. Banner’s honest face, he could just barely be considered a little cute when he wasn’t punching people.

The big greenish-yellow monster in front of Luke, on the other hand, looked like a supervillain. No matter how you looked at him, he was like a mutated toad covered in pustules.

Logically speaking, hideous villains like these wouldn’t survive the first movie! Luke was just telling the truth.

Think about how that Asgardian little prince came running to Earth and did so many bad things, and even stabbed his brother in the kidney.

If Luke and Selina hadn’t given Loki a special smackdown combo, the guy would’ve only suffered flesh wounds at most.

Asgard would also pamper this little prince since Freya doted on him.

If Loki had looked like this sh*t, Freya might have put righteousness before family when Loki was a baby — Asgard couldn’t afford to have such an ugly member of the royal family.

Luke had moved the greenish-yellow monster by air. After enjoying the night wind for a while, the monster calmed down.

He was also very familiar with Luke’s black armor.

Gritting his teeth, he roared, “Dark Knight!”

Luke raised an eyebrow, and his blue and white lenses flashed. “Say your name, or you won’t get a chance later.”

The greenish-yellow monster’s eyes flickered, and the madness in his heart increased to drown out his rationality. “Then remember this: my name is Emil Blonsky. I’ll kill you, and then the Hulk. I’m the strongest fighter.”

At that point, he couldn’t hold back anymore. Pus.h.i.+ng off of his feet, he charged at Luke.

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