Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 480 A Three-Party Chase On the Sea

Chapter 480 A Three-Party Chase On the Sea

Luke hummed and didn’t ask any more questions.

Elsa was on close personal terms with many women, like Sheerah and Margaret.

As a woman, it was easy for her to win the trust of those rich and beautiful women, and her ident.i.ty as a police officer plus her decisive temperament further reinforced this trust.

Given her good relations.h.i.+p with them, they often went to her about private a.s.signments.

Sheerah, for example, had come to her and Luke for a case before, all because of her personal friends.h.i.+p with Elsa. Luke got up and said, “I don’t have her contact details. Send them to me, boss.”

Elsa took out a card and gave it to him. “I’ve already let her know. She’s free anytime, and is waiting for you to head over.”

Why wasn’t she ever worried about Luke? This was one of the reasons.

Whether it was Sheerah or Margaret, Luke never contacted them privately outside of working a case.

Other detectives might’ve done differently.

Luke nodded with a smile. “Not a problem, boss, I got it.”

If it was some gang behind this, he really had to thank them for delivering themselves to his door and offering up experience and credit.

While he had just made a fortune in Mexico, he could never have enough experience and credit points.

After he left the police station, Luke dialed the number in his car.

After a brief conversation, his expression turned weird. “You’re being followed, but you actually went out to sea?”

When he gave it more thought, however, he understood.

Unlike on land, it was easy to notice an approach out on the ocean.

Chances were this was what Margaret had been thinking.

Rolling his eyes, Luke called Selina. “Hey, bring Dollar and your sunbathing gear along. We’re going out to sea.”

Selina was stumped for a moment. “Are you high?” Didn’t he say to stay home and teach Voracious common life knowledge?

Luke replied, “It’s a private a.s.signment. They’re floating out on the ocean. I already said we would go meet them.”

“They?” Selina was curious.

“William Johnson’s widow. She lived in that apartment building in that case that got Donald sent to the hospital, remember? She’s with her cousin right now,” said Luke.

Selina said, “Oh, her. I’ll start packing right now.”

Twenty minutes later, Luke, Selina and Dollar boarded a boat which they had booked over the phone and set sail.

It wasn’t a big boat. In any case, it was just two people and a dog, and Luke could steer it himself.

Basic Small Vessel Sailing was on his list of abilities, and it only took him a hundred credit points to learn it.

Watching him skillfully operate the boat, Selina was quite suspicious. “Do you sail a lot?”

Luke said, “You may consider me exceptionally talented.”

Selina immediately rolled her eyes at him. She turned around and looked at the wide sea, which brightened her mood significantly.

While they had been in Los Angeles for so long and Santa Monica Beach was world-famous, they had hardly ever gone out to sea.

If not for the job today, Luke would never have considered it.

It was Dollar’s first time on a boat, but it was pretty relaxed.

Who knew how Voracious was keeping the dog calm.

According to Voracious, it and Dollar could influence each other’s feelings because of the symbiotic relations.h.i.+p.

When necessary, it could even help control Dollar’s body.

Luke scoffed when he heard that. Wasn’t that possession? It was a fifty-fifty share in a company at most rather than complete owners.h.i.+p.

But of course, it wasn’t a bad thing for Dollar, who was now old; it could significantly lengthen the dog’s life.

Also, dogs didn’t require much.

Most of the time, they were free to play, laze around, or just sleep. Time wasn’t as important to them.

On the other hand, if it was a human being who got tangled up with a guy that could control their body at any time, it certainly wouldn’t feel great.

What was even more frightening was that this guy could read the mind of its host and communicate with them telepathically.

While Voracious claimed that it was symbiosis, Luke thought that it was much more like possession.

There was no way he would let this guy possess him.

The boat sped along, and they soon reached the coordinates Luke had been given.

Selina looked around and asked, “Where are they?”

Luke replied, “She only gave me the rendezvous coordinates; she didn’t give me her position.”

Selina clicked her tongue. “This Margaret really is cautious. Wait, I don’t think that’s her personality, is it?”

Luke shrugged. “No. There’s no way she could have come up with such a cautious plan for a meeting. It must be her cousin’s idea.”

Selina finally grew curious. “Who’s her cousin?”

Luke said, “I don’t know, but we’ll see her soon. The two of them have been together for the last few days.”

As they talked, they saw a yacht emerge from a bay in the distance.

Luke gestured. “Over there. They’re here.” He could already see Margaret; this art student was still as beautiful as ever.

But his expression immediately changed; he could hear sporadic gunfire in the distance. “Somebody’s chasing them. Take Dollar down into the boat and don’t let that guy come out.” By that guy, he naturally meant the alien dog head, Voracious.

Selina quickly jumped down and Dollar followed her obediently.

Before it jumped down, however, it gave Luke a dissatisfied glare for his “that guy” comment.

Selina petted the dog and signaled for it to stay quiet before she took out her gun and observed the activity in the distance through a window.

Luke narrowed his eyes.

With his keen eyesight, he could clearly see what was going on, and couldn’t help being surprised.

That was because it wasn’t just one boat chasing the other.

A small motorboat was hard on the heels of the two boats.

There was the incessant sound of gunshots from the speedboat in the middle. However, they weren’t being fired at Margaret whom they were chasing, but at the motorboat behind them.

Luke hadn’t heard the gunshots until just now partly because of the distance and partly because he had been blocked by the mountains around the bay.

Of the three parties in this chase, Margaret’s yacht was the biggest and slowest.

The speedboat behind Margaret was smaller and much faster.The motorboat in the rear, however, was hara.s.sing the speedboat like crazy so that it couldn’t chase Margaret’s yacht at full speed.

A three-way battle royal? Luke murmured to himself.

But looking at the yacht that was fleeing, he felt that it could only be considered a fight between two parties since the third party was running away in a panic.

It wasn’t Margaret who was steering the yacht, but another young woman.

If Luke was right, this had to be Margaret’s cousin.

Luke started the boat and slowly sped up.

If he didn’t, he would probably be left far behind later.

Speeding toward the three boats, Luke made a sharp turn when he got close so that the boat was facing the same direction.

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