Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1719: Experimental Subject and Tests

Chapter 1719: Experimental Subject and Tests

Luke charged forward as well. In the face of the incoming fist, he turned around and… used his cape.

His cape unfurled to cover his back.

Blonsky simply punched the cape, not caring about this little ploy at all.

In front of absolute strength, all tricks were useless…

Blonsky felt the cloak give way, before his fist smashed into the mud.

A black leg flashed through his blind spot and hit him hard in the face.

That ugly toad-like face instantly twisted, and saliva splattered in the air.

Blonsky was kicked in the neck and sent flying seven to eight meters. He rolled a few times before he stopped.

Luke had used 50% of his strength in this kick, for fear of killing Blonsky.

In the end, Blonsky took advantage of the momentum and rolled to his feet. He looked at where Luke had been, only to see that the spot was empty.

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But with his enhanced physique, not only was he resistant to attacks, his reactions weren’t slow either. He immediately raised his head.

An oval shadow streaked through the night sky with flames trailing behind it, and it combined with Luke 100 meters up in the air.

The Dark Knight armor immediately expanded.

This was the defense gear which Luke had thrown out earlier. It hadn’t been easy for it to latch onto him when he was flying fast earlier, but now, he could take it slow.

Blonsky roared and took two steps forward. He suddenly exerted his strength and charged upward at Luke.

“Childish.” Luke snorted.

He had long been prepared for this simple and crude strategy. He simply increased the power of the thrusters and moved a few meters to the side.

No matter how hard Blonsky swung his arms, he was always half a meter away from Luke.

Showing no intention to attack, Luke watched as the enemy continued jumping at him.

He had brought Blonsky to this empty park to carry out a few minor tests.

It was a good opportunity to test a strategy Luke had long had in the works on this brute who looked a little like the Hulk.

Unfortunately for Luke, Dr. Banner was a good guy who was very resistant to turning into the Hulk. Luke couldn’t drag him out and beat him up just because he wanted to run some tests.

The Warlock in Grand Rapids could be considered of a similar type, but he could recover from his injuries by eating people and also had help from the Enchantress, so he wasn’t suitable as a test “tool.”

So, Luke couldn’t pa.s.s up on this Blonsky who didn’t have any help or “magic” abilities.

Blonsky roared angrily as he saw Luke getting further and further away below him. A thought flashed through his mind: F*ck, he was jumping too hard.

The lenses on the Dark Knight’s helmet flashed blue and white, as if full of ridicule.

But there was nothing Blonsky could do in midair.

After he jumped, his body could only honestly yield to Newton’s three laws.

So, after he reached the peak of his jump hundreds of meters in the air, he fell again with bared fangs and claws, and crashed into the mud in the park.

In the ten seconds that it took for Blonsky to go up and down, Luke had only drifted away a few meters, and he watched Blonsky’s performance as the defense gear successfully latched onto him.

By the time Blonsky emerged from the mud pit, Luke had landed ten meters in front of him. He crooked a finger at him. “Come at me.”

Blonsky, who was covered in mud, immediately responded to the taunt. He roared and charged forward, and punched out.

Luke didn’t dodge, but punched back.


Two equally huge fists collided, and a huge shock wave exploded at the collision. Both of them retreated.

Blonsky screamed as one of his arms was twisted slightly.

Looking at the damage notification of 23% on the screen, Luke was both surprised and relieved. This guy probably wasn’t as strong as the Hulk, but he wasn’t that much weaker.

This was gear which Luke had specially designed to take a beating and hence was the st.u.r.diest, yet it had lost almost a quarter of its durability after one punch.

This sort of monstrous player was indeed terrifying.

As Luke was pushed back, he left a series of huge holes in the ground to offset the impact. He then lunged forward again.

Blonsky, who was still roaring, reacted quickly and immediately swung his other fist.


With a bang, the two huge figures broke apart once more.

This time, Luke was sent flying, while Blonsky rolled over the ground.

When Blonsky got up, his hands were limp in front of him, and there was fear in his eyes.

He wasn’t the Hulk, and didn’t have the ability to get stronger the angrier he got. He still retained a lot of his rationality.

Although violent emotions a.s.sailed him, he could still see the basic situation clearly.

The Dark Knight was wearing metal armor. If it was broken, the Dark Knight could just change into another set.

Blonsky, on the other hand, was made of flesh which couldn’t be casually replaced once broken.

Luke didn’t give him time to hesitate. He released the thrusters and charged forward again.

Even though his hands hurt, Blonsky had no choice but to grit his teeth and cover his chest.


Luke punched his arms, the sound of bones breaking drowned out by the collision. Blonsky rolled away and fell into a sand pit.

The two of them had already reached the golf course next to the park.

Standing on a slope, Luke stretched out his arm, which was already a little stiff, and crooked one finger. “Come at me.”

This time, Blonsky hesitated as he staggered to his feet.

He had just said that tricks were meaningless in front of absolute strength.

Now that he had lost in terms of absolute strength, should he run?

Looking at the 32% damage to his left arm and the 45% damage to his right arm, Luke felt that he could switch to other tests.

Just beating up the other party like this was a bit of a waste.

Although Blonsky looked a little wretched at the moment, only his hands were seriously injured, and he was showing signs of recovering.

Even if it wasn’t at the speed of Intermediate Self-Healing, it probably wasn’t much worse.

No wonder Blonsky was arrogant enough to go after the Hulk.

While Luke struck a pose, he observed the test subject.

The hesitation that had just flashed through Blonsky’s mind was once again drowned out by his fury at this taunt. “Die!”

He exploded out of the sand pit, kicking up sand which covered Luke.

Luke raised his hand so that it brushed over Blonsky’s arm, the metal screeching over the scales.

Blonsky’s fist couldn’t help but veer off course.


Another huge pit was created in the gra.s.s. Luke clasped his fists together, raised them, then brought them down hard on Blonsky’s head.


Blonsky’s head was smashed into the ground.

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