Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1876: The Boss Won’t, But the Others Will

Chapter 1876: The Boss Won’t, But the Others Will

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

The pink figure turned around, and the eyes and mouth on the mask moved in what looked like a smile. “Carry on, pretty lady. Time is life. I won’t let them bother you.”

Only then did Wanda come back to herself. “You’re… Pink Bear?”

Mindy waved with a smile. “Nice to meet you. Save the greetings — let’s rescue people!”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Several white beams pierced the ground at Mindy’s feet.


The energy cores of the robots that were still underground blew up, and only part of their heads broke the surface.

“Alright, focus. This is a mission.” A voice rang out.

Mindy chuckled and flew off. “Got it, Black Bear.”

Wanda turned around and saw a figure in black armor leave.

Black Bear sent her a message on the team channel. “We’ll do everything we can to ensure your safety. Please hurry.”

For a moment, Wanda had complicated feelings. This was the Bat Squad!

Recalling Pink Bear’s clearly young behavior and how the Internet was guessing her age, Wanda felt very ashamed. Pink Bear seemed much younger than her, and was already fighting in order to save civilians, while she was like this…

Then, she remembered what both Bears had said. No! She had to save people as much as possible! The more people she saved, the more free she would be to move around, and the pressure on her teammates to protect her would decrease.

So, she increased her strength and had the panic-stricken crowd continue pouring out.

But there were more and more robots.

At this point, there was no need for Ultron to hide anything.

With a snap of its fingers, the real robot army was deployed.

There were less than 200 of the Avengers, the Bat Squad and New s.h.i.+ELD agents. In the face of the rapidly increasing number of robots, the manpower was stretched thin.

There were civilians all around, which also hindered them in battle, while the robots had no such qualms.

In this situation, the difference between superheroes and agents was obvious.

The superheroes present could be said to be battle veterans, and most of them had partic.i.p.ated in the Battle of New York.

A thousand robots couldn’t compare with the overwhelming number of Chitauri soldiers and the big worm battles.h.i.+ps.

The civilians made it more troublesome for the superheroes, but that was all.

If they didn’t take care of Ultron, everybody here would definitely die — there actually wasn’t that much to think about.

With a pulse gun in one hand and a s.h.i.+eld in the other, Steve attacked and defended at the same time.

There were a total of six power banks for the two guns, which allowed him to shoot pulse blasts every second as he smashed the robots within close range with the s.h.i.+eld.

With the help of the exoskeleton armor, he jumped between buildings and the streets without stopping.

The shattered robots around him proved how powerful this number one “super soldier” was.

Angel was even more violent.

Relying on her super heavy defense gear and her android that wasn’t afraid of wear and tear, she didn’t bother to defend, and simply dodged some of the attacks at most.

A pair of huge fists and a huge body tore the robots in front of her into pieces. She was no less efficient than Steve.

After not appearing for a long time, Ivan aka Electric Cable had equipped his android with a new generation super electromagnetic armor.

In his heart, Luke gave this gear the most fitting name — Octopus.

That was because there were now eight of the tentacles, plus the strongest cutting whip.

On a battlefield with so many enemies, the strongest whip wasn’t very useful, but the eight tentacles were very useful.

In addition to helping him wander around the city in an irregular pattern, they also destroyed all the visible robots within range.

It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that he could destroy each robot with one lash of the whip.

Frank once again chose to provide long-range sniper support. He aimed his electromagnetic rifle at the robots slaughtering civilians hundreds of meters away and started firing.

Three shots in one second, 100% guaranteed to hit.

What his android carried the most were guns and bullets, which was his favorite attack method.

Command the operation? There was no need.

Steve was also a master tactician, but that wasn’t very useful right now.

The most important thing was to protect the civilians. Ultron also wasn’t an enemy that could be killed after just defeating one body.

Given these two conditions, tactics were meaningless.

Alice was still moving through the shadows and the dark. When she approached the robots, she slashed them to pieces.

The little turtles and their teacher formed a defensive circle to protect and quickly evacuate a bunch of civilians.

Although it wasn’t very efficient, they couldn’t watch civilians being slaughtered.

Luke didn’t say anything.

Given the current situation on the battlefield, there was no one true way to minimize the number of casualties.

If the little turtles and their teacher didn’t protect that large group of people, two robots might rush in the next moment and kill hundreds of people.

He could only trust in his teammates’ intuition and strength.

In the end, Wade, that lunatic, also came.

He had been wandering the world for the last few years, and had recently been enjoying the sun with his wife in Greek. When he received the urgent commission from V, he practically teared up.

To quote this idiot: “Boss, do you know that I’m so poor that I only have five million left? Hm, the ticket will cost 1,000 euros for me to get there. Can you reimburse me?”

Luke as V simply sent one word: “Scram!” He decisively left the rest of the work to Polaris.

A certain person was aggrieved in front of V. “If the boss won’t, someone else will.” What he didn’t know was that he was already being filtered out by the “anti-Deadpool system,” and n.o.body could hear his nonsense.

At that moment, he heard the clear voice of the A.I. Polaris. “Mr. Deadpool, the current conversion rate is USD 100,000 for every credit point.”

Wade’s eyes instantly turned green. “100,000? Change all my credit to USD right away.”

Polaris: “Sorry, Mr. Deadpool. You only have 1,327 credit points, which is lower than the minimum limit of 2,000 points which Mr. Knight set for you. You can only do the conversion when you have more than 2,000 points.”

Wade was furious. “What the f*ck? He dares cheat me out of my hard-earned money?”

Polaris: “I’m sorry, Mr. Deadpool, but you don’t have any money for anyone to embezzle.”

Wade screamed in anger and charged into the group of robots that had just appeared. He slashed and fired like crazy. “100,000, 100,000, 100,000…”

Polaris: “My apologies, Mr. Deadpool. Currently, each robot is only worth 0.1 credit points. The total credit points for protecting the civilians is only 100,000. At the end of the mission, these credit points will be distributed among the partic.i.p.ants based on their individual contribution.”

“What?” Wade paused. “So each robot is only worth 10,000 bucks? Hm, wait, each robot is 10,000 bucks?”

He suddenly remembered that in the Battle of New York, a Chitauri soldier had only been worth one credit point. It was just that credit points hadn’t been worth much then, so one credit point was only worth 500 bucks at the time.

Now, it was 100,000 bucks.

So, every robot here was actually 20 times more ‘expensive’ than a Chitauri soldier?

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