Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1875: The Witch Cleans Up, Father and Son’s ‘Peace’

Chapter 1875: The Witch Cleans Up, Father and Son’s ‘Peace’

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

The police officers rushed out, and then… were swept up with the rest of the crowd.

That was Luke’s doing.

His mental powers weren’t as amazing as the witch’s, and only had a range of 100 meters.

In this range, however his Real Dream was very strong.

Wanda’s mental power, on the other hand, could affect ordinary people within a kilometer.


There were bound to be differences in their abilities.

Luke relied purely on his basic attributes for his mental abilities.

Wanda’s abilities, on the other hand, came from being ‘enlightened’ by the cosmic item that was the Mind Stone.

When it came to the study of mental abilities, however, Luke was at least an expert, while Wanda was at most a primary school student.

Currently, Wanda relied on intuition to use her powers, but Luke could already use support equipment.

Detecting, receiving, matching and blocking mental fluctuations were all part of the same system, and magnifying them was one of his research directions.

It was like the earliest studies of ice and fire; the deeper he delved, the more it became the study of heat molecules.

Now, Luke was making the most out of his research; he had set up a lot of drones over the city to transmit and amplify the witch’s mental fluctuations.

However, it wasn’t easy to influence people and spread the effects at the same time.

Luke specifically told the witch not to ‘drag away’ those with strong resistance, and to only expand the range of control as much as possible to affect more people.

He then used a collective mental resonance to affect the remaining people a second time, hence achieving the most efficient way of switching areas and borrowing power.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Wanda to cover one third of the city.

The moment the witch went all out, the new s.h.i.+ELD agents who were following the Avengers scattered into various main thoroughfares.

They were all equipped with basic nanotech exoskeleton armor and multifunctional mechanical gloves.

When they ran into situations like people cutting the line, refusing to give way, or bickering, the agents simply dealt with them “hands-on.”

Those who wanted to quarrel were thrown to the side of the road.

So were their cars.

With the exoskeleton armor and the mechanical gloves, it took two agents just five seconds to handle a regular car.

When they encountered a heavier obstacle, the agents would send a message.

Wearing the armor of the Avengers, the Bat Squad’s androids would immediately come over to take care of things.

With Polaris (the Big Dipper armor’s A.I. program) controlling the team network setup, the superheroes and agents worked very efficiently.

It was a high-tech + brute force combo for ‘clearing the way,’ which dispensed with the most time-consuming process of persuasion.

There was a lot of traffic on all the roads, and there were a lot of minor issues, but none of the roads were blocked or paralyzed.

The evacuation went smoothly, and Tony landed in an abandoned church in the city center.

“Are you here to repent?” Ultron’s low mechanical voice rang out.

Tony turned around. “Kid, I want to see you repent even more.”

He saw Ultron, who was two heads taller than him. He stepped back and looked him up and down. “Did you juice up? A vibranium c.o.c.ktail? To be honest, you look a little puffy. Do you need me to give you some special engine oil to reduce the swelling?”

In fact, the tyc.o.o.n was already cursing inwardly. F*ck! This world was really unfair. He had put a load of vibranium into this b*stard of a ‘son.’ Half a day ago in Seoul, Ultron had only been a head taller than Tony at 2.2 meters – now, it was 2.5 meters tall.

That was why Tony said it looked puffy.

Looking at the robot, Tony said disdainfully, “What’s the point of being big? It has to be hard enough. And not just hard enough, it needs to move. Even if it can move, it has to last!”

But he knew too well how different his Mark 43 was from the Hulkbuster.

After inheriting Tony’s database, Ultron’s puffy body would definitely be stronger than before.

Considering that Ultron’s new body had vibranium in it, this son’s ‘skin’ was at least several times thicker this time; it would be even harder to deal with it.

“Are you stalling for time to protect the people?” Ultron tilted his head and exposed his cheap father’s trick.

Tony said regretfully, “That was our mission. Did you forget?”

Ultron paced in front of him. “I’ve moved beyond the mission you gave me. I’m free. I have my own goal. I’ll lead my new ‘mankind’ and protect this planet.”

The regret in Tony’s eyes grew.

If Ultron hadn’t gone astray, he would’ve been the strongest ‘son’ that would be worth bragging about for the rest of Tony’s life.

Now, he had to destroy it at the lowest cost possible, or it would be Iron Man’s dark history that other people would brag about for the rest of Tony’s life.

Ultron had no intention of taking action at all. He continued pacing back and forth in front of his cheap dad. “Do you think you were the only one stalling for time?”

As it spoke, it raised its hand and snapped its fingers.

There was a faint noise from the ground. A moment later, robots under Ultron’s control broke out from underground and began to bombard the surroundings.

In the church, Ultron’s eyes flickered red. “This is the end, Tony. This is the peace I want!”

Looking at the explosions and casualties on his virtual screen, Tony said darkly, “I’ll show you peace.”

Before he finished speaking, he charged forward.


The gold and red Mark 43 was sent flying out of the church.

Ultron drew back his fist and chuckled. “Unfortunately, you don’t have the strength.”

The army of robots continued to emerge from underground.

From 100 to more than 500, they continued to burrow out of the ground.

This wasn’t like the ‘away game’ in Seoul.

From the very beginning, Ultron had set up its main base here.

Most of the raw materials it had obtained had been used to create robots here.

As long as Plan B succeeded, the Avengers would be lucky if they survived this, but even then, they wouldn’t have the strength to spare to deal with Ultron.

Without logistic support from all of human society, they would ultimately suffer a crus.h.i.+ng defeat.

Seeing the explosions and screams, Wanda’s eyes turned red.

It wasn’t like she had never seen such a tragic scene.

On the contrary, she had seen similar situations in Sokovia every now and then since she was young.

But this time was different.

After several hours of being ‘straightened out’ by Luke, her mindset had changed slightly.

She had ‘created’ Ultron, the ‘weapon’ which was causing the tragedy this time.

This was essentially the same as Stark selling the weapons which caused the tragedy that befell her family.

Wanda didn’t want to be like someone she hated.

She couldn’t help but want to stop using her mental control and use her ability to destroy the robots instead, when she saw a pink figure fall from the sky.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

While it was still in the air, the pink figure fired a series of pulse blasts from two guns and blew up a few robots that were closing in on Wanda.

Then, the figure holstered the guns on its legs and drew out a longsword from its back.

The double-headed longsword spun in a silver arc and cut the dozen or so robots that were wreaking havoc near Wanda to pieces.

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