Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1772: Genius Director Selina and Actor Detective Luke

Chapter 1772: Genius Director Selina and Actor Detective Luke

Aloof Director Selina didn’t give Eddie a choice. After tossing Eddie the terminal for a look, she said, “You no longer have anything to do with the Life Foundation, understand?”

Eddie: “Un… derstood?”

Selina had already disappeared into the night, and didn’t wait for his reply at all.

Eddie turned to look at Venom. “Why didn’t you stop that Voracious?”

Hearing that, Venom flew into a rage out of humiliation. “None of your business.” With that, it darted back into Eddie’s body and didn’t say anything else.

It had been cursed out so badly just now. Was it supposed to stop that d.a.m.n sc.u.m just to continue being insulted again?

It was all because this host didn’t have any words in his head, so Venom didn’t have a chance to curse back.

It seemed that this host wasn’t very smart!

In the car, Gold Nugget, who had returned to Dollar’s body, asked disappointedly, “Why are we leaving so soon? I haven’t had enough fun yet.”

Selina started the SUV and glared at it angrily. “What are you playing at? Apart from cursing, did you do anything else?”

Gold Nugget whined.

Selina said, “Get lost. Stop pretending to be pitiful.”

The dog head decisively retreated into the depths of Dollar’s consciousness and let Dollar, this super bootlicker, come out to curry favor with Director Selina.

Selina cursed, but didn’t want to get angry with Dollar.

Dollar couldn’t take the blame for what Gold Nugget had done.

After the car was some distance away, she appeased Dollar, who had been left in the car on its own for a bit, then said to Gold Nugget, who was pretending to be dead, “Why are you hiding? You have the guts to trade insults with Venom, but don’t have the guts to admit it?”

The dog head whined.

Selina glared at the guy in the rearview mirror, but couldn’t do anything about the happy smile on Dollar’s face. “Enough. Don’t tell me you don’t get it?”

The dog tilted its head. “Huh?”

Selina said, “After Eddie joins the PDD, you’ll have plenty of chances to play with that Venom.”

The dog’s eyes lit up.

Selina immediately mocked it even more. “If he doesn’t join the PDD, you’ll have to abide by the strictest safety rules with them. How can you show off then?”

The dog head subconsciously nodded in agreement.

Selina snorted. “When Eddie becomes an official member of the PDD, you can tell him what to do as an official member of the Justice League. The Justice League oversees the PDD, and members of the PDD have a duty to provide all necessary support to the Justice League, understand?”

Little stars started to appear in the dog’s eyes as it thought, “You’re really a genius.”

This director hadn’t taken the time to familiarize herself with the work for nothing.

Selina wouldn’t be a good director if Black Cat didn’t order her subordinates around.

The organizations for temp work which Luke set up burned 500 million to 1 billion dollars every year.

They would be fools if they didn’t use these organizations after investing so much in them.

Luke was already cleaning up Eddie and Venom’s mess; how could the other party not pay it back?

Besides, she didn’t think Eddie would refuse the invitation — this guy was a hardcore fan of Batman.

Even Eddie’s slightly lower acknowledgment of the Dark Knight was influenced by Batman.

However, joining the PDD meant the chance to fight alongside the superheroes of the Bat Squad, which was definitely tempting.

Secondly, Selina had let the dog head torture Venom earlier to arouse a sense of rebellion.

If you want to compete with the dog head, join the PDD.

It’s impossible to establish your own force or rely on one to go up against the PDD.

Neither she nor Luke would allow that to happen.

Besides, Venom didn’t have the capability, and Eddie wasn’t stupid.

The symbiote and host were connected and influenced by each other.

As long as Venom stayed with Eddie for long enough, it wouldn’t hate the Bat Squad no matter how unhappy it was with Gold Nugget.

After all, its host was on Batman’s side!

After confirming that there were no problems with the recruitment process, she asked Luke on the team comm, “How’s it going on your end?”

Luke said, “Hm, I’m a little busy. Let’s talk later.”

Selina: ???

She wasn’t making a fuss, but according to the intelligence on the Life Foundation, they were just a bunch of ordinary people. What was there to be busy about?

She looked at the video call in confusion and was stumped for a moment, before she ventured, “Busy acting?”

On the other side, Luke hummed and didn’t reply.

Selina put her hand to her forehead, feeling helpless in the face of a certain partner who was too obsessed with acting.

She knew that she didn’t have a talent for acting, so she turned the steering wheel and said, “Let’s go get a late-night snack first.”

Then, one person and one dog lost themselves in a vast array of delicious food.

San Francis...o...b..y was one of the three most populated areas in America. The other two were Los Angeles and New York.

The Chinatown here was a world-famous tourist spot, and had been the largest Chinatown in the world since the very beginning. All sorts of Chinese shops could be found here.

Thanks to Luke, Selina and the dog head were already used to Chinese food, so they had a hard time choosing for a while.

“Kowloon Dessert Shop closes a little later, plus it’s easier to do takeaway, so that can be last,” said Selina.

“This shop does seafood. We’ve eaten enough of that for the past two years.”

“This one does hot and spicy, but they’re closing up. Next.”

“Jin’s Pastry House? The egg tarts look delicious, but there are too many people.”

“Peking Noodle House? Hm, it has pancakes and buns. We can do takeaway.”

“Dosa Indian Food? Let’s try that tomorrow.”

While Director Selina and the dog head were busy choosing midnight snacks, Luke was also busy acting, ah, no, busy with work.

After listening to the conversation with Venom and Eddie, Luke knew that the Life Foundation couldn’t be left alone.

This thing was actually an evil human organization that was obsessed with smuggling alien creatures back to Earth.

The research aside, Luke didn’t think it was necessary to talk about human rights when it came to alien lifeforms. In any case, they weren’t human.

However, if they were brought back when there was no way of keeping them under control, wasn’t this just paving the way for the aliens?

Thus, the Life Foundation had to be destroyed, and it had to be done on a grand scale so that everyone knew how dangerous it was.

Luke had initially just planned to replace Carlton Drake, the CEO, and spend a few days sweeping up the core technology and the Life Foundation’s capital before he had the CEO blow the foundation up.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have just one symbiote, but two on different sides.

Venom would probably follow Eddie and join the PDD, but the Joker had Haley and Agony, who were part of his plan to catch Simon.

Whether it was Knight or the Joker who stepped forward, Eddie and Haley would grow suspicious.

After the symbiosis, they would be immune to Mental Control and Pheromone Control. Hence, the best choice was for the opposing sides to put on a show together.

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