Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1798: You Have to Introduce Yourself Before a Fight

Chapter 1798: You Have to Introduce Yourself Before a Fight

Looking at the enormous golden animal in front of them, five men and one woman felt that something wasn’t right. This ‘dog’ was more than a meter tall; could it still be considered a dog?

Gold Nugget, however, was excited. It had been too long since it had played a ‘lead role.’

Most of the time, it was either watching the show with Dollar or punching people together with Selina.

There was basically no chance for it to enter the h.e.l.lhound form with Dollar.

It was time to show off its real skills as h.e.l.lhound tonight.

With a threatening roar, the dog-headed creature stomped hard on the ground, which cracked and turned into a streak of golden light which charged at the nerd.

It was this sort of shut-in nerd who, when he had nothing to do, trolled people online and often stole the dog head’s thunder.

Although it probably wasn’t this actual shut-in, who wasn’t even human, who stole the dog head’s thunder, there was no need to be reasonable. The first target was him.

Ultimate skill — Dog Head Charge! Activate!


The nerd didn’t even have time to react before he was squashed against the wall and his round figure was instantly flattened.


He only had time to scream.

The man next to him was shocked. His head suddenly twisted into a ball, and several long shadows lashed out at Gold Nugget.

Puchi! Puchi!

The dog head felt sharp pain as several large wounds appeared on its golden body.

“Ouch!” It was so angry that it twisted its b.u.t.t and its tail lashed out to hit the man in the chest.


A hole appeared in the man’s chest, and he slammed into the wall behind him.

At that moment, the tramp’s head also started to twist.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Luke pulled the trigger, and the old man’s head jerked back to reveal three shallow wounds. His eyes weren’t hit, and only a small part of his face was injured.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The three bullets. .h.i.t the old man in the neck, heart and liver. “Come back,” Luke ordered at the same time.

Hearing his order, the dog head also realized that the heads of the two men and the woman in the room were starting to twist and change; they were clearly going to attack it.

They couldn’t kill it, but they could inflict huge wounds that would be immensely painful. Gold Nugget could endure it, but Dollar couldn’t.

That was one of the reasons why h.e.l.lhound rarely attacked as the “main force.”

So, when it heard the order, the dog head immediately raised its front paws and turned to kick at the wall with its back legs to do a flip and land on the ceiling. It ran across the ceiling and flipped again at the doorway to land on all fours on the floor.

“What monsters are you?” Luke suddenly asked in fluent j.a.panese.

The six “people” in the room all turned to look at the door.

At that moment, they still had human appearances, but their heads had twisted and split into strange flesh-colored tentacles.

The tips of the tentacles were sharp, and there were countless strange eyeb.a.l.l.s everywhere.

The heads split into tentacles in different ways.

Some tentacles spiraled upward from the top, some heads opened on the side, and some split into two.

The high school boy, on the other hand, was like an octopus with four tentacles.

Although they all looked different in various ways, that didn’t affect the similarities they shared.

Luke also noticed that the tentacles of the tramp he had injured and of the two men whom Gold Nugget had injured were significantly slower in their movements.

Physical damage could affect the tentacles? Luke wondered.

The high school boy actually replied, “Human, you… and your dog are indeed very strong. So, I’m giving you a chance. Submit to me, and we’ll be the masters of this planet and rule together.”

Luke was surprised. You really answered me! So, it’s true that you have to introduce yourself before a fight in j.a.panese movies?

Even as he derided the other party inwardly, he immediately said, “That’s impossible. There are so many of us and only a few of you. You can’t even take over Sapporo.”

The high school boy’s four tentacles paused, as if he had been asked an awkward question.

A moment later, he said, “Human, we’re not like the dog next to you. There are a lot of us, much more than you can imagine.”

Luke asked, “A hundred?”

The high school boy said, “No.”

Luke asked, “A thousand?”

The high school boy said, “Not just that.”

Luke asked, “Ten thousand?”

The high school boy waved his tentacles impatiently. “There are more than 100,000 of us alone hibernating in the meteorite. This time, more than ten meteorites landed on Earth at the same time. We have enough power to conquer this planet.”

Luke was bewildered. Millions of these monsters? That was nonsense!

But based on how the other party was acting, it was possible that he was telling the truth.

Thinking quickly, he asked again, “There are so many of you. Are you their king, and they’ll listen to you?”

The high school boy’s tentacles paused again before he waved them a little aggressively. “I’ll definitely be the strongest king!”

As if annoyed by the question, he finally stopped talking. “Now, do you surrender, or shall I kill you?”

Luke chuckled. “I choose… to kill you.”

As soon as he said that, he opened fire.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Luke exclaimed, “You can do that?”

The three intact “people” waved their tentacles in front of them, which were relatively wide and easily blocked the bullets.

“Retreat.” At the order, Selina immediately retreated, with Luke taking up the middle position and Gold Nugget holding off the other party.

Two people and one dog retreated too quickly, and the three “people” in the room were stunned. They ran? Then, should they give chase?

Their tentacles were very fast and could even block bullets.

However, it was impossible for the human bodies they were possessing to run faster than a bullet. Currently, they were only a little stronger than ordinary people.

The high school boy hesitated for a moment before he waved his hand. “Takako, Yuuta, kill them.”

The JK girl immediately ran out, waving her tentacles.

The middle-aged man, however, didn’t move. He looked at his three injured companions in the room.

The high school boy turned his head. “Yuuta, didn’t you hear me?”

Seeing the four tentacles that were aimed at him, the middle-aged man finally suppressed his reluctance and anger. He ran out as well, but at a slower pace.

After he left, the high school boy closed the door with his tentacles. He turned around and faced his three injured companions. He spread his hands and leaned in close. “Come, what are you waiting for?”

The tramp, the average-looking man, and the nerd looked at each other, before their tentacles suddenly lashed out at the high school boy’s hands.

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