Chapter 355 Cuckolding

Wolf signaled to his bodyguards, and they covered Dylan’s mouth and dragged him out.

After Dylan disappeared from the room, Wolf fixed his gaze on Luke. “You are?”

Luke smiled. “I’m just a minor detective, you don’t have to bother with me, Mr. Elsworth.”

Wolf narrowed his eyes and nodded. “Very well, let’s get to know each other if an opportunity arises.” He then stepped out.

After he was some distance away, he said to Ellen, “Reach out to that detective later and see what he wants to do with the evidence.”

Ellen nodded.

It was impossible for a lawyer to earn the big bucks without doing the dirty work.

On the other side, Luke watched Wolf slap Dylan in the face while they waited for the paperwork to be sorted out, before he hugged his nephew and left the police department.

Staring at the backs of the uncle and nephew, Luke suddenly asked Selina, “Don’t you think they’re very… similar?”

Selina subconsciously nodded. “Yep, their temperaments, their looks, their way of doing things… Wait, are you saying…”

Luke raised his hand to stop her from saying it out loud. He returned to his desk and whistled a tune from his previous life. “What a unique green hat[1]…”

Dustin instantly summoned Luke the moment Wolf and Dylan left the police department.

Luke and Selina went to his office, closed the door, and stood in front of him obediently.

Dustin’s expression was inscrutable. He simply said, “This is enough, stop looking at this case. Don’t you have other cases to work


Luke nodded. “Got it, boss.”

Pondering for a moment, Dustin said, “Look out for that Ellen Shaw. He has some annoying little tricks.”

Luke looked puzzled.

Dustin didn’t really care for the young lawyer, and said bluntly, “He often uses tricks that aren’t entirely legal to achieve his goals, like framing someone or sensationalizing groundless accusations, but once a compromise is reached, he’ll stop and wipe the slate clean, which is why n.o.body is willing to pick a bone with him.”

Luke understood and nodded. “Got it. Then we’ll work on other cases first.”

Dustin nodded and went back to his own work.

Luke and Selina dropped in on Elsa before they left in their car.

It was already noon. Luke and Selina had lunch, then headed for the outskirts.

This was the case that Elsa had given to them earlier. Now that they were done with their song and dance opposite the Elsworth family, they could resume working on regular cases.

Flipping through the case file, Selina said, “It happened the day before yesterday. A driver reported that someone attempted to carjack the fuel truck he was driving.”

Luke nodded.

Selina added, “However, this fuel truck wasn’t registered, and his cargo clearly wasn’t clean either.”

Luke remarked, “Robbing a fuel truck? Are they crazy? How much fuel can it hold?”

Selina checked the file and said, “The driver didn’t say, but according to the field report, this particular fuel truck was a big guy with a fifty-ton capacity.”

“Truly a ‘huge’ sum of money!” Luke snorted.

Fuel and a fuel truck were much easier to track than cash.

Also, there had only been slightly more than ten thousand gallons in this truck, and at two bucks a gallon, the fuel would only have been worth thirty thousand dollars at most. Furthermore, if the price had to be lowered given that it was stolen fuel, then the gains would be even less.

As they spoke, they arrived at their destination, which was a high slope.

They stopped the car to look at the long road that ran downward as well as the fuel truck that had flipped and burned on the side of the road.

“Looks like it was a violent robbery,” Selina remarked.

Luke nodded, and both of them walked down the slope.

They found scattered parts of the fuel truck on the way, and there were clear traces of burning here and there as well.

Fortunately, this was a remote hill with basically nothing but dirt and rock. If there had been any trees around, the burning might have caused a mountain fire.

Luke and Selina circled the fuel truck and examined it.

Luke finally said, “The fuel truck blew up completely; those robbers wasted their efforts.”

Selina answered casually, “Who knows, it might have been just for thrills — they would get more money from stealing a few luxury cars.”

Luke looked around and said, “This place actually has a nice view. How about we catch some rays on the peak later, since we didn’t get to do so at the beach yesterday?”.

Selina was only dazed for a moment, before she smiled.

She had her own guess as to whether Luke had been putting on a show yesterday or doing it for Jimena.

But since he was willing to make up for it today, Selina decided to forgive him.

She turned back to look at the mountain ridge behind her, which did have great sun.

They weren’t really concerned about the fuel truck robbery. n.o.body died, and only a truck had been burned; in Los Angeles, this wasn’t really a big deal.

As they walked back, Selina started looking for a good sunbathing spot.

Suddenly, two black SUVs drove up the road.

Luke was stumped for a moment, before he smiled. “Yo, fancy running into a familiar face in this wilderness.”

The black SUV stopped next to them, and a tall, beautiful woman with braided hair got out from the pa.s.senger side. “Hey, Luke, Selina.”

Luke and Selina nodded and smiled. “Hi, Palmer.” It was none other than the DEA agent.

She gestured and the three of them walked over to some shade on the side. She then asked in a low voice, “Are you here about the fuel truck robbery?”

Luke nodded. “It’s a huge robbery case with explosions and fires; we just had to check it out.”

After a brief hesitation, Palmer said, “Do you have any leads?”Luke shook his head. “No, we just arrived. We haven’t even examined the field yet.”

He was amused when he noticed Palmer’s expression. “If you have something to say, just spit it out. We’re friends, after all.”

Palmer smiled awkwardly. “This case is related to a lead that we’ve been working on.”

Noticing Luke and Selina’s curiosity, she nodded helplessly. “Alright, it’s actually about the Maker. We suspect that the guy hired someone to smuggle in goods from Mexico. So…”

Luke asked, “So, you’re worried that us following the trail will alert the Maker?”

Palmer smiled and said nothing, but it was clearly a yes.

She murmured in her heart, At your level, if that group runs into the both of you, all our leads on the Maker will disappear completely.

[1] In Chinese, if someone’s wife cheats on him, he’s said to wear a green hat.

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