Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1720: Specialist Luke’s Test Report

Chapter 1720: Specialist Luke’s Test Report

Luke’s expression changed and he drew back several meters.

Blonsky’s arm swept through where he had just been standing.

Then, Blonsky pulled his head out of the ground, a fierce look in his eyes.

Luke made a note: Highly resistant to attacks. Ordinary armor very non-lethal against him.

Blonsky roared. Ignoring the pain in his head, he ran over.

He left less openings this way, but he looked more like a mutant toad jumping around on the ground.

Luke raised his hand and activated a restraining device.

The black cylinder which shot out turned into a net and covered Blonsky, who impatiently tore it apart.

Looking at the metal net that hadn’t lasted more than a second, Luke made a note that a regular restraining device was useless, and then threw out a cylinder with his other hand.

Blonsky had just torn away the net covering his face, when another black cylinder exploded in front of him.

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A black liquid stuck to his ugly face like glue, blocking his vision, breathing and sense of smell.

“Ahhh… Huh?” Blonsky wiped his face with his hand and finally got rid of some of the black liquid.

A third black cylinder followed closely behind and exploded in his mouth.

He subconsciously swallowed, and a strange liquid entered his stomach.

Blonsky’s eyes turned red. “You despicable b*stard!”

Luke, on the other hand, continued making notes. The face-hugging device had a certain restraining effect. He would have to invest more in it.

Blonsky charged at him, and Luke spun around like a bullfighter before kicking him in the groin.

He didn’t forget to add another note: Easily loses control of his emotions. Movements easily diverted.

This time, Blonsky only rolled twice before he got up.

He was about to go crazy with anger.

Luke had no end of equipment, but there was nothing but gra.s.s and sand on the golf course. Blonsky couldn’t grab anything for a long-ranged attack.

His remaining rationality was warning him that this wasn’t the right battlefield for him.

Glaring at Luke hatefully, he turned around and ran west.

He was an elite special force soldier who had partic.i.p.ated in civil wars and street battles. He had to take the fight back to the city so that he wouldn’t be at a disadvantage.

Also, the Dark Knight would be worried about the safety of ordinary people in the city, and wouldn’t be able to do his best.

Blonsky, on the other hand, had no such concerns. He could even find a lot of suitable junk to throw.

But he had only run ten meters, when he felt dizzy. He staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Luke, who had followed him, noted again: Extremely resistant. Super tranquilizers are effective to some extent.

However, this super tranquilizer which could take down an elephant in a few seconds only caused Blonsky to stagger a few steps before he straightened again.

Seeing that the man was about to run west, Luke noted that he could still think logically to some extent.

At the same time, he flashed to Blonsky’s side and smashed a few black cylinders on the guy’s limbs.

The cylinders exploded, and white smoke poured out, adding a white hue to Blonsky’s sh*t-like body.

Blonsky looked at his hands and feet in shock. “D*mn it, liquid nitrogen!”

However, he only paused for a moment before he sped up again.

Luke frowned and made another note: Low temperatures don’t have an obvious effect.

After that, he quickly approached Blonsky.

This guy would charge out of the golf course in a few seconds. Luke couldn’t let him run out like this.

Blonsky gave him a “don’t touch me” expression and swatted Luke.

Perhaps he was fueled by anger, but this attack was much faster than before.

Luke only had time to raise his hands to block before he was sent flying.

In the air, he immediately adjusted his thrusters and body posture to quickly press down on the ground before he pushed off again and sped past Blonsky.

Luke swung his arms, and a large number of Bat darts enveloped the s.p.a.ce in front of him.

Blonsky was confident in his physique. Darts were nothing.

Then, a series of Bat darts. .h.i.t his arms and torso.

He felt a strange numbness wherever the Bat darts. .h.i.t him, as if he had been stung by hornets.

Blonsky couldn’t help but curse. “You son of a b*tch, I’m going to…”

Luke was unmoved. He simply added another note to his record: Paralytic toxin has practically no effect on him.

He was used to people cursing him, and he still had to carry out a few more tests tonight.

Thinking that, he raised his hand and threw out rope darts one after another.

Blonsk’s heart crumbled at that moment. How many d*mn things did this guy have on him?

He finally understood why Batman and the Dark Knight were so intimidating when they didn’t use guns — their strange equipment was much more terrifying than guns.

Most people who encountered them didn’t suffer, but died right away.

More annoying was how there were too many rope darts in front of him!

Even though Blonsky didn’t want to touch them, there was no gap in the network of rope darts for him to escape through, and he crashed into them.

The rope darts immediately crackled with blue and white arcs of electricity, the sound echoing throughout the golf course.

Blonsky screamed. However, he was determined to press forward in one last burst and charge onto the street.

He just needed to catch a few hostages later. He didn’t believe that the Dark Knight would dare use these things on him then.

This electric shock alone would have burnt an ordinary person to a crisp in a few seconds.

Luke sighed. Fine, this guy was highly resistant to everything.

He had used Mental Hypnosis and Illusion at the beginning, but apart from getting even angrier, the other party didn’t fall under his mental control at all.

The subsequent tranquilizer, paralytic toxin, low temperatures and electric shocks had very poor effects.

It seemed that… he needed to carry out more tests! He raised his hands, and the electricity suddenly stopped.

It was inevitable that Blonsky would be careless in this situation, and he didn’t notice the two black lumps stuck to his heels.

This was the original form of the new generation of nanosuit boots.

Alfred immediately activated the combat boots.

Luke suddenly sped up and slammed into Blonsky from the side.

Blonsky still lashed out with one huge palm, which even created a sonic boom in the air.

Luke increased the power of his thrusters and pulled on a rope dart to swing around Blonsky’s back and successfully avoid the attack.

Blonsky didn’t bother with Luke, because he was finally on the street.

Looking at the cars on both sides, Blonsky finally couldn’t help but give a hideous smile. Finally, it was his turn to counterattack!

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