Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 354 Useless Teammates, and Lawyer

Chapter 354 Useless Teammates, and Lawyer

Looking at Luke and Selina as they sat down again leisurely, Elsa realized what Luke was up to.

All this was just an act.

Somebody wanted the police to use the case of the girl in pajamas to go after the Elsworth family, and Luke immediately arrested Dylan, a grandson of the family.

However, Luke didn’t interrogate the guy after he arrested him. Clearly, he was waiting for someone from the Elsworth family to rescue the fool.

He had never planned to send Dylan to prison in the first place.

As for why he arrested Dylan at that particular moment, Luke definitely wouldn’t admit that it was because of the man’s bad att.i.tude… Nope, Luke wasn’t such a petty person!

Looking at his phone, Luke said casually, “Boss, we’ll just wait here. You can go back to your business.”

After a brief hesitation, Elsa rose and said, “Remember not to cross the line. You’ve done enough.”

Luke said, “Got it.”

After Elsa returned to her office, she pondered for a moment, then summoned Elizabeth. “Didn’t the department receive invitations to some school activities recently?” Elizabeth nodded. “Yes, we received a lot.” Elsa said, “Do any of the activities run for five to ten days an hour’s drive out of the city? List them for me.”

Elizabeth nodded and checked the files.

Elsa’s eyes flashed as she finally made up her mind. “I have to keep this guy away from muddy waters. The Elsworths aren’t the most reasonable people.”

She knew that Luke always exercised restraint during his operations, but Dylan and his uncle Wolf from the Elsworth family had never been low-key.

On the other side, Dylan was beginning to feel regret after he was left in the interrogation room on his own for half an hour; he almost missed the two officers.

He couldn’t do anything here, and the dull and shabby room was absolutely bare.

His hands were still handcuffed to the table, and he couldn’t even switch to a more comfortable position.

Thankfully, the Elsworth family was as powerful as it was said to be, and Luke soon received Sonia’s call. “Luke, Wolf Elsworth is here. Be careful. His lawyer is pretty tough.”

Luke gestured at Selina and asked, “Oh? Which lawyer is it?”

Sonia said, “Ellen Shaw. He isn’t some big shot lawyer, but he always achieves his objectives by hook or by crook. He’s quite tricky.”

Luke hummed a response and said, “Got it.”

After a brief hesitation, Sonia added, “He’s a lawyer from Yang Fritt Berotti.”

Luke asked, “Is that a problem?”

Sonia said, “That law firm has always worked for the Elsworth family.”

Luke got it. “Thank you, Sonia.”

Since the law firm had always worked for the Elsworth family, it couldn’t be very clean.

So, Luke had to be very careful and not allow the lawyer to grab hold of any weakness.

Outside the observation room, Luke and Selina saw four men at the end of the hallway.

In the lead was a middle-aged man who looked a little like Tony Stark.

They didn’t have similar features, but they both had the obvious air of a playboy.

Also, this guy obviously wasn’t as talented as Tony, or he would be just as famous all over the country.

Thus, this guy wasn’t some secret savior of the world, but a genuine playboy – Wolf Elsworth.

Half a step behind him was a slightly plump young lawyer who was no more than thirty years old. He was followed by two bodyguards.

Luke merely gave them a glance, before he opened the door to the interrogation room.

Dylan, who had been so bored he was about to knock his head against the wall, finally raised his head. “What do you want? I’m going to file a complaint…”

Luke didn’t even bother to look at him.

This guy was just a stage prop, and was no longer useful.

He might be the descendant of a powerful family, but he lacked the necessary qualities to make something of himself.

Dylan was still ranting, when the door of the interrogation room opened and Wolf’s team walked in.

“The interrogation is over, detective,” said the young lawyer Ellen as he looked at Luke and Selina.

Luke shrugged and waved at Dylan.

Dylan’s mind seemed to have cleared up. “Get me out of here. These two people left me alone in this small sh*thole as soon as we got here.”

Ellen was lost for words.

After a brief silence, he tried a different tack. “As I understand it, you barged into Dylan’s home without a warrant…”

Luke stopped him again and looked at Dylan.

Dylan lowered his head in embarra.s.sment. “We were having a party on the beach.”

Ellen was confused, but Wolf seemed to realize something, and awkwardly whispered into the lawyer’s ear.

Ellen’s expression was conflicted, and he looked like he wanted to hit someone. If you Elsworths are rich enough to build a seaside villa, why didn’t you f*cking buy the beach as well?!

Luke was secretly amused. It was clear that the lawyer had been summoned in a hurry and hadn’t checked the details of the matter yet, thus resulting in this embarra.s.sing slip-up.

Wolf Elsworth said, “My apologies, detective, my lawyer was a little hasty. From what I can see, Dylan behaved inappropriately, and there’s no need to a.s.sign blame in this matter. Considering the exact state of affairs, however, this is our family matter…”

At that moment, the door to the interrogation room opened again, and Dustin walked in.

He stretched out his hand to the visitors with a smile. “Mr. Elsworth, I’m sorry that you had to come in person.”

Luke watched them exchange formalities and didn’t say anything. Once the formalities were over and they exchanged a few more words, Wolf shook hands with Dustin again and said, “Thank you for your cooperation, captain.”Dustin’s face changed slightly, but he kept smiling. “Alright, Mr. Dylan is free to go after the paperwork is sorted out.”

It was only a rumor that he would be promoted to captain, and Wolf was obviously implying something when he addressed Dustin that way.

Perhaps Wolf was insinuating that if Dustin wasn’t discreet, the position would never be his?

Dylan was overjoyed. He laughed when Luke undid his handcuffs. “See? You still have to let me go, right?” Luke hummed a response. “Which is why I especially turned on my body camera when I arrested you this morning. Happy?”

Everybody was stunned.

For a moment, Dylan didn’t understand. “So what?”

Luke chuckled. “Nothing much. The forensics department collected evidence from you when you first came in, right? I sent a copy to the forensics center in Las Vegas and tagged it as urgent.”

Everybody was lost for words.

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