Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 797: A 1-Star Enemy Suddenly Appears

Chapter 797: A 1-Star Enemy Suddenly Appears

The middle-aged man was John Garrett, and the young man was Grant Ward.

Division: FBI’s 17th Division.

Luke fell silent.

He hadn’t had any direct contact with them. Although their behavior was suspicious, it wasn’t overly so.

These two were actually from s.h.i.+ELD, and s.h.i.+ELD had always been a little mysterious.

Thinking for a moment, Luke called Wales.

After saying a few words, he hung up.

Selina asked without raising her head, “Nothing?”

Luke said, “They have a very strict confidentiality system. Wales said that he can’t reveal any relevant information, but…”

Selina chuckled. “…Hehe. Actually, he already said it, right?”

She had heard what Wales said earlier, and he indeed hadn’t revealed any specific information about the two men.

Luke also smiled. “What did he say?”

“These two are probably his colleagues, or he would’ve asked you about their whereabouts,” Selina said. “Like how if someone shows up at a sensitive crime scene with Elsa’s ID, I would definitely take action if the ID and person don’t match. Captain Wales did that on purpose, right?”

Luke shrugged. “He really didn’t leak any specific information. We guessed it ourselves. It’s convenient for everyone.”

Selina sighed. “Why do all of you always play these kinds of tricks? I’ve learned bad things from you.”

Luke said, “It’s all about favors outside the rules. Wales is doing me a small favor that I’ll have to return in the future.”

Selina rubbed her forehead. “You sound like an old man.”

Luke smiled and didn’t take offense. It was fine if he was older in spirit, as long as he was young in body.

As they spoke, he looked at the names in the system panel and sneered.

John Garrett, right? Grant Ward, right? s.h.i.+ELD agents?

These two names weren’t in the neutral panel, but in the enemies panel.

That was why he had immediately called Wales.

If they really were from s.h.i.+ELD, why were they on the system’s enemies list after this first run-in?

They couldn’t have turned hostile just because Luke had asked the police to check their IDs.

In fact, based on Luke’s observation of the enemies list, it wasn’t easy to pa.s.s the system’s hostile evaluation.

Generally speaking, the system would determine people who found Luke unpleasant or hated him as neutral.

For example, many of the people on the 1-star enemies list were either unlucky people who had been crippled by Batman, or loved ones of those who had been killed by Luke.

These people were truly hostile toward Luke.

John Garrett and Grant Ward had never interacted with Luke before this.

They had suddenly gained 1-star status on the enemies list, and the reason for this was worth pondering.

Silently blacklisting the two s.h.i.+ELD agents, Luke drove around the concert venue.

Compared with the other officers, he had Sharp Nose, which made it easier for him to take stock of things.

The chances that there were problems with people in the audience were pretty low. There had been a lot of talk in Los Angeles recently, and all audience members had to pa.s.s security checks before they could enter; they couldn’t bring in any suspicious items.

Luke had checked the security on stage when he had been inside earlier, and there was no smell of explosives.

Where were the accomplices of the three criminals? He couldn’t help but think of the two s.h.i.+ELD agents just now.

Most of the police force had arrived, including the bomb squad, and they were investigating the area around the venue.

Looking at the show which had just started, Luke sighed. “Claire, your brother did his best this time. I didn’t let your first performance go to waste.”

On stage, more than twenty singers, including Claire, stood in three rows as they sang the theme song for the charity performance, “We Are the World.”

The entire venue fell silent for a moment, before everyone started to sing the chorus in unison. This momentous song rang in the air above the wasteland. “We are the world, we are the children…”

If it wasn’t for this performance, Luke wouldn’t have needed to drive the van a few kilometers away from the venue.

In the end, this was doing a good deed. Claire was involved, and Sheerah had come up with the idea for the show.

He couldn’t just sit back and watch this first charity show blow up and let their efforts go to waste.

After patrolling for half an hour and checking the surrounding area, he was summoned to a nearby command vehicle.

Two investigators from Homeland Security were waiting for him.

Unlike previous small-scale incidents, the bomb found in the van this time was quite professional and huge.

Even if it exploded in the parking lot, it would cause panic and ma.s.sive casualties.

If there was a stampede at such a large event, dozens of people would die and hundreds of people would be injured, which would be no less than direct casualties.

Because of several previous mishaps, the Department of Homeland Security gathered a lot of manpower in Los Angeles and naturally rushed over.

Luke had been able to slack off before and avoid a lot of questions thanks to his connections in the police department, but this time, he couldn’t.

He also needed Homeland Security to track down the mastermind behind the attack.

He absolutely wouldn’t let go of this person who didn’t have a bottom line.

For more than an hour, Luke repeated what happened over ten times to the investigators before they finally let him go.

Luke simply attributed his initial discovery of the three criminals to the surveillance cameras in his car.

The two investigators went to check his car, and were a little depressed when they returned.

Their car had only been modified with the most basic bulletproofing, engine power, and suspension; it was nowhere as advanced as Luke’s car.

As for why Luke was so rich and could modify his car like that, they didn’t say anything after seeing his a.s.sets.

His shares in the phone company were hidden several layers deep, and they didn’t have that data yet. However, the direct fund transfers from Stark Industries and Weyland Corporation were astronomical figures for ordinary people; it was enough to even buy a private jet.

Also, when the two investigators checked Luke’s work records, they were able to look through LAPD’s cla.s.sified files, except for some cases that were highly confidential.

It could only be said that this wasn’t the first time that Luke had confronted terrorists.

From the plane flight to the company building, he had killed more terrorists than the two agents from Homeland Security had investigated; this was in keeping with what Luke called “intuition.”

After killing so many terrorists, it was normal to be especially sensitive to them.

Of course, Luke also mentioned that the three unconscious criminals had also mentioned that they had accomplices to help launch the attack, which warranted closer investigation.

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