Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 789: Blackheart’s Upgrade

Chapter 789: Blackheart’s Upgrade

The bullets which Luke had shot at Blackheart just now were to test the effectiveness of the bullets with Elementary Penetration on the demon.

If he really did kill this guy in one go, he wouldn’t mind picking up this new “gift bag” and happily count the experience and credit points.

If the guy wasn’t killed, he would wait for an opportunity. After all, he had a young and strong Ghost Rider with him who was just waiting to hit Blackheart.

In the blue fog, Blackheart, who didn’t even have an intact mouth, finally finished chanting in a strange language. He threw away the contract in his hand and roared.

The entire town started to change.

Grayish-black smoke emerged from every corner of the ruins and quickly condensed into human figures.

The grayish-black smoke figures were slightly blurry, but it was clear that they were all wearing ragged clothes, and were as thin as mummies.

Some of them crawled over the ground and some flew in the air as they screamed mournfully.

These were the evil spirits of San Venganza.

As the first evil spirit lunged at Blackheart in the huge expanse of blue smoke, all the evil spirits followed suit as they turned into pillars of smoke that flocked toward him and entered his body.

Blackheart screamed.

Luke asked, “Is he going to get himself killed?”

This contract was created by Mephisto.

This old man was best at swindling people. He would feel no pressure swindling his own son.

The flames on Ghost Rider’s head flickered again. “No, he’ll just get stronger.”

Luke hummed and suddenly lowered his voice, as if he was mumbling to himself, “Will he have a lot of sinful souls inside him if he does that?”

Ghost Rider’s flames flickered again, his pitch dark eye sockets staring fixedly at the blue smoke that was surrounded by the evil spirits, and a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

It took less than a minute for Blackheart to fuse with the evil spirits.

The blue smoke suddenly retreated back into Blackheart’s body, and the half of his body that was missing recovered completely.

Standing in the square, he looked down at Ghost Rider with a lofty expression.

Luke? Sorry, he was on the other side, and the microphone was behind a broken wall.

Blackheart probably didn’t think it was cool to stare at a wall, so he could only cast his intimidating gaze at the skull who was conveniently in front of him.

Luke observed from the side.

At that moment, Blackheart’s appearance had clearly changed.

His eyes were no longer as dark as before. Instead, they had turned blood-red and crystalline. His mouth had reverted to its demon form, and his long and sharp teeth intersected.

His red eyes were like those of a fly, and his teeth were like toenails that hadn’t been cut in decades! How disgusting! Luke decisively gave this new version of Blackheart a five-star poor rating.

Blackheart slowly raised his hands and said in a deep voice, “My name is… Legion, for we are… many!”

These words seemed to contain countless voices which roared together and echoed throughout the town. Even the dark clouds in the night sky stirred.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A string of big holes appeared from Blackheart’s b.u.t.t up to the back of his head, and half of his teeth were knocked out of his disgusting mouth.

Of course, it was because Luke had snuck up behind him and sprayed the pretentious guy with five highly explosive bullets. A voice suddenly rang out from the microphone near Ghost Rider: “Attack!”

Ghost Rider didn’t say anything.

However, he immediately took out the Winchester shotgun from his back. Flames spread out from his body, and an exaggerated skeleton gun appeared.


With a loud bang, half of Blackheart’s body exploded into flaming fragments which scattered in all directions.

System: Kill San Venganza Evil Spirit 1. Mission completed.

Total experience: 50. Total credit: 50.

Contribution rate: 20%. EXP +10. Credit +10.

Luke narrowed his eyes as he read the system notification.

What Ghost Rider fired wasn’t a bullet, but raging fire.

The flames on the skull weren’t regular ones at all. They probably had a special lethal effect on demons, and were more useful than Luke’s Elementary Penetration and special bullets for dealing with Blackheart.

But in a few seconds, the flames on the scattered fragments were quickly extinguished, and grayish-black smoke rose into the air to quickly pull in evil spirits and converge on Blackheart’s body.

With the sound of mud being stirred, the evil spirits took human form again before they turned into Blackheart.

There weren’t any wounds on Blackheart, as if the bullets he had been hit with were nothing. He chuckled deeply. “Your world and your souls will be…”


Ghost Rider’s skeleton gun spat out another fireball and the pretentious guy exploded into pieces.

System: Killed San Venganza Evil Spirit 2. Mission Completed.

Total experience: 100. Total credit: 100.

Contribution rate: 20%. EXP +20. Credit +20.

Looking at the system notification again, Luke smiled. So that was how it was.

These two alerts happened to appear when Ghost Rider shot and blew up Blackheart.

Thinking about Blackheart’s words “we are many” after he absorbed the San Venganza contract as well as the 20% contribution rate in the system notification, Luke speculated that Blackheart wasn’t completely uninjured after each attack.

Luke had a 20% contribution rate when he killed the two San Venganza evil spirits. Clearly, he and Ghost Rider had worked together.

Luke shot Blackheart five times first, and two of the evil spirits in Blackheart’s body were wounded by the Elementary Penetration on the bullets.

Right after that, Ghost Rider followed up with two super strong attacks, finally killing the two evil spirits.

This meant that the evil spirits of the San Venganza contract might already be a part of Blackheart. Any damage he sustained would be consumed by the evil spirits with mysterious powers in his body.

After all, Blackheart had already said that they were “legion” and “many.”

If that was the case, then Blackheart now was indeed more difficult to deal with.

There were more than a thousand evil spirits in the contract, but Luke and Ghost Rider couldn’t keep shooting.

It took a lot of mental strength for Luke to add Elementary Penetration to bullets, and he could probably only do it thirty to a hundred times in a row.

Ghost Rider’s explosive, burning shots consumed even more energy. The flames on his body dimmed and shrunk significantly after the two shots.

With more than a thousand evil spirits combined, Blackheart could exhaust them to death here.

Laughing, Blackheart walked toward Ghost Rider. “Haha, struggle! Repent! But all of you will eventually become part of us.”

Ghost Rider was going to pull the trigger again, but Blackheart finally stopped just standing there foolishly. With a flash, he sent Ghost Rider flying with a punch.

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