Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 353 Public Arrest and a Deliberate Performance

Chapter 353 Public Arrest and a Deliberate Performance

Jimena would’ve left immediately if she hadn’t come with her friends.

Dylan got up and walked over to them. “Hey, this is the playmate I called over. Get lost and don’t disturb us, got it?”

As he spoke, he reached for Jimena’s arm.

Jimena subconsciously hid behind Luke.

Luke slapped away the man’s hand, and this young master cried out in pain. “F*ck! What are you doing?” Luke turned to Jimena and blinked at her. “Are you here to party?” Jimena was stumped for a moment before she caught on, and she quickly shook her head. “No. My senior told me that this is an upper-cla.s.s party for business elites to discuss recent financial trends in Los Angeles. I’m only here to learn.”

Luke turned back to Dylan. “Playmate?”

Dylan smirked. “Prude.” He then returned to his original seat and took a deep whiff of a small pile of white crystals with a rolled-up hundred dollar note.

Lifting his head with a contented look, he seemed even more deranged. “You’re just a third-rate b*tch who’s here to sell yourself. Who are you pretending to be? Just because you know a small police officer, you won’t admit it now? Everybody whom that sl*t Parimera brings is also a sl*t! Haha!”

Looking at Dylan who was high and crazy, Luke suddenly laughed.

He stepped forward and knocked away the two security guards next to Dylan, before he pressed Dylan’s face into the crystals on the table.

“You are now suspected of illegal drug possession and use, Mr. Dylan. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you do say can be used against you in a court of law…” Luke unhurriedly recited the necessary lines for an arrest.

He then handcuffed Dylan and pressed down on the guy’s neck with his left hand.

Dylan, who had been a moment ago, couldn’t say a single word now.

He could barely breathe under Luke’s hand.

Everybody who noticed the scene was shocked.

A young officer had actually arrested Dylan Elsworth in his home? Was this some kind of show?

Grimly, the two security guards tried to pull Luke off of Dylan.

Pressing down on Dylan’s neck and forcing him to stoop before Jimena, Luke raised his badge with the other hand. “Guys, don’t tell me you aren’t armed.”

The security guards immediately stopped and pulled back their hands.

Luke and Selina had been wearing their badges since they came to the beach. Anybody who wasn’t blind would have seen them.

Luke was within his right as a police officer to kill the security guards if they tried to stop him when they were armed since he could argue that they had intended to a.s.sault him.

The beach was a public venue, after all, and Luke had law enforcement power here.

Watched by dozens of people, the magnificent Dylan was hauled off the beach and stuffed into the backseat of a car like a dog, and Luke sat next to him.

Jimena followed Luke out, and sat in the pa.s.senger seat.

The two security guards were making phone calls with unsightly expressions, but neither of them dared to stop Luke.

Luke certainly didn’t seem easy to deal with.

n.o.body knew what the Elsworth family would do to the young officer, but for now, the security guards didn’t dare try anything.

In the car, Selina looked at Dylan in the backseat and sighed helplessly. “My beach picnic was ruined by this sort of person.”

Jimena lowered her head. “I’m sorry, Selina, it was my bad.”

Selina glanced at her. “Enough, you better be smarter in the future. You’re lucky you met us today, otherwise…”

She remembered the girl in pajamas who had been knocked down on the side of the road.

Jimena was also from Texas, after all. She wasn’t a bad person, and she and Luke were “close.” Of course Selina didn’t want to see anything happen to her.

Luke said from the backseat, “It’s fine. We were here to work a case, after all.”

Jimena hummed a response and fell silent.

She was curious about Selina and Luke’s relations.h.i.+p, but decided in the end to drop it.

She wasn’t Luke’s girlfriend, and had even less intention of getting married anytime soon, so it wasn’t her concern.

Half an hour later, when they pa.s.sed a bus stop, Jimena asked Selina to stop the car, and said that she would take the bus back herself.

Luke didn’t stop her. He let her go, and gestured to indicate that he would call her.

They then returned to the police department, and transferred Dylan to an interrogation room and handcuffed him to a table.

Dylan’s mind was a lot clearer now that the effect of the drug had faded. He asked suspiciously, “Don’t you know who I am?”

Luke and Selina smiled at each other. One of them took out a phone, and the other began reading the case file.

After two minutes, Dylan couldn’t tolerate the strange silence. “Hey, there’s something you want to ask since you’ve arrested me, isn’t there?”

Luke looked up from the phone. “Sorry, but there isn’t. You just need to stay quiet here, and don’t disturb us while we’re doing research, okay?”

Dylan exclaimed, “F*ck! What do you want?”

Luke rose and said to Selina, “Let’s go. We’ll just leave him to scream here.”

Dylan was lost for words. Are you messing with me?

But Luke and Selina didn’t return after they left.

Elsa had arrived at the observation room next door. The moment Luke closed the door, she asked, “Why did you arrest Dylan?” Luke chuckled and sat down in a chair. “He took illegal drugs right in front of our faces, which was an obvious violation. As an upright detective, I couldn’t ignore it.”

Elsa was stumped for a moment. She sat down as well and tapped the table softly.

A moment later, she looked at Luke and asked, “Did you do this on purpose?”

Luke shrugged. “I believe this is clear and high-profile enough, right?”

Elsa looked at Dylan again.

Not only wasn’t he in his right mind, there were also a lot of white crystals on his face. Anybody from the forensics department would be able to present a report in a few hours to confirm his drug abuse.

It wasn’t that serious a crime, but since Luke had caught Dylan red-handed with the evidence all over Dylan’s face, it was possible to sentence him to a few months in prison.

Considering how spoiled the guy was, he would probably collapse after a few days in prison, let alone a few months.

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