Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1050: Robbery? Problematic Reyes

Chapter 1050: Robbery? Problematic Reyes

That being said, Jessica couldn’t help but pick up another spicy chip and shove it into her mouth. She chewed on it and mumbled, “It tastes alright! But why is it so spicy?”

She was so hungry that she quickly finished the bag. After was.h.i.+ng her hands and coming out, she decided to go out for a proper lunch and get some sun.

The weather in New York was good today, which was rare.

Light gold sunlight shone through the window, warming the cold air.

A moment later, Jessica put on her coat, the lollipop in her mouth. She fumbled with the change on her as she walked toward the gleaming door.

Suddenly, she froze — there was a piece of paper stuck on the door.

On the large piece of paper, there was only one simple statement: “As per our agreement, one of the freezers in the morgue at the forensics center was damaged last night. The estimated maintenance cost is $5,000.”

Looking at the glaring $5,000, Jessica gulped and took her hand out of her pocket. There were only a few notes in her hand: two ten-dollar bills and three one-dollar bills.

“You must be joking! How can it be so expensive! This is daylight robbery!” A frustrated shout rang out at the door.

An angry roar suddenly rang out from upstairs. “Going crazy so early in the morning — if you’re afraid of being poor, why don’t you go out and rob someone?”

“B*tch, I’ll rob you first!” Jessica roared above her head.

Upstairs: “Come then. If you don’t come, you’re the son of a b*tch.”

But Jessica was no longer in the mood to argue with the lunatic upstairs. She stared blankly at the piece of paper for a moment, then tore it off, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it to the side. “No, no, I didn’t see anything.”

She was so poor that she could only eat dirt. How could she have so much money?

A hallucination. Everything last night was a hallucination!

She consoled herself and left the house.

On the other side, Luke and Selina left after breakfast to visit some of the officers who had been involved in the three-way battle in the park, but none of them seemed willing to talk about it.

The two of them didn’t pay it any mind, but they were already monitoring these people’s phone records after interviewing them.

When they returned home in the afternoon, Selina pursed her lips and said, “It looks like it’s clear: three of them contacted their old boss, the current D.A., Miss Reyes.”

Luke smacked his lips and said, “We might run into a minor conflict with the D.A..”

Selina said, “She won’t be that bold to come after us, right? We’re investigating the attack on the Irish gang; it’s not her case alone.”

Even as she said that, Dustin called.

When Luke picked up the call, Dustin got straight to the point. “Luke, what case are you working on that you would actually provoke District Attorney Reyes?”

Luke chuckled. “Did she look for you?”

Dustin said, “She called me and told me to keep my men under control and not interfere with her arrangements.”

Luke was amused. “Oh, she thinks she’s the boss of NYPD?”

Dustin also smiled, apparently not taking Miss Reyes seriously. “Well, she used to be Bureau Chief, and has a lot of connections in HQ. Cut the c.r.a.p and tell me what’s going on.”

Luke said, “It’s about the Irish gang. We suspect that it has something to do with a sting operation she was in charge of over a year ago. Something must have gone wrong during the operation. Three civilians died and one was injured.”

Dustin pondered for a moment and said, “No wonder. She’s preparing to run for the city council.”

Luke was enlightened. “Is she afraid that we’ll dig up her dark history?”

Dustin said, “That’s very likely. What do you think?”

Luke thought for a moment and chuckled. “It’s fine. We don’t have to investigate this case. Aren’t you going to run for the city council too?”

Dustin laughed. “F*ck off. Why would a poor man like me choose to become a council member? Reyes is just shy of getting it, which is why she’s so nervous right now.”

Luke said, “Everyone has dreams. Who knows when they’ll come true? I have faith in you, boss.”

Dustin couldn’t help but laugh, too. He cursed and hung up.

Selina glanced at Luke and said, “You’re definitely not thinking of anything good.”

Luke said indifferently, “It’s the D.A., after all. We shouldn’t provoke such a big shot, or we’ll be in trouble.”

Selina was still staring at Luke.

Luke said helplessly, “Fine, we’ll work in secret.”

Selina finally looked away. “I knew it…”

Luke shrugged. “We just got here, and the boss is helping us take on the D.A.. That’s too considerate of him. Just treat it as a private a.s.signment.”

Hearing this, Selina’s interest was piqued. “Then, should we go to her house tonight?”

Luke thought for a moment. “It’s not like we can’t.”

Whatever other people said, it was better to hear it from the horse’s mouth.

However, they couldn’t make any mistakes in this operation, and had to be careful. It would be best if Reyes herself didn’t know.

With that thought in mind, the two returned home.

Night fell. After dinner, Luke looked at the information which Little Snail had gathered today, and called Foggy about Reyes. “How’s the Grote case coming along?”

Foggy lowered his voice. “It doesn’t look good.”

Luke asked, “Hm? What happened?”

Foggy hesitated, then said, “Reyes wants to use Grote as bait to lure out a man named Edgar Bra.s.s, an important leader of the Mexican cartel.”

Luke frowned. “You agreed?”

Foggy grimaced. “We had to. Grote’s not a good person himself; if he’s jailed now, it’ll be for twenty years.”

Luke wasn’t surprised. Grote was a sc.u.mbag. “Don’t get mixed up in it. Just stay away.”

Foggy was silent for a moment. “I’m with Reyes right now. The arrest operation she planned has already started.”

Luke was stunned. “So soon?”

Foggy said, “She’s in a hurry.”

Luke nodded thoughtfully. “Alright. Reyes is in charge, right? Be safe and don’t wander off.”

Foggy: “Got it, thanks.”

Luke hung up and asked, “Little Snail, did you trace the location?”

Little Snail: “Close to the docks 2.3 kms north.”

Luke said, “If Selina asks, tell her I had something on, and went out.”

“Very well, sir,” Little Snail replied.

Two minutes later, Luke left through the underground exit.

He glided over the roofs and quickly approached the docks.

The drone had already taken off and locked onto the location of the police personnel.

These people all had walkie-talkies, so it wasn’t too difficult to find them.

Luke frowned when he saw who they were.

It was ESU (Special Operations Division), which was the same as SWAT in Los Angeles.

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