Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 788: Sneak Attack, Sneak Shot, and Confronting Blackheart

Chapter 788: Sneak Attack, Sneak Shot, and Confronting Blackheart

However, there was no notification from the system that he had killed or defeated Water Demon.

Perhaps it was because the ice had only trapped Water Demon, and hadn’t caused any substantial damage.

Observing the lump of ice, Luke noticed that there were already water stains on it.

It was clear that Water Demon was trying to break free from the ice.

Luke silently raised the other can of liquid nitrogen that he had prepared and aimed it at Water Demon.

Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi! The water stains on the ice lump immediately turned white again.

He then raised his fist and punched the ice lump.


With a series of cracks, the ice lump broke into several pieces.

With a thought, all the ice lumps except for Water Demon’s head disappeared.

Luke smiled.

It was impossible to place “living things” in his inventory, but the “parts” that were cut off were naturally dead matter.

The most troublesome thing about Water Demon was his ability to change his form and disappear into the ground at any moment.

Now that he had turned into a lump of ice, it was very easy to kill him.

Now, Luke could easily detect that the guy’s soul or consciousness existed in the humanoid head.

After a few more punches, the head was also smashed into pieces.

With a thought, he stored most of the debris away in his inventory, leaving behind a small round object.

This was the core of Water Demon’s soul, and could be considered a living organism. Naturally, his inventory wouldn’t accept it.

Holding the little ice ball in his hand, Luke activated Elementary Annihilation to wrap around it and crush it mercilessly.

Cracking sounds rang out as the little ice ball swiftly shrunk, scattering ice crystals until it was completely destroyed.

As the last of the ice crystals disappeared into the air, there was a barely discernible scream. It was Water Demon’s dying voice.

System: Kill h.e.l.l’s Water Demon. Completed.

Total experience: 3,000. Total credit: 3,000.

Contribution rate: 100%. EXP +3,000. Credit +3,000.

System: You have killed h.e.l.l’s Water Demon and have received a list of its abilities.

h.e.l.l’s Water Demon’s abilities: … (Demon-bestowed, unlearnable)

Waving his hand casually to shake off nonexistent dirt, Luke returned to the square.

In the small square, Blackheart had the upper hand in fighting Ghost Rider, and had just seized the contract.

He laughed delightedly. “Hahahaha, you garbage mongrel Rider, you still want to fight me?”

Luke looked at Ghost Rider, who couldn’t get up from where he was being stepped on by Blackheart. He silently took out his special M500 and stuck his gun out from behind the wall.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four large holes exploded in Blackheart’s chest and abdomen, and a large amount of blue smoke drifted out.

He staggered back and screamed in pain. He glared in Luke’s direction in shock and anger. “Who’s there?”


As soon as he said that, a huge hole appeared in his right hand, which held the contract.

Luke was surprised. This guy’s body was indeed resistant to attacks. Even an M500 couldn’t break his hand.

Blackheart roared, “You want to kill me? Not that easy.”

Luke smiled under his helmet. With a thought, special ammo was loaded into the M500.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

He fired five consecutive shots – one armor-penetrating bullet, two highly explosive bullets, and two incendiary bullets – and hit Blackheart in the head and upper body.

Every bullet was equipped with Elementary Penetration’s “armor-breaking” ability.

This time, Blackheart finally couldn’t make any noise.

Half of his head was gone, and his chest and stomach were riddled with holes as his injuries continued to burn.

Ghost Rider, who had gotten up from the ground, turned around and said to Luke in the corner, “It’s useless. Your gun can’t kill him.”

As he spoke, blue smoke suddenly poured out of Blackheart’s wounds to instantly cover a five-meter radius around him.

Luke didn’t say anything and fired again.

As a result, the blue smoke expanded to ten meters.

Luke frowned and mumbled to himself, This blue-skinned guy doesn’t completely have sh*t for brains; he knows how to use a smokescreen to dodge bullets?

Inside the blue fog, Blackheart, who was missing half a body, was furious, but he had a sinister smile on his face. He raised his remaining hand and opened the contract. “*% $# $^!”

Luke threw down a mini microphone behind the wall. He snuck over to the other side before asking through the microphone, “Can you translate it? I don’t understand what he’s saying.”

Half of Blackheart’s mouth was gone and his words were extremely garbled; even with Carter Slade’s knowledge of the demonic language, Luke couldn’t make out the words.

Ghost Rider turned his head and seemed astonished when he looked at the corner that the microphone was in. Finally, he replied, “He’s using the contract to order the evil spirits of San Venganza to fuse with him.”

Luke said, “Hm, so it’s something like ‘If I go, I’m taking you with me’?”

The flames on Ghost Rider’s head flickered. “…Almost.”

He remembered that voice.

It belonged to the person who beat up Blackheart and killed Wind Demon and Earth Demon in front of him not long ago.

Just now, Water Demon had gone out to catch Roxanne and hadn’t returned, but this voice had appeared. Roxanne was also watching from a corner further away.

Sure enough, Water Demon had been killed by this mysterious person.

He was clearly an ally.

The Ghost Rider that Johnny had transformed into wasn’t stupid, and he knew how difficult it was to deal with Blackheart. With a powerful teammate like Luke, it would be easier for him to defeat Blackheart and rescue Roxanne.

What was even stranger was that he couldn’t detect any evil on this mysterious person.

For Ghost Rider, everyone carried sin, but to varying degrees.

The more evil a person was, the more he couldn’t control his urge to attack them.

This mysterious person gave him the feeling that he was too clean, as clean as a piece of paper, as if he had never done anything wrong.

Ghost Rider couldn’t attack this mysterious person.

Johnny, however, knew that there was something strange about this person. He and Ghost Rider were just two people in the same body, and Ghost Rider’s instincts didn’t completely make him lose self-awareness.

Compared with never having committed sin, Johnny was more inclined to believe that the mysterious person had some sort of method to block Ghost Rider’s perception of guilt.

But now that they were facing a powerful enemy, he wouldn’t let Ghost Rider go after the mysterious man.

Hearing Ghost Rider’s reply, Luke hummed and narrowed his eyes at the blue smoke not far away.

Half of Blackheart’s body had been blown up just now and he couldn’t utter complete syllables, yet he was still chanting; a devil’s vocal chords were indeed very mystical.

Blackheart opening the contract was one of the things Luke had antic.i.p.ated.

He had just learned Carter Slade’s Basic Theology and Basic Demonology, and Carter Slade had also witnessed the birth of the San Venganza contract. He knew a lot of secret information about the contract.

Thus, Luke wasn’t in a hurry.

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