Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 400 Cannon Fire, and Two Acquaintances

Chapter 400 Cannon Fire, and Two Acquaintances

“A flare?” Luke thought for a moment and came up with a possibility.


There was another loud sound, and the battles.h.i.+p shuddered along with it.

It was much louder than the first shot, almost as if the main cannon had been fired.

Was it firing at an aircraft? Unlikely.

The main cannon was very powerful, but not designed to fire at aircraft. They were usually used to attack army formations on land, or maybe… other s.h.i.+ps?

Luke suddenly thought of the submarine, and a certain cook who was more than a cook.

Was Laybecker crazy enough to bombard the submarine with the battles.h.i.+p’s main cannon?

If he succeeded, it would be the last sea vessel that the Montana would sink.

A moment later, the battles.h.i.+p shook again, and there was a huge explosion.

Luke felt that he had guessed right.

He could vaguely hear a lot of people cheering, even from the cargo hold.

He said to Nash, “Shall we go take a look? The SEALs should be here now.”

Nash grew nervous. He gripped his gun tightly, but still said, “O- okay.”

Luke said to the three women, “Just stay here and don’t make a sound. We’ll see what’s going on. I think help is here.”

The three women could only nod.

A moment later, Nash was overjoyed to see the marines cheering and hugging on the deck, and he yelled, “We won! We won!”

Luke smiled as well. He could finally stop pretending to be a good little boy.

He patted Nash’s shoulder and said, “Private Nash, I need you to come with me and pick up the three beautiful ladies. It wouldn’t be gentlemanly to keep them worrying.” Nash nodded quickly. “Not a problem at all. Let’s go!”

Saying this, the guy bounced off like a little kid.

Luke simply followed him with a smile.

This Nash seemed to be in his twenties and couldn’t be much older than Luke himself.

But if Luke hadn’t come to his rescue when he was held at gunpoint, he might’ve been killed.

Now, everything was over.

For a young man, a narrow escape would certainly feel amazing.

They took the three ladies to the cabin they had been in before so that they could put on their own shoes, before they all returned to the deck.

The marines who were cheering and celebrating were all stunned to see them.

Seriously? The two girls who had been here to perform were fine?

Luke stayed some distance away from the three women as he surveyed the surroundings.

He had tossed all the guns and things that he had grabbed earlier into the ocean, and put his own gear back into his inventory. He had changed back into his sportswear, and looked completely innocuous.

Two fully-equipped special force soldiers soon came over and looked at them with strange expressions. “Who are you? Why are you here?”

They didn’t raise their guns. After all, Luke and the three women were clearly unarmed, and the women were even wearing high heels.

This wasn’t the movies; practically no woman would be able to run or kill anyone in high heels.

Looking at their attire, Luke knew that they were probably SEALS.

He quickly stepped forward and introduced everyone. At the same time, he also called for Nash, who was hugging the marines not far away. “Private Nash can vouch for us. The cook on this s.h.i.+p, one Laybecker, can vouch for us too.”

When they heard Laybecker’s name, the two soldiers looked at each other. One of them walked off and spoke into his walkie-talkie, while the other questioned Nash on the side.

A moment later, the first soldier returned and whispered something to the second soldier.

The soldier nodded and said, “Okay, we’ve confirmed your ident.i.ties. However, this is a battles.h.i.+p. You can stay in the cabin that you were in earlier until we’ve handled matters here…”

Luke raised his hand like an elementary school student. “Officers, that’s fine with me, but look at these three… These poor women have suffered enough of a shock today. If it’s possible, can you send them back to land first?”

The SEALs were of a mind to refuse at first, but when they saw the three women next to Luke, the “no” got stuck in their throats.

The a.s.sistant Mona was reasonably beautiful, but Sheerah and Tyler were almost dazzling to the eye.

They couldn’t help but swallow down their “no.” “Okay, wait a bit, I’ll help you ask.” Luke said gratefully, “Thank you very much, sir.”

He then turned around and winked at the women.

As the most experienced one, Sheerah reacted the quickest and bowed. “Thank you for your help.”

Mona did the same without any hesitation. Tyler was a little slow, but when Sheerah nudged her, she understood somewhat and also thanked them.

The two SEAL soldiers were a little dazed at the sweet thanks they received from the women.

Sheerah’s figure was top cla.s.s. When she bowed, she was both graceful and casual.

Tyler’s was even more unbelievable, and her magnificent b.r.e.a.s.t.s in her tight halter top were A+.

Both soldiers subconsciously nodded, and when they came back to themselves, they smiled awkwardly and went to the side to contact their superiors.

At that moment, a group of people walked by, and Luke hurriedly called out when his sharp eyes spotted someone. “Chef! Chef! Chef Laybecker!”

A tall and strong man stopped and looked at him in surprise. “Huh? You’re still here?”

Luke said innocently, “Yes. We’re on the ocean, we can’t go anywhere.”

Staring at him for a moment, Laybecker suddenly smiled. “Thank you. I’ll put in a word for you.” Luke was stumped, but nodded and said, “Thank you very much.”He then looked at the person next to Laybecker and nodded at him. “Agent Flegg, what a coincidence.”

The guy next to Laybecker was none other than Agent Flegg from the FBI, whom Luke had met not long ago. Flegg nodded, an indescribable look on his face. “Truly… a coincidence.”

Laybecker glanced between the two of them and asked, “Do you know each other?”

Luke smiled. “We met not long ago.”

Flegg only nodded, and didn’t say anything.

Laybecker narrowed his eyes, the same vague smile on his face.

Pondering a moment, he said something to a SEAL nearby, then turned to Luke. “Okay, they’ll send you back to land by helicopter in half an hour at most.”

Luke chuckled and took out his card. “Thank you. If you ever visit Los Angeles, you can look me up.”

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