Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 401 Well… I’m More of a Doer

Chapter 401 Well… I’m More of a Doer

Laybecker accepted the card, and wasn’t surprised that it only had a name and a phone number on it.

Luke had left a deep impression on him.

Not everybody could knock out two armed criminals with frying pans.

In doing so, Luke had saved Nash and rescued Laybecker from the freezer. Laybecker had to remember this favor.

If n.o.body had let him out, he probably would’ve frozen in the freezer.

He could go on a rampage tonight and finally blow up the submarine that the Tomahawks with nuclear warheads were going to be loaded onto, all thanks to this young man.

Nodding and accepting Luke’s gesture, he left with the group of SEALS. After Laybecker left, Flegg asked Luke, “Why are you here?”

He knew everything about Luke, including certain information that was confidential.

Logically speaking, Luke shouldn’t be here as a LAPD detective.

Luke nodded and said, “Personal request.”

Flegg looked at the three women behind him. “From the blonde?” He thought it would be someone around Luke’s age.

Luke shook his head. “It’s Sheerah. She made me an irresistible offer.”

He didn’t plan to keep it a secret.

His reward from Sheerah would be deposited in his account, after all, and it wasn’t illegal.

Flegg’s expression turned strange. “Seriously? 100,000, or 200,000?”

For someone who could single-handedly capture that monster Jason alive, it definitely wouldn’t be cheap to hire him as a temporary bodyguard.

Luke rolled his eyes. “10,000 bucks for six hours. That’s more than a month of my pay before tax!”

Flegg was lost for words.

From that point of view, it really was hard to reject 10,000 dollars.

Flegg himself only made slightly more than 10,000 dollars a month. He would’ve been tempted by the offer too.

Of course, ten thousand wasn’t quite enough to make up for what Luke had encountered tonight.

Flegg had other things to do, and their chat was enough for him to confirm the basic situation. He simply said, “I have other things to do, I’ll be on my way.”

Luke nodded, and didn’t ask him for help.

He didn’t know this Flegg well, compared with Laybecker’s warm att.i.tude.

But thanks to Sheerah and Tyler’s beauty as well as Laybecker’s help, Luke and the three women were flown back to the military airfield twenty minutes later.

The moment they got off, the four of them were questioned in four separate rooms.

Luke didn’t panic when he saw the wooden expressions of the two investigators. Instead, his interest was piqued.

These guys didn’t seem to be from the military or the FBI, but looked more like… the CIA.

In front of professionals like these, Luke didn’t need to pretend to be an innocent boy anymore.

Otherwise, they would become suspicious of him after they checked his file.

They didn’t introduce themselves, and simply said that they were investigators, before they started asking him the same questions over and over.

Luke had studied this sort of interrogation before.

Plenty of the people he had killed were professionals in this regard.

The more complicated a lie was, the more thinking was required, and the more flawed the lie was likely to be.

It was basically impossible to make every little detail sound as if it was true.

But for Luke as he was now, it wasn’t hard to break down the process and make things sound convincing.

After a while, the less talkative of the two investigators suddenly asked, “Detective Luke Coulson, as the most capable detective in LAPD, do you find it reasonable that you remember so little of what happened on the deck?”

Luke smiled and scratched his head. “Well… I’m more of a doer.”

The two investigators looked at each other in bewilderment. Was this guy implying that he wasn’t fond of thinking?

They couldn’t help but check the guy’s file.

Hm, killed, killed, killed…

Fine! Most of the fame which this Detective Luke had earned was from the gang members that he had killed in a few major cases.

Of course, that wasn’t enough for them to determine that this young detective was brainless.

But it was possible that he really didn’t need to use his brain; he just relied on good skills and guts to get rid of all the criminals in his path and crack cases!

That… was definitely weird!

He had closed a shocking number of cases. How could he crack so many of them so quickly without using his brain?

The less talkative one still asked, “But your success rate is the highest in Westside’s Major Crimes Division. How did you manage that?”

Luke gave him a strange look. “Intuition.”

The two investigators were lost for words. Are you messing with us?

The warm smile on Luke’s face didn’t change. “For example, I know that you came here in a hurry. This sir…”

He looked at the main investigator and said, “You were in such a hurry to come out here that you didn’t even have time to zip up your pants.”

Taken aback, the man subconsciously touched his crotch, and indeed found that his pants were unzipped. Utterly embarra.s.sed, he quickly zipped up and put an end to the awkward topic.

Luke looked at the less talkative one again. “And this sir, you were woken up when you were asleep, and your s.h.i.+rt is b.u.t.toned up wrong.”

This guy subconsciously lowered his head, then awkwardly covered up with his jacket.

He had been woken up in the middle of the night for an emergency a.s.signment, and had thrown his clothes on while on his way out; of course he didn’t have time for b.u.t.tons.

Luke spread his hands. “But I noticed these not because I have an attention to detail, but because I have better eyesight, which is my gift. So, it’s not surprising for me to obtain some minor achievements by using my gift to crack cases. The truth is that I’ve never been good at reasoning and deduction. I prefer fighting over thinking.”

Both investigators were silent.Luke’s case wasn’t rare; he was one of those who relied on his gift.

Innate gifts were a strange thing.

As experienced investigators, they had seen a lot of bizarre people and things, and Luke’s case wasn’t uncommon.

But as elite investigators, they certainly wouldn’t let go of Luke so easily.

The less talkative one asked again, “But why didn’t you fight this time? You said that you only knocked out two armed criminals, and didn’t kill anyone after that. How is that possible?”

Luke spread his hands. “When I’m on a.s.signment, I have countless LAPD police officers to back me up, but on that battles.h.i.+p, I was alone. I also had to worry about the safety of three women. How would I dare draw the criminals’ attention? Do I look that stupid to you?”

The two investigators were unable to respond.

It was definitely the right choice not to fight on someone else’s turf, not to mention that Luke had three people in his care with him.

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