Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 481 Lunatic “Hitman”

Chapter 481 Lunatic “Hitman”

As he changed directions, Luke gestured at Margaret to pa.s.s him. The sudden decrease in speed from making the turn swiftly cut down the distance between Luke’s boat and the other three boats.

A moment later, Margaret’s yacht brushed past him and fled.

Luke gradually sped up and blocked the speedboat behind.

One hand steering the boat, Luke drew out the Glock with his other.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! A series of gunshots rang out, and the speedboat’s winds.h.i.+eld was riddled with bullet holes.

At the same time, the helmsman and the person next to him collapsed.

The helmsman fell over the steering controls causing the speedboat to switch directions sharply.

Then, as if in a movie, one side of the boat tilted upward and the boat abruptly flipped over in the sea, rolling over numerous times until it broke into pieces.

The four people on the boat were thrown out like dolls and hit the surface of the sea heavily before they slowly sank. System: Kill the gang members and rescue the Cohen sisters. Completed. Total experience: 200. Total credit: 200.

Contribution rate: 90%. EXP +180. Credit +180.

Luke raised an eyebrow.

He was sure he hadn’t killed the wrong people. It just so happened that he had recently read the files of the two people on the speedboat: They were important members of Black Bones, a gang that was plotting to deal with him.

However, he had definitely never seen the guy on the motorboat behind before.

Putting his gun back into his holster, he narrowed his eyes and observed the stranger.

The motorboat sped around him in an irregular circle as the person onboard shouted, “Haha, buddy, where’re you from? Are you on a mission too?”

Luke surveyed the man’s clothes.

The man was wearing a cheesy green Hawaiian s.h.i.+rt that was out of fas.h.i.+on, a pair of shabby jeans shorts that revealed his hairy legs, and a pair of croc slippers.

That was right, he was wearing the kind of plastic sandals that took less than half an hour to spread the odor of smelly feet.

The man was also wearing and a big face mask. On the mask was a curvy, naked woman whose legs were wide open in the shape of an “M.”

At first glance, one would think that the two legs of the naked woman were his beard.

While Luke observed him, the stranger sailed a circle around Luke’s boat. He continued, “Wow, you brought a beautiful girl with you. She’s so hot. Pretty woman, do you want to ride my motorboat? It’s very fast.”

Selina asked, “Can I shoot him?”

Luke said, “No need, I guarantee I’ll drive him off right away.” The masked guy apparently had good hearing. He smiled when he heard that. “Unlikely. I’m fearless. I’m the most professional hitman. Do you need my services? I can get anything done for you as long as you pay me, but only for the right price and no less…”

Expressionlessly, Luke pulled out the chain which his badge hung from. “LAPD! Now, stop your boat and let us examine you, Mr. Most Professional Hitman.”

The motorboat abruptly turned, and the most professional hitman smiled again, though it was much more insipid this time. “Ah, I was kidding. In fact, I’m an actor. Do you know Ryan? The handsome one? That’s me. I was shooting a scene just now. Not good, our stuntmen fell into the water just now. I need to dock and call for help. Bye bye…”

Following the man’s ramblings, the motorboat lurched side to side as it fled.

Selina asked, “…Is he a lunatic?”

After a brief silence, Luke said, “Even if he is, he’s a very tough one. Next time you see him, avoid him.”

During the chase just now, this lunatic “professional hitman” had demonstrated quick reflexes and a huge amount of guts.

Not everybody would have dared to follow a boat at a distance of ten meters and going at thirty knots.

If he had made a mistake just now, he could have crashed the motorboat.

Also, from the moment he had been circling Luke’s boat until he finally scuttled away, the guy had been vigilant and avoided Luke’s right hand.

Clearly, he wasn’t as careless as he appeared.

He was very wary of Luke’s shooting skill.

Up ahead, Margaret’s boat began to slow down. It made another wide turn and sailed back toward them.

Luke said to Selina, “Let the police department know to collect the bodies.”

The four dead guys had drifted up to the surface again; their twisted limbs made them look like ragdolls that had been tossed about by kids.

If they were left here on display, it might cause tourists to panic; the department’s inspection team and forensic scientists thus had to clean up the mess.

As he spoke, Luke turned the wheel and gestured at Margaret not far away.

The two boats slowly approached each other and stopped.

Luke jumped nimbly onto Margaret’s boat. “Hi, what a nice day. Are you out to enjoy the sun too?”

Margaret said with a bitter smile, “Thank you, Detective Luke.”

Luke raised his hand. “You don’t have to be so polite, you’re Elsa’s friend. Just call me Luke. This is…”

He looked at the woman behind her.

That woman also had blond hair, which was tied up in a ponytail. She looked similar to Margaret and was quite attractive as well.

However, her beautiful face was partly blocked by her black-rimmed, which gave her a bookish air. She looked older than Margaret, and couldn’t be more than 25.

Margaret introduced her. “This is my cousin, Haley Cohen. She’s a doctor in psychology.” A doctor no more than 25? Either this cousin looked younger than she actually was, or she had an extraordinary IQ. Murmuring to himself inwardly, Luke nodded. “h.e.l.lo, Miss Cohen.”

The female doctor nodded and said, “Call me Haley.”

Luke went along with it. “Okay, Haley. Can you tell me what happened?”

But he wondered: Wasn’t Haley part of Margaret’s full name too?In the files he read before, Margaret’s maiden surname was Cohen, and she took the name Johnson after she married William.

Now that William had been dead for several months, Margaret had changed back to her maiden surname.

So, both women were called Haley Cohen?

Selina just stuck her head out to greet the two women from the other side and didn’t go over.

She was busy contacting the police department about cleaning up this mess and also had to keep an eye on Dollar. The questions had to be left to Luke.

On the yacht, it was mostly Cousin Haley who did the talking, and Margaret only chimed in once in a while.

The situation was more or less as Luke had thought.

The bunch who had come looking for trouble and who had been stalking Margaret were members of the Black Bones gang.

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