Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1771: Meeting an Old Friend Again, and Sc.u.m

Chapter 1771: Meeting an Old Friend Again, and Sc.u.m

“As long as you can find these people to help, I’ll agree.” Venom promised.

In any case, even if you can’t win when the time comes, it won’t have anything to do with me. A certain symbiote weakling had already considered its escape route in case they lost.

Eddie? This guy always had a bit of fear in his heart, which was especially to Venom’s liking.

It was more comfortable to use a host that could adapt to the situation.

Eddie was also delighted. One person and one monster smiled at each other.

“Those who know will think you’re negotiating; those who don’t know will think you’re dating!” A deep female voice came from the shadows not far away.

“Who is it?” Eddie shouted in surprise.

Venom whooshed back into his body.

As long as I don’t show my face, n.o.body will be able to find me. Thinking that, a certain symbiote weakling silently observed the newcomer through the eyes of his “ride.”

A golden figure walked out from behind a concrete pillar dozens of meters away. “Stop hiding, Venom. I can smell you from a kilometer away.”

Puzzled, Venom used Eddie’s mouth to ask, “Who are you?”

The golden liquid flowed away from Selina, and a smug dog head emerged from her back.

Selina was wearing the armor underneath.

In order to make clear its ident.i.ty, the dog head had specially begged her to turn off the color-changing function of the nanosuit to put its beautiful gold color on display.

After all, color was an important way to differentiate between symbiotes, and this gold was very rare.

Eddie’s eyes widened and he exclaimed, “Bastet?”

Venom’s head suddenly popped out from behind him. “Voracious?”

Selina simply nodded at Eddie.

Now, she was Black Cat, the Knee Breaker of Los Angeles, New York’s Devil Bone Breaker, Batman’s best partner, Director of the PDD, and the Secretary-General of the Justice League. She had to keep up a mysterious and aloof air.

The most revered superhumans were always those who were the best at fighting. Following that, their styles couldn’t be too shabby.

Of course, it was mainly because Luke had made Batman too, and the Dark Knight had never been friendly toward men.

So, Black Cat naturally had to be aloof.

Unless it was with a core member of the Justice League, she would never forget this character setting.

The dog head, however, had no such concerns.

Even in the Bat Squad, the codename h.e.l.lhound was well-known for his dirty mouth.

However, Luke had said that h.e.l.lhound was uneducated and had only received basic education for several years. Naturally, n.o.body on the team cared.

As a teammate who could get Batman to speak up for him, there was at least no problem with how reliable he was.

The golden dog head twisted in the air happily. “Haha, are you surprised? Are you happy?”

Eddie was shocked, before he looked at Venom in astonishment. “Your own kind?”

He actually wanted to confirm if this golden dog head was one of the three symbiotes that Venom had mentioned.

Venom had no time to bother with him. His strange white eyes opened wide. “You, haven’t you been dead for years?”

Then, it understood. “Wait, you were sent here too. When was that? Who else came with you?”

Gold Nugget paused, then said unhappily, “A few years before you came, they locked me up in a meteorite sh.e.l.l and told me to work hard for the good of the symbiote race. Then, they tossed me into s.p.a.ce.”

Venom’s jaw almost hit the ground. “WTF?”

It had to be pointed out that four of them had come here via that human aerial tool.

Using a meteorite to travel through s.p.a.ce? Did they think this was some human science fiction novel?! Even a symbiote could die at any time that way.

But… why did Gold Nugget look like it had put on a lot of weight and was full of energy?

It was rare for Gold Nugget to find someone who would understand what it went through, and it continued, “Want me to make a contribution? They just wanted me to die. If the meteorite hadn’t brushed past something on the way and changed course, I might still be drifting around in s.p.a.ce.”

Then, it realized that what it said wasn’t right, and it hurriedly corrected itself. “No, I would definitely have starved and turned into a dry corpse.”

Eddie and Venom naturally understood.

Earth was nothing more than a speck in the universe.

If the meteorite hadn’t veered off-course, who the h.e.l.l knew how Gold Nugget would have reached Earth, which was 180,000 light years away.

It could only be said that this dog head was really d*mn lucky.

Venom subconsciously nodded, then suddenly came back to itself. “Wait, sc.u.m with 0.5 combat ability, why are you looking for me?”

Gold Nugget: “…You’re the sc.u.m, you second-last sc.u.m.”

Venom: “Pfft, you’re last. You have the cheek to mock me?”

Selina: “…”

Eddie: “…”

Reunited after so long, the two symbiotes started a battle of words, and they returned to that long period when they were bullied by the other symbiotes.

It didn’t feel great.

After cursing each other for two minutes, Venom ran out of words.

The truth was that since a minute ago, it could only repeat “sc.u.m, you sc.u.m.”

Gold Nugget, whose vocabulary had been enriched with fancy online lingo, never repeated itself and didn’t stop interrupting Venom’s train of thought, making it unable to think of any other words.

In terms of slinging insults, Venom, who had been holed up on the symbiote planet, was the one with 0.5 combat ability, while Gold Nugget’s current combat ability was at least over 1 million.

Two minutes later, Venom could only say “sc.u.m, sc.u.m,” and was unable to utter a complete sentence.

Selina raised her hand unhurriedly, and Gold Nugget, who had been cursing happily, instantly stopped. The golden dog head that had been darting around instantly retreated behind her.

Venom: (艹皿艹)?

Eddie: …Ah, is it finally over?

As someone who wrote for a living, this was the first time he realized that he didn’t know as much about his mother language as an alien dog.

“We’re done. Let’s get down to business,” said Selina.

Venom was befuddled. Ah, who am I? Where am I? What am I doing? What happened just now?

Selina took out a phone from her waist and tossed it to Eddie.

He fumbled and caught it. “What’s this?”

Selina said, “It’s a terminal for PDD interns. There’s a contract inside – if you agree to it, follow the procedure given to complete the verification process, and you’ll become a probationary PDD employee in the future.”

“What if I have a different opinion?” Eddie subconsciously negotiated.

“If you have a problem, suck it up.” Selina’s green cat eyes flashed. “A non-employee has no right to make any complaints.”

Eddie choked and understood what she meant.

If he didn’t want to be employed, he should shut up and get lost.

Employees could make suggestions, but couldn’t make the decision whether or not their boss accepted the suggestions.

In this world, there was no company that needed interns to worry about their boss.

If there was? Hm, goodbye, next.

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