Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1260: Super-d.i.c.k

Chapter 1260: Super-d.i.c.k

Luke easily drew his left hand back and swung his palm downward.


This slap from the sky landed on Francis’s head and sent him flying.

Before he hit the ground, Luke caught up with him and grabbed his ankle. Blue and white electricity sparked in Luke’s left hand again.

Zi Zi Zi!

Francis, who was dizzy, also convulsed, and his vision turned black.

Lifting both people, Luke sighed gloomily again. “Being too lenient only leads to more violence. Haven’t you heard the saying? An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”

Angela, who was twitching in his hands, despaired. d.a.m.n it! Why weren’t the super controllers working?

Francis had been ambushed and almost killed by Wade before, but he had dared to take the initiative to lure Wade here today not because of their combined strength, much less the dozens of armed men here.

The real trump card was the super controllers provided by the boss behind the scenes.

They didn’t know exactly how the controller worked, but it had a strong suppression effect on both superhumans and non-superhumans.

The secret signal which Francis had given her just now was for her to stall the other party so that the super controllers could lock onto him fully.

Because the machines weren’t very flexible, they couldn’t keep up with moving targets.

Francis and Angela, on the other hand, were wearing special devices that could prevent them from being injured by the controllers.

With these, Angela didn’t think it would be a problem to take down this V.

Even though Luke had demonstrated extraordinary strength and reflexes in their battle, she hadn’t panicked, precisely because she had this weapon that was especially effective against superhumans.

Francis activated the super controller and then rushed over, but when Luke could still speak, they knew that something was wrong.

Superhumans attacked by the super controller might still be able to talk, but they wouldn’t be this relaxed.

What Luke did next proved that he indeed wasn’t affected by the super controller. Instead, he seized the opportunity to capture them in one go.

The ups and downs of life were too heartbreaking!

What Angel didn’t know was that Luke had used less than half of his strength the entire time, which was even more heartbreaking.

Whether they relied on their strength or technology, they were powerless in front of Luke.

This super controller at the end was interesting, but only a little.

Luke disappeared into the darkness with the two people.

A moment later, he was standing in front of a super controller. Francis and Angela were gone; he had knocked them out and thrown them into s.p.a.ce 2.

Looking at the super controller in front of him, Luke frowned.

This controller had a portable base and the direction it was pointing in could be adjusted freely. It looked a little like a home satellite dish.

There were four such controllers, and they were aimed at the same location from four angles, which was the open s.p.a.ce where Luke had just fought Francis and Angel.

However, the controller in front of him was currently emitting smoke. It was completely black and smelled like burned electronic equipment.

Luke dismantled it and threw it into his inventory before he went to the other three controllers.

A few minutes later, he frowned and returned to the clearing.

All four super controllers had self-destructed.

As someone who always put safety first, Luke immediately thought of this possibility when he saw the charred remains of the controllers.

Putting the first controller into his inventory and scanning it with his mind, he was even more certain.

The super controllers which had all been working fine just now had all self-destructed at the same time.

Not only that, several electronic devices on Francis and his partner had also self-destructed, including a chip in their bodies.

Recalling how Francis and his partner acted, they were clearly more like lackeys than the boss behind the scenes.

Luke knew that he had run into a crafty and vigilant opponent.

The moment Francis and his partner failed, this person cut off all potentially important leads and destroyed the equipment to ensure his own safety.

Could it be that this person had been using surveillance nearby to monitor the outcome of the fight earlier? As Luke pondered, he approached the abandoned fridge that was riddled with holes.

Wade was still lying on the ground behind the fridge, his head in Vanessa’s lap.

“I should’ve come to you, but the person under the mask isn’t the man you remember…” Wade’s voice was serious.

“Did you make this mask yourself?” Vanessa interrupted him.

Wade was speechless.

Vanessa stretched out her hand, and Wade subconsciously ducked.

But under her gaze, he stopped.

Vanessa slowly and firmly reached behind the mask, undid the nylon buckle, and pulled it off.

Then, she looked at Wade’s face helplessly.

Wade said awkwardly, “There’s another one in case the mask falls off.”

He was wearing Tony Stark’s handsome face.

It was clearly a poster image of the tyc.o.o.n. Wade had cut out the tyc.o.o.n’s head and stuck it to his face.

Vanessa smiled and took it off.

Wade exclaimed, “It’s stuck… It’s like car spray or a band-aid. Ow! Wait, are you sure you want to take it off?”

After a brief silence, Vanessa nodded. “I’m sure.” She firmly took off Tony Stark’s face.

The real face of the avocado was revealed. She couldn’t help but exclaim in surprise, but she didn’t push Wade’s face away.

Wade was a little sad. In the past, when she saw his handsome face, she would definitely immediately kiss him. Sure enough, he couldn’t go back to the past. His days of relying on his face to make a living were gone.

Vanessa, on the other hand, reached out to hold his chin, as if she was thinking about something. “After a brief adjustment period and some alcohol… It’d be a face I’ll be happy to sit on.”

As she spoke, she naturally stroked his face and raised her pinky.

Relieved, Wade hooked pinkies with her. “No problem. Also, there’s a one-of-a-kind object under this outfit — a super-d.i.c.k!”

Vanessa finally burst out laughing.

On the side, Luke’s eyes had been opened.

He knew that there were a lot of weird couples in the world, but this pair… took the cake, right?

They didn’t seem to match. Vanessa was better-off than most people in the world.

However, it seemed nothing was wrong.

Without this big heart and weird taste, how could she be entangled with Wade to this extent?

He coughed and said, “Why don’t you talk about your romance elsewhere?”

Wade turned his head in disdain. “You’re still here? Can’t you go off and do your thing?”

As he spoke, he waved his hand like he was swatting a fly. “You’re the big boss. You still need to maintain world peace. If you really can’t, you can go home and sweep the lawn. Maybe you have a lot of dog sh*t on it…”

Luke raised an eyebrow.

What a cheap person. He was shameless when he was asking for help, but even more so when he was fine.

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