Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 796: The Inventory’s New Function?

Chapter 796: The Inventory’s New Function?

Although the middle-aged man hadn’t received a feedback signal from the timer, he couldn’t rule out the possibility that the bomb had been activated, and that there might be a problem with the feedback.

They didn’t want to stay within ten meters of the bomb and bet on the chance that it wouldn’t explode.

That was a lethal weapon of thirty kilograms of plastic explosives. If they were within ten meters when it exploded, it would be useless no matter how skilled they were.

Several hundred meters away, the young man glanced in the rearview mirror, but couldn’t see the van anymore.

He asked, “What do we do now?”

Looking at the darkening sky, the middle-aged man pondered for a moment before he shook his head. “I was hoping to lure Batman out and uncover his real ident.i.ty, but it seems the chance of that happening is low.”

The young man frowned. “We should be able to lure him out without needing to make a fuss, right?”

The middle-aged man sighed. “Batman only appears at night, and the next earthquake charity show will be held during the day on the weekend in a few days.”

The young man: “There are still a lot of shows for this earthquake charity concert, right?”

The middle-aged man said, “But only two of them are in Los Angeles.”

The young man asked, “If Sheerah is in danger, will Batman still choose to hide?”

The middle-aged man smiled, still looking lazy and unconcerned. “Don’t think too much of the gossip. In comparison, I think that Batman and Iron Man have a deeper relations.h.i.+p. Don’t we also want to find out more about Iron Man from Batman? I’m very interested in Iron Man’s flight armor. We can use it.”

The young man nodded silently.

Looking at his expression, the middle-aged man added, “Also, Batman’s base should be in Los Angeles. Even if he attacked the Elsworth stronghold in Sacramento, everything started in Los Angeles. Even if something happens at the earthquake charity concert elsewhere, he might not make it in time. We’re trying our best to lure him out, not ruin the concert. Be clear about the main goal; don’t get our target wrong!”

The young man thought for a moment, then nodded. “Got it. Are we still going ahead with this plan?”

The middle-aged man shook his head. “Forget it. I’m just taking you out to see what it’s like. n.o.body can succeed in everything they do. We’ll talk about it when we have the time later. Besides, the FBI and Homeland Security will definitely investigate this matter for a long while. There’s no need for us to take the risk.”

The young man nodded silently and stepped harder on the gas pedal as they sped away.

In the Ford van, Luke looked at the Chevrolet SUV thoughtfully.

After the car disappeared, Luke drove the Ford in the opposite direction.

After driving for two kilometers, he stopped and pondered the explosive device in his inventory.

He had knocked out the three men in the Ford van in the parking lot earlier, and stored the bomb in his inventory.

He wasn’t an idiot. Naturally, he wouldn’t leave anything that might explode lying around in the van.

Checking the structure of the bomb with his mental powers, he sighed regretfully. If he could dismantle it in his inventory, or even just dismantle the detonator, it would be much easier.

If there was no evidence for kicking up such a fuss, it would be hard for him to explain himself to the police department.

Of course, he could also get some other plastic explosives to replace it. It wasn’t like he hadn’t done that before.

But there were more than ten thousand people in the venue; this absolutely wasn’t a small-scale attack. It would be best if the professional anti-terrorism departments got involved.

The bomb itself was an important lead, and switching it out wouldn’t help with the departments’ investigation.

It would be even more troublesome if the statements of the three criminals he knocked out didn’t match the explosives.

Thinking that, he checked the explosives in his inventory with his mental powers.

He couldn’t help but think to himself, If I can take out this component of the detonator, this thing won’t actually explode… Huh!

Luke was suddenly stunned.

In his hand lay a small object, which was the key detonator component that he had wanted to take out.

Looking at the bomb in his inventory, he realized that this part was indeed missing.

Holy sh*t! he exclaimed excitedly.

All this time, the inventory only had the simplest storage function, and there had been no way to take out part of an entire object stored in it.

It was only something like a teacup and its lid that he could take out separately with difficulty.

Excited, Luke resisted the urge to dismantle the bomb, and focused his attention on a pistol in his inventory.

With a thought, the parts of the pistol appeared in his hand one after another before he put them back in his inventory.

Looking at the rea.s.sembled pistol in his inventory, he finally couldn’t help but shout, “Surprise!”

The inventory actually had a new function! And it was such a practical function. This was truly unexpected.

He suddenly remembered the system alert about modifying the inventory function when he had broken up Blackheart’s body.

Could this be the modification the system had referred to?

After feeling excited for a moment, Luke tried his best to calm down, then turned to his plan for disa.s.sembling the bomb.

A moment later, the component in his hand was back in the detonator in his inventory, but the critical connection point between the detonator and the bomb was already broken.

This way, it looked like a mistake made by the person who had put the bomb together.

Tossing the three unconscious criminals onto the ground, Luke drove the van a few hundred meters into the wasteland, and the huge pile of explosives reappeared in the van.

He then got out of the car and returned to the three criminals. He called Selina and said, “Tell them to come over and pick up the suspects. Tell the bomb squad to head two kilometers west of the venue. I drove the van with the explosives into the wasteland.”

A few minutes later, Selina arrived with four police cars.

Luke gave them the three criminals, pointed out the van’s location, and returned to the venue in his own car.

When the three criminals had been talking to each other, they mentioned that they had accomplices who would coordinate with them in the attack. Luke couldn’t stay here any longer.

Naturally, he couldn’t watch the concert anymore. He smiled at Gold Nugget in the backseat and said, “Now, all of us can only watch the broadcast. Are you happy?”

Gold Nugget didn’t say anything. Naturally, it wasn’t very happy.

It wanted to watch the legendary concert live at the scene.

But Luke and Selina couldn’t, so what could it do? It was full of despair.

At that moment, the concert was about to begin, and cheers and applause rang out from time to time.

Looking at the surveillance feed, Luke asked, “Did you find anything on the two FBI agents?”

Selina shook her head. “Their IDs are fine, but there wasn’t any other relevant information.”

Luke glanced at their IDs on her tablet.

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