Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1797: Let’s Go, h.e.l.lhound

Chapter 1797: Let’s Go, h.e.l.lhound

By the time Luke and Selina were done packing, the three men and one woman had arrived.

After they got out of the cars, the four of them chatted and laughed for a while, before the men escorted the JK girl into the building.

At that moment, Luke and Selina were wearing wide lenses as they looked at everything on the virtual screen.

Selina was the first to express her opinion. “Those three guys are more normal. As for the girl… Is it because she’s experienced? You know JK girls so well, tell me.”

Luke didn’t take the bait. He said calmly, “I think so too. The girl is very calm, but we can’t rule out the possibility that it’s because she’s experienced.”

Pausing for a moment, he then said, “But we might not have to wait too long to find out. Let’s go. It’ll be easier to take action if something happens.”

But what happened next left them speechless.

The JK girl led the three men into a lounge in the building. She then “discovered” a few bottles of red wine, and proposed drinking to liven things up.

These bottles of wine had actually been placed here by the middle-aged man who had come alone earlier.

The three l.u.s.t-addled men soon pa.s.sed out after drinking the drugged wine.

Only then did the middle-aged man come out. Along with the JK girl, they searched the three men and took all they had – it was clear this wasn’t the first time they had done something like this.


Luke and Selina looked at each other in bewilderment. So, was this duo their target?

But it didn’t take long for the JK girl to make a call. She simply said, “Food’s here. Come to Onsen.”

Then, the middle-aged man covered the long dining table and the floor with plastic sheets and dragged the three men over to the table.

After hesitating for a moment, he lugged the fattest of the three men up onto the table. “I want more this time.”

Staring at the fatty on the table, the girl licked her lips. “You can tell Ueno that – I just want my share.”

The middle-aged man was unhappy. “Why do they get the same amount we do when we’re the ones who do the work? If that’s the case, I would rather look for food on my own.”

The JK girl was confused by his anger. “Because Ueno is stronger than you. You can’t beat him, so you have to listen to him.”

The middle-aged man’s face twisted strangely before it returned to normal. “This world is so big. As long as I leave this place, no matter how strong he is, can he find me?”

Stunned for a moment, the JK girl seemed to get it. “But…”

The middle-aged man walked over to her and grabbed her neck. “Haven’t you come to your senses yet? This isn’t the last planet. It’s hard to say who’s strong and who’s weak here.”

The JK girl, however, suddenly flung his hand away. “I don’t know what you want, but even together, we can’t beat Ueno. So, whatever you do has nothing to do with me.”

The middle-aged man’s face twisted again until it was almost unrecognizable. The JK girl in front of him also had a twisted face.

After confronting each other for a few seconds, the middle-aged man finally calmed down.

The JK girl turned back into her young and delicate appearance.

The middle-aged man said coldly, “It might not be long before you die. At that time, you’ll know what a mistake you made!”

The JK girl didn’t answer. She simply looked at him with the same cold eyes; it was like two wild beasts testing and threatening each other.

Luke and Selina watched the show with great relish.

Why did private investigators like to sneak around and do secret surveillance? That was because people would reveal a lot of secrets in an environment where their guards were down.

Although the two had only been talking for two to three minutes, there was already a lot of information to go through.

After the conversation was over, Selina asked in a low voice, “Don’t tell me they’re similar to h.e.l.lhound?”

Luke didn’t know for sure either, and looked at the dog head.

The dog head immediately shook its head.

Selina immediately translated: “It isn’t sure.”

Luke thought for a moment, then shook his head. “If they have companions, they probably aren’t the same. After all, that probie in San Francisco said that only four of them had been on that deep-s.p.a.ce probe.”

Selina thought about it.

This was s.p.a.ce travel. Without coordinates or a propulsion system, there was practically no chance of drifting randomly toward Earth.

The meteorite which the dog head had been on had been sent off-course, and successfully landed on Earth. This sort of dog luck was out of this world.

Could a miracle like that be replicated? Only if Earth’s coordinates had been leaked.

While Luke was a.n.a.lyzing the intelligence, the other party didn’t make them wait too long.

Less than ten minutes later, two more cars arrived, and four people got out.

This time, all four of them were men of varying ages who also wore very different types of clothes.

One old man looked like a tramp, however you looked at him.

Of the two middle-aged men, one wore a cheap suit, and the other looked like a slovenly shut-in.

Lastly, there was a high school boy with an ordinary appearance who wore a school uniform.

The four of them went straight to the lounge.

After they entered, all four men looked at the man lying on the table with hungry expressions.

Then, the high school boy turned around and nodded at the JK girl. “Takako, well done.”

The girl called Takako was expressionless. She simply gave him a waterproof ap.r.o.n and a j.a.panese kitchen knife.

The high school boy put on the ap.r.o.n unhurriedly and waved the kitchen knife in his hand as he walked toward the man on the dining table. The hunger and excitement on his face grew.


With a loud bang, the lounge door was kicked open, and a voice rang out in j.a.panese. “Freeze! This is the Metropolitan Police’s special a.s.sault force! Whoever moves will be killed!”

The five men and one woman in the lounge all turned around, stunned.

Luke and Selina were standing gallantly at the door. They were wearing tactical vests with the word “Police” on them, and had switched to Asian faces.

The five men and one woman looked at each other, then suddenly started to laugh.

The laughter grew louder and louder, the two middle-aged men almost collapsing to the floor as they howled. Police? Special a.s.sault force? What was that? Was it delicious?

The high school student turned around and smiled at Luke. “Oh, then please kill us.”

Luke nodded solemnly like a righteous bigshot in some TV show. “I’m relieved to hear that. Let’s go, h.e.l.lhound.”

He waved his hand, and a large, dazzling gold object rushed in, almost blinding the five men and one woman.

The huge golden lump turned its head and looked at the five sc.u.mbags in front of it. Its eyes were full of disdain as it tossed its head back and roared.

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