Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 868: Professional Code of Doctors and Detectives

Chapter 868: Professional Code of Doctors and Detectives

Christine shook her head again. “I don’t know, but that was when I mentioned that her parents were very upset about her running away.”

Pondering for a moment, Luke asked, “That’s it?”

Christine nodded helplessly. “That’s it.”

Seeing that he didn’t say anything and seemed to be thinking, she couldn’t help but add, “She’s in a very poor mental state. That’s a big problem.”

Luke raised his head. “Hm?”

Christine said, “I’ve never studied psychology, but I’ve found a professional psychiatrist to help examine her. You might find that more useful.”

Luke wasn’t bothered.

That was the nature of the police: If it wasn’t necessary, the extent to which they investigated something depended on their mood.

He looked at his watch and said, “You’re meeting the doctor at ten, right?”

Christine knew what he meant and explained, “She’s already on her way, but she was delayed by a traffic accident near the hospital.”

Luke nodded. “That’s great. When the doctor asks Molly later…”

“You guys… are also here?” A surprised female voice suddenly rang out.

Luke and the other two saw a blonde woman walking over.

She stretched out her hand. “Long time no see, Detective Luke Coulson. I didn’t think you would actually transfer to New York.”

“Haley Cohen, nice to see you again.” Luke smiled and shook her hand.

“Just call me Haley.” The blonde woman shook hands with Selina as well and used Selina’s full name, amply demonstrating her excellent memory.

Haley Cohen’s sister was Margaret Cohen, a former art student at USC, who was once Margaret Johnson.

Margaret’s husband, who died a few months ago, was the boss of an L.A. real estate group, William Johnson. Rebecca had shot him in the head for his involvement in her sister’s murder.

Later, Margaret was targeted by the L.A. gangs because of William’s underground dealings.

When they met at sea, Luke and Selina had saved Margaret and Haley.

Both Luke and Selina still remembered Haley Cohen, who was supposedly a New York psychiatrist and doctor.

After the three of them exchanged greetings, Christine asked in surprise, “You know each other?”

Luke and Selina simply nodded and didn’t say anything.

Haley, however, explained, “Luke and Selina helped me a lot in Los Angeles, but I was too busy dealing with my sister’s matter to thank them.”

Christine nodded and said to Luke and Selina, “That’s great. Haley’s the psychiatrist I invited.”

She then turned and looked at Haley. “It was Luke and Selina who found the girl, so I asked them to come over, in case they could help her.”

Haley nodded. “Is the girl inside?”

Christine nodded.

Haley said, “Then come with me. Luke, Selina, can you wait here?”

Christine hurriedly said, “Haley, this…”

Luke, however, raised his hand and said, “It’s fine. This is a psychiatrist’s code of practice. It just so happens Selina and I want to get something to drink. Our voices are a little hoa.r.s.e yelling at the female driver who broke the law earlier.”

Christine didn’t understand what he meant, but Haley raised an eyebrow.

She looked him up and down, as if she had found something fun.

However, Luke simply smiled at her and went to look for a vending machine with Selina.

After the two of them disappeared around a corner, Christine immediately said, “Haley, what are you doing? n.o.body from the SVU wants to bother with this. When I asked Luke and Selina to come, I was afraid they wouldn’t care very much. You…”

Haley grinned, revealing white, even teeth. “Don’t worry. I know better than you how professional these two detectives are.”

Christine was stumped for a moment, before she was suddenly enlightened. “You know them from L.A. Aren’t they NYPD? Right, you said they transferred here.”

Haley said, “Alright, these two detectives aren’t that petty. Let’s figure out the girl’s situation as soon as possible and not waste everybody’s time. The New York detectives are busier than I am.”

Christine agreed.

Two of them were detectives, one was a psychiatrist, and one was an emergency nurse. None of them had time to spare. It would be a crime to waste four people’s time.

Luke and Selina went straight to a vending machine and bought a bottle of juice each. They didn’t plan to waste any time at all.

Selina said in a low voice, “This Dr. Haley isn’t simple. Elsa mentioned her sister, Margaret, before in conversation. That super-rich woman has disappeared from Los Angeles. n.o.body knows where she went. Thinking about it, it can only be that sister of hers who arranged everything.”

Luke said casually, “When they were being hunted by armed criminals back then, Haley even steered a yacht while they were running for their lives! She’s quite bold and careful.”

Selina agreed.

Most men would react abnormally when they ran into gangsters with guns, let alone take a yacht while running for their lives, but from beginning to end, Haley had been unusually calm.

This psychiatrist truly wasn’t any ordinary person.

“What about the girl, Molly?” Selina changed the subject.

Luke said, “There’s indeed something wrong with her mental condition. We might have to follow up on it. Now, we’re just waiting for a professional answer.”

A little over an hour later, Christine and Haley came out of the ward.

Looking at the good-looking man and woman whispering to each other with lollipops in their mouths, the two women couldn’t help but look at each other, finding the scene rather ludicrous.

Luke didn’t want to waste time on pleasantries. He had been listening outside the door the whole time, and hadn’t missed a word.

However, he still wanted to hear Haley’s opinion. He asked, “How is it? Any clues?”

Haley nodded and shook her head. “There’s indeed something wrong with Molly, and it should be related to some ‘he.’ However…”

She hesitated.

Luke said, “Haley, you have doctor/patient confidentiality, but this is also our case. We won’t be able to find a suspect if we don’t know anything, right?”

Haley was silent for a moment before she said, “What I’m going to say is just my speculation and may not turn out to be true. You need to investigate it, okay?”

Luke said, “Okay.”

“Molly has indeed been with a man recently, and it’s possible that this man had Molly under hypnosis for a long period of time,” said Haley solemnly.

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