Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 867: Meeting Her Out of Eight Million People

Chapter 867: Meeting Her Out of Eight Million People

The next morning, Luke and Selina went to HQ early in the morning and gave Dustin the results of their investigation into the explosions yesterday.

Although they could give it to Walter directly, it had been Dustin who gave the case to Luke.

As Dustin’s loyal subordinate, Luke certainly had to give the information to his boss first before he gave them to Walter.

There was nothing wrong with this operation.

Luke had contacted Walter yesterday. Walter and Ricky wouldn’t be going to Clinton today, so Luke didn’t have to be a bodyguard.

After explaining to Dustin what they had found yesterday, Luke and Selina went straight to Metro General.

It was around 8:40pm, and the streets of New York were congested.

Luke decisively turned on the police lights and swung into the bus lane.

This was a necessary skill for New York police. He had to familiarize himself with it as soon as possible.

The two of them were lucky today, and didn’t run into anyone trying to save time by using the bus lane.

Their luck lasted until a block away from the hospital. Finally, there was a jam, and even the bus lane wasn’t moving.

Looking at the two women confronting each other, Luke pulled out his badge and said, “Take out the notebook from the glove compartment. We have to deal with this obstruction.”

Taking the notebook, Selina got out of the car as well. “What’s this for?”

Luke said, “We haven’t issued a ticket yet. Cover your hand and pretend you’re writing the ticket.”

Selina took out a pen from her bag and held it in her hand.

She adjusted her expression and followed behind Luke with the cold expression that officers usually wore when giving out tickets.

“Our main target is the middle-aged woman. She’s the culprit and the troublemaker,” said Luke in a low voice. Soon, they reached the two female drivers.

Luke coughed, attracting the attention of the two women. He raised his badge and said with a smile, “It seems that the two of you are having a dispute. As a police officer, how about I save some precious time and directly handle it?”

With a wooden expression, Selina stood in front of the middle-aged female driver with her hand already raised above her notebook, as if she was about to start writing.

The woman’s face changed, and she shouted, “Wait, wait, officer. We’re dealing with it. It’ll be done soon.”

Luke nodded, then looked at the other driver, who was a beautiful blonde. “What do you think?”

The blonde woman said casually, “This lady just asked me to compensate her.”

Luke and Selina looked at the two cars and then turned to stare at the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman flushed and murmured, “I’m sorry. I didn’t understand the situation. It was my fault. We’ll go through the standard insurance procedure.”

She had noticed the police lights behind her, and had been in a hurry to squeeze into the normal lane from the bus lane, only to collide with the blonde woman’s car.

Without a doubt, she was the one who had broken the rule in the beginning.

However, when the middle-aged woman saw the blond woman and the red Lamborghini, she was inexplicably angry.

It reminded her of a certain young woman who made eyes at her husband and often drove a red sports car, and she couldn’t help scolding the blonde woman.

In fact, the blonde woman hadn’t even wanted to bother with her. When Luke and Selina arrived, she had already been prepared to call the police.

Hearing the middle-aged woman admit defeat, the blonde woman didn’t waste any time. She took a picture of the two cars with her t.i.tanium phone as evidence of the accident.

She put down her phone and saw that Selina was taking pictures with her own phone.

She could tell at a glance that it was a t.i.tanium phone, but that amber red casing was gorgeous.

Frowning, she glanced at the recently released silver special edition t.i.tanium phone in her hand before she stuffed it into her pocket.

In less than a minute, the accident was dealt with.

Luke simply smiled at the female drivers and returned to his car with Selina.

After the middle-aged woman moved the car into the normal lane, Luke’s police car drove over.

The blonde in the Lamborghini looked at him.

As they traded looks, Luke smiled and mouthed, “You’re welcome.”

Stumped for a moment, the blonde’s lips curved up as she murmured, “Not bad; I thought you had a bad memory.”

In the car, Selina said, “What a coincidence, running into her here.”

Luke shrugged. “It seems she’s a New Yorker.”

“To run into her out of eight million people in New York really isn’t easy.” Selina clicked her tongue in wonder.

Luke said, “That’s because she’s pretty. If she were a regular pa.s.serby, you might not notice her even after a while. What everybody in this world cares about is looks.”

Selina was lost for words.

This was rush hour, with people everywhere.

If a person didn’t have any distinguis.h.i.+ng characteristics, how would she be able to pick out a face in the crowd?

As they chatted, they finally drove into the hospital’s bas.e.m.e.nt parking.

Parking the car, they then went upstairs to Room 404. Opening the door a little, Luke looked inside, then knocked twice lightly.

A woman turned around and saw his face through the gap.

She immediately stood up and went outside.

Luke extended his hand. “h.e.l.lo, Miss Palmer.”

The woman shook his hand. “h.e.l.lo, Detective Coulson. I only know you two detectives, so I could only trouble you to come here.”

Christine Palmer was the emergency department nurse whom Luke and Selina had talked to yesterday.

At that moment, she wasn’t wearing the green scrubs, but a pair of jeans and a jacket, and looked like a girl next door.

At first glance, she wasn’t stunning, but upon closer inspection, she gave off a friendly feeling. Her lips were naturally curved, and when she smiled, two huge dimples appeared in her cheeks, making her even more likable.

Luke pointed at the ward and asked in a low voice, “Anything new about her?”

Christine nodded, then shook her head. “I tried to ask, but she rarely speaks. There was only one time when she said, ‘He told me to do it.’”

Luke asked, “Who? Told her to do what?”

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